Racist everyone of them


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
Kannapolis, N.C.
Can you believe what these racist are saying?
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jl41JUXi9lU]Has President Obama Earned Your Vote? - YouTube[/ame]
They are? I think that word does not mean what you think it means.

I'm going on the definitions liberals have used since 2008. Anything non supportive of obama is racist.


Here comes the excuses for no link in 3, 2, 1.....

Why do you need to ask for a link when it's something obama supporters have done since 2008?

take your pick

They are? I think that word does not mean what you think it means.

Wait, I thought any critisism of the president was racist.

Something else you idiots invented. Watch, I'll prove it.

Link to anywhere that states that all criticisms of the president are racist. Someone besides you idiots who are the kings of strawmen creation.

You can't stand to be shown how idiotic obama supporters have been since 2008 can you?
Wait, I thought any critisism of the president was racist.

Something else you idiots invented. Watch, I'll prove it.

Link to anywhere that states that all criticisms of the president are racist. Someone besides you idiots who are the kings of strawmen creation.

You can't stand to be shown how idiotic obama supporters have been since 2008 can you?

Nope, it just burns me up inside. Totally ruins my day. Gives me thoughts of suicide. :eusa_eh:

You can't stand to be asked for actual evidence of anything you claim, do you?
Something else you idiots invented. Watch, I'll prove it.

Link to anywhere that states that all criticisms of the president are racist. Someone besides you idiots who are the kings of strawmen creation.

You can't stand to be shown how idiotic obama supporters have been since 2008 can you?

Nope, it just burns me up inside. Totally ruins my day. Gives me thoughts of suicide. :eusa_eh:

You can't stand to be asked for actual evidence of anything you claim, do you?

I posted a link you ignored it
It is so alien for me to see Steele, Condi, West, Cain and the Mexican gov. of Texas being racist aginst their own. Listening to Condi, I wondered when the last time she looked in the mirror. Can they not see the racism in the T-Party and the radical right wing extremists? It is mind boggling.
What do you call someone that is racist toward their own?

Honorable Mentions: Ali Akbar, Deneen Borelli, Janice Rogers Brown, James Golden, Amy Holmes, Niger Innis, Roy Innis, Alan Keyes, AlfonZo Rachel, Erik Rush, Armstrong Williams

20) Jesse Lee Peterson: The founder of BOND, television personality, and radio host.

19) Deroy Murdock: He’s a syndicated columnist, political talking head, and contributing editor with National Review Online.

18) J.C. Watts: The former college football quarterback was a prominent Republican congressman, but lost considerable influence with conservatives when he publicly noted he was considering backing Obama in 2008.

17) Angela McGlowan: She’s an author, political commentator, and she ran and lost in a congressional primary in 2010.

16) Shelby Steele: The columnist and documentary film maker.

15) Ward Connerly: The founder of the American Civil Rights Institute and an activist dedicated to fighting racial quotas.

14) Mychal S. Massie: The National Chairman of the conservative black think tank, Project 21.

13) Robert George: He’s an editorial writer for the New York Post.

12) Ken Blackwell: He ran and lost for Governor of Ohio, was a candidate for the RNC National Committee Chairman; he’s a senior fellow for family empowerment at the Family Research Council and a columnist.

11) Star Parker: She’s an increasingly popular syndicated columnist who ran for Congress in California in 2010 and lost.

10) Colin Powell: He’s a former general and the first black Secretary of State. Although he still has considerable name recognition and influence with the general public, he has considerably less sway than he used to in the Republican Party since he endorsed Barack Obama in 2008.

9) Larry Elder: The sage from South Central is a popular columnist and syndicated talk radio host.

8) Michael Steele: He was the first black Republican National Committee Chairman. He’s now a columnist and TV commentator.

7) Condi Rice: She’s the head of the Global Center for Business and the Economy at Stanford, a former foreign policy advisor to George W. Bush, and the first black woman to ever be Secretary of State.

6) Walter Williams: The professor at George Mason University is a popular columnist and a fill-in radio host on the Rush Limbaugh program.

5) Tim Scott: Scott is the first black Republican congressman elected in South Carolina for 114 years.

4) Thomas Sowell: He’s a Senior Fellow on Public Policy at the Hoover Institution who’s one of the most popular conservative columnists in America.

3) Allen West: The first black Republican congressman from Florida since 1876. Keynote speaker for CPAC in 2011.

2) Herman Cain: Former CEO of Godfather’s Pizza, former talk radio host, and a candidate running for the presidency of the United States.

1) Clarence Thomas: Supreme Court Justice.

Something about these black people that just don't add up. Are they aliens and do't know they are BLACK?
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It is so alien for me to see Steele, Condi, West, Cain and the Mexican gov. of Texas being racist aginst their own. Listening to Condi, I wondered when the last time she looked in the mirror. Can they not see the racism in the T-Party and the radical right wing extremists? It is mind boggling.
What do you call someone that is racist toward their own?
An example of what I'm talking about.
It is so alien for me to see Steele, Condi, West, Cain and the Mexican gov. of Texas being racist aginst their own. Listening to Condi, I wondered when the last time she looked in the mirror. Can they not see the racism in the T-Party and the radical right wing extremists? It is mind boggling.
What do you call someone that is racist toward their own?
An example of what I'm talking about.

Now all we need is for TDM to double down.

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