Racist Gay Activist Sulu Reveals Rage of Gay Movement

If it has nothing to do with his race, then why did Mr. Takei specifically attack him on his race? Not only did he use the term "blackface", but he went on to call Thomas a "race traitor".

Since we all know you'd be screaming bloody murder about "RACISM! STRING HIM UP!" if the same remarks were directed at Obama, I think you know perfectly well his problem wasn't Thomas's judicial acumen.

Are you blind? Or stupid? Or both? I already said Takei should not have said what he did. Now you may go pound sand.

I find it comical that Rabbi, one of the biggest homo haters on this forum, is chiding folks on tolerance.
I am hardly a homo hater, whatever that is.
I do hate self righteous sleaze bags who attempt to foist their values on everyone else and shout down those who disagree with them.
Then you hate religion?
Are you agreeing that you believe in witch hunts and feeding Christians to the lions?
Witch hunts are what Christians use to burn folks at the stake..
Steak is what I'm having for dinner tomorrow.
Are you admitting that Bush was not in fact a conservative?
Sure he was. He just wasn't a fringe extremist.

Is Barry Goldwater still considered a conservative? Look at his positions, and it's clearly no.

Is Ronald Reagan still considered a conservative? Look at his positions, and it's clearly no.
OK so the GOP is divided between "conservatives" and "fringe extermists." Got it.
You're so full of shit.
Were my two questions too difficult for you?
They were at a level of stupidity I could never stoop to.
Of course Goldwater and Reagan were conservatives. But Nixon was considered a conservative in his time too.
Nixon was a politician. Eisenhower despised him.
Lot of people despised him. But he won re-election in a landslide anyway
But Nixon was considered a conservative to McGovern's liberal back then. Shows you how definitions change over time.
Clarence Thomas and his parents were descendants of slaves. And I bet he has more idea what traits a black slave possessed than George Takei does. He was born in the Jim Crow Era South, and experienced the racism that came with it. By Takei's logic, he was also robbed of his dignity. When Takei called him a "clown in a blackface" it was probably something Thomas was used to, given where he grew up. Even for all the racism Thomas experienced, he still maintained about himself his dignity.

It occurs to me while reading this that Mr. Takei was rather participating in the behavior he was so upset about, ie. trying to rob Justice Thomas of his dignity by attacking him for his race.
You can lose your dignity when you resort to racism. There is no dignity in being racist. Takei serves as a detriment to the LGBT community by resorting to racism in his criticism of Justice Thomas. There is no way you can take his comments out of context.

I don't think his comments were racist.

  1. the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
    • prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.

How does calling him a clown in blackface make him racist?

“Blackface” is a style of theatricalmakeup that originated in the United States, and is used to make an actor look like a Black person, but in a very exaggerated way. It is the countenance of an iconic, racistAmericanarchetype—that of the “darky,” as Blacks were often called in the past. Blackface also refers to a genre of musical and comedic theatrical presentation in which blackface makeup is worn. White blackface performers in the past used burnt cork, and later greasepaint or shoe polish, to blacken their skin and exaggerate their lips. They’d often wearwoollywigs, gloves, tailcoats, or ragged clothes to complete the transformation.

By the mid-20th century, changing attitudes about race and racism effectively ended the prominence of blackface performance in the U.S. and elsewhere.


Tell us again how you don't see how the remarks were racist.

If I thought you really gave a shit about a Black guy being mocked, I'd ask you for your threads complaining about the treatment that Eric Holder or Al Sharpton receive from the Right.

Interesting. "I am convinced that you hate black people, but I am watching you be outraged by racist attacks on a black person, therefore, your outrage must be fake, because I can't POSSIBLY be wrong about MY stereotyped perspectives."
is the race of the gay rights movement.

Asians are the "race" of the Gay rights movement?

Holy shit. In just one sentence you say 4 idiotic things - are you Mark Levin?
Typo. SHould have said "face of the gay rights movement." Smart people got that. Then there's you.
There's an edit button. Are you too furiously typing, in your rage, to notice what you've just written? In that much of a hurry to make another ignorant post?

Yes, because your postings are always so perfect that you DEFINITELY have room to nitpick other people.

And don't think any of us miss the fact that you're lasering in on typos because you don't want to address the fact that anything a liberal says is okay with you.
You can lose your dignity when you resort to racism. There is no dignity in being racist. Takei serves as a detriment to the LGBT community by resorting to racism in his criticism of Justice Thomas. There is no way you can take his comments out of context.

I don't think his comments were racist.

  1. the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
    • prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.

How does calling him a clown in blackface make him racist?

Doc, I am currently on his Facebook page, where he has attempted to explain himself.

"A few fans have written wondering whether I intended to utter a racist remark by referring to Justice Thomas as a "clown in blackface."

"Blackface" is a lesser known theatrical term for a white actor who blackens his face to play a black buffoon. In traditional theater lingo, and in my view and intent, that is not racist. It is instead part of a racist history in this country.

I feel Justice Thomas has abdicated and abandoned his African American heritage by claiming slavery did not strip dignity from human beings. He made a similar remark about the Japanese American internment, of which I am a survivor. A sitting Justice of the Supreme Court ought to know better."

His words, according to that definition from the dictionary, reflected prejudice against Thomas' African American heritage. He only made things worse by presenting the definition of "Blackface" (seen in bold underlined italics). The very portrayal itself is racist. It is a caricature of a black person by a white man. A form of mockery which I find wholly racist.

It was a subtle way of calling Thomas a traitor to his race. That alone is racist. We can parse words all you like, but I'm not the only one who thinks this is racist.

In retrospect, this isn't a conversation path that I'm willing to go down right now.

Translated: I fucked up, and I don't want to admit it, because I'd have to admit that I'm okay with racism when it's spouted by liberals.
is the race of the gay rights movement.

Asians are the "race" of the Gay rights movement?

Holy shit. In just one sentence you say 4 idiotic things - are you Mark Levin?
Typo. SHould have said "face of the gay rights movement." Smart people got that. Then there's you.
There's an edit button. Are you too furiously typing, in your rage, to notice what you've just written? In that much of a hurry to make another ignorant post?

Yes, because your postings are always so perfect that you DEFINITELY have room to nitpick other people.

And don't think any of us miss the fact that you're lasering in on typos because you don't want to address the fact that anything a liberal says is okay with you.
Assoholic is a joke. Of course he agrees with Takei. Of course he'll call a black person Uncle Tom or Smoke if he voices anything other than party line. It's libs. The biggest racists on the planet.
As was pointed out in other places....imagine if a conservative had said this....

You CINOs would be jumping up and down screaming "free speech, free speech, death to the PC Nazis!" You wouldn't find a damn thing racist about it.

No, the only reason "free speech" would come up is because you leftists would be trying to get him fired and banned from the Internet and whatever other censorship you could manage.

No one is denying Mr. Takei's freedom to be as big a racist asshole as he likes publicly, but we do feel he should be subject to the same sort of criticism of his words as any conservative would, and should, be.
"It seems odd that Justice Thomas, as an African American, would be an opponent of marriage equality. His own current marriage, if he had sought to have it some fifty years ago, would have been illegal under then-existing anti-miscegenation laws. I cannot help but wonder if Justice Thomas would have felt any loss of dignity had the clerk’s office doors been shut in his face, simply because he was of a different race than his fiancée. It is a sad irony that he now enjoys the dignity of his marriage, equal in the eyes of the law to any others, while in the same breath proclaiming that the denial of marriage to LGBTs works no indignity."

George is absolutely spot on in this statement!

Holy crap, THIS is what they're calling "racist"??

What rock have you been under, to be so totally unaware of which remarks were offensive and racist?

Way to step on your johnson, fool.
You mean Justice Thomas would NOT have had problems marrying his white wife in earlier times?

What was either "nasty" or "insulting" pointing this out?
Um, the words used to do so, obviously.

Was this a trick question?

Those who defend the nastiness are part of the problem, too.


What words?? Didn't see any racial slurs there.

Never mind.


I'm assuming this reaction is the only reason that leftists think "I'm so fucking stupid. I don't understand" is a clever, effective debate technique: they figure getting people to throw up their hands and say, "I give up, you're too stupid to live" counts as a win.
What this would far left drone say if the same thing was said about Obama?
Much worse has been said about Obama.

Really? DO give us an example of something a celebrity said about Obama that was ACTUALLY racist, rather than merely assumed to be racist because he's black?
TIMELINE Ted Nugent s Racist Obama Comment Shakes Up Texas Governor s Race Blog Media Matters for America

Now, squirm like a weasel while trying to explain how "sub-human mongrel" isn't racist.

What this would far left drone say if the same thing was said about Obama?
Much worse has been said about Obama.

Really? DO give us an example of something a celebrity said about Obama that was ACTUALLY racist, rather than merely assumed to be racist because he's black?
TIMELINE Ted Nugent s Racist Obama Comment Shakes Up Texas Governor s Race Blog Media Matters for America

Now, squirm like a weasel while trying to explain how "sub-human mongrel" isn't racist.


Ted Nugent is all you have? An outspoken musician? WOW!

And yes the far left has much worse about anyone not far left, but that get ignored..

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