Racist Gay Activist Sulu Reveals Rage of Gay Movement

What this would far left drone say if the same thing was said about Obama?
Much worse has been said about Obama.

Really? DO give us an example of something a celebrity said about Obama that was ACTUALLY racist, rather than merely assumed to be racist because he's black?
TIMELINE Ted Nugent s Racist Obama Comment Shakes Up Texas Governor s Race Blog Media Matters for America

Now, squirm like a weasel while trying to explain how "sub-human mongrel" isn't racist.


Ted Nugent is all you have? An outspoken musician? WOW!

And yes the far left has much worse about anyone not far left, but that get ignored..

Cecilie asked:

Really? DO give us an example of something a celebrity said about Obama that was ACTUALLY racist​
Clarence Thomas and his parents were descendants of slaves. And I bet he has more idea what traits a black slave possessed than George Takei does. He was born in the Jim Crow Era South, and experienced the racism that came with it. By Takei's logic, he was also robbed of his dignity. When Takei called him a "clown in a blackface" it was probably something Thomas was used to, given where he grew up. Even for all the racism Thomas experienced, he still maintained about himself his dignity.

It occurs to me while reading this that Mr. Takei was rather participating in the behavior he was so upset about, ie. trying to rob Justice Thomas of his dignity by attacking him for his race.

I don't think Thomas cared. He is more qualified to interpret the law than Takei is. Thomas was a victim of racism, so was Takei. So, Takei shouldn't think for one minute that Thomas doesn't sympathize with what he went through.
far left drones
^^^ Like a retard who is fixated on a shiny object.
Of course Goldwater and Reagan were conservatives.
Not what I asked, Short Bus.

The question was: Would they still be considered conservative today?

You mean like how JFK would not fit in the DNC today?
Sure he would. He's a Centrist Democrat, just like Clinton and Obama.

More proof how dangerous the far left religion truly is..

Just goes to show that the far left drones really do believe they are centrists. Even though they are the furthest thing from the center..
I know what he said, which is why stated I wouldn't have used those exact words. I think Thomas is a clown and it has nothing to do with his race.

Oh btw, I have called three people on this site a racist. SteveMcGarrett, Matthew, and ShootSpeeder. All of whom are proud and admitted racists. Spare me.

If it has nothing to do with his race, then why did Mr. Takei specifically attack him on his race? Not only did he use the term "blackface", but he went on to call Thomas a "race traitor".

Since we all know you'd be screaming bloody murder about "RACISM! STRING HIM UP!" if the same remarks were directed at Obama, I think you know perfectly well his problem wasn't Thomas's judicial acumen.

Are you blind? Or stupid? Or both? I already said Takei should not have said what he did. Now you may go pound sand.

I find it comical that Rabbi, one of the biggest homo haters on this forum, is chiding folks on tolerance.
I am hardly a homo hater, whatever that is.
I do hate self righteous sleaze bags who attempt to foist their values on everyone else and shout down those who disagree with them.
In other words, you hate queers, because that's what they all do - at least the ones who are politically active do.
Are you defending Takei?

"It seems odd that Justice Thomas, as an African American, would be an opponent of marriage equality. His own current marriage, if he had sought to have it some fifty years ago, would have been illegal under then-existing anti-miscegenation laws. I cannot help but wonder if Justice Thomas would have felt any loss of dignity had the clerk’s office doors been shut in his face, simply because he was of a different race than his fiancée. It is a sad irony that he now enjoys the dignity of his marriage, equal in the eyes of the law to any others, while in the same breath proclaiming that the denial of marriage to LGBTs works no indignity."

George is absolutely spot on in this statement!

Holy crap, THIS is what they're calling "racist"??

What rock have you been under, to be so totally unaware of which remarks were offensive and racist?

Way to step on your johnson, fool.

It's both sad and amusing to see how you wingnuts have to reach.
Hilarious how they bristle at the use of the term "racist".

This, after shoving it everyone's face at every last opportunity for decades.

"Who, me?"

You can't make this shit up.


There is nothing funny about misusing a word. Its especially not funny to misuse a word and blame it on someone elses actions.

You mean like Mr. Takei's "apology" blaming his use of "blackface" on Thomas's actions?

No, I clearly addressing the misuse of words. You can tell by my constant use of the word MISUSE
What this would far left drone say if the same thing was said about Obama?
Much worse has been said about Obama.

Really? DO give us an example of something a celebrity said about Obama that was ACTUALLY racist, rather than merely assumed to be racist because he's black?
TIMELINE Ted Nugent s Racist Obama Comment Shakes Up Texas Governor s Race Blog Media Matters for America

Now, squirm like a weasel while trying to explain how "sub-human mongrel" isn't racist.


Ted Nugent is all you have? An outspoken musician? WOW!

And yes the far left has much worse about anyone not far left, but that get ignored..

Cecilie asked:

Really? DO give us an example of something a celebrity said about Obama that was ACTUALLY racist​
Nugent's statement wasnt racist, dolt. He's probably called lots of people subhuman mongrels.
Of course Goldwater and Reagan were conservatives.
Not what I asked, Short Bus.

The question was: Would they still be considered conservative today?
Irrelevant, as the nature of "conservative" has changed. Which I already wrote previously, deadhead.
For the record Ted Cruz is Reagan updated for the 21st century.
This makes no sense. Reagan pardoned 3 million illegals. And the conservatives crucified him for it. Cruz would never do that move. So either pardoning illegals was a conservative thing (no), or Cruz is a conservative and Reagan isn't (no), or Reagan isn't a conservative (yes) or Cruz is an extreme conservative (yea).
Much worse has been said about Obama.

Really? DO give us an example of something a celebrity said about Obama that was ACTUALLY racist, rather than merely assumed to be racist because he's black?
TIMELINE Ted Nugent s Racist Obama Comment Shakes Up Texas Governor s Race Blog Media Matters for America

Now, squirm like a weasel while trying to explain how "sub-human mongrel" isn't racist.


Ted Nugent is all you have? An outspoken musician? WOW!

And yes the far left has much worse about anyone not far left, but that get ignored..

Cecilie asked:

Really? DO give us an example of something a celebrity said about Obama that was ACTUALLY racist​
Nugent's statement wasnt racist, dolt. He's probably called lots of people subhuman mongrels.
Oh, you're denying the reality that the vast majority of people live in? Then we're done. I'm not going to argue with someone who says the sky is green.
Yes, George Takei, a washed up two bit actor from 40 years ago, is the race of the gay rights movement. Racist, intolerant, bigoted, and hateful.
George Takei s Racist Rant Clarence Thomas Is a Clown in Black Face

Maybe if you keep attacking the gays people wont notice how much the GOP clown car looks like one. :)
Nah, that wasnt deflection. Not at all.
So do you support Takei's assertion that Thomas is a clown in blackface?

I would not refer to Thomas's skin color ever. His skin color does not matter to me nor should it bother anyone.

That said, Thomas is a AHOLE with utter disrespect for human rights. I am glad there are other judges on the SCOTUS who take him down every single time.

Again, I don't care what color his skin is. This has nothing to do with his skin color. I just hope Thomas's vote will be consistently drowned out by other decent behacing folks like Roberts and Kennedy. Thomas is a disgraceful person. He should have never been on the SCOTUS. He is a sexual predator. And he is just a comple whackjob of the ultimate kind. I can't wait for his retirement from the SCOTUS.
Of course Goldwater and Reagan were conservatives.
Not what I asked, Short Bus.

The question was: Would they still be considered conservative today?
Irrelevant, as the nature of "conservative" has changed. Which I already wrote previously, deadhead.
For the record Ted Cruz is Reagan updated for the 21st century.
This makes no sense. Reagan pardoned 3 million illegals. And the conservatives crucified him for it. Cruz would never do that move. So either pardoning illegals was a conservative thing (no), or Cruz is a conservative and Reagan isn't (no), or Reagan isn't a conservative (yes) or Cruz is an extreme conservative (yea).
When did Reagan pardon illegals? Yeah, never.
Really? DO give us an example of something a celebrity said about Obama that was ACTUALLY racist, rather than merely assumed to be racist because he's black?
TIMELINE Ted Nugent s Racist Obama Comment Shakes Up Texas Governor s Race Blog Media Matters for America

Now, squirm like a weasel while trying to explain how "sub-human mongrel" isn't racist.


Ted Nugent is all you have? An outspoken musician? WOW!

And yes the far left has much worse about anyone not far left, but that get ignored..

Cecilie asked:

Really? DO give us an example of something a celebrity said about Obama that was ACTUALLY racist​
Nugent's statement wasnt racist, dolt. He's probably called lots of people subhuman mongrels.
Oh, you're denying the reality that the vast majority of people live in? Then we're done. I'm not going to argue with someone who says the sky is green.
Can you please explain why that's racist? No, of course you can't. Any criticism of Obama is racist, according to you.
Can you please explain why that's racist? No, of course you can't. Any criticism of Obama is racist, according to you.
You really are an imbecile.


noun mon·grel \ˈmäŋ-grəl, ˈməŋ-\

: a dog with parents of different breeds

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