Racist Gay Activist Sulu Reveals Rage of Gay Movement

If I thought you really gave a shit about a Black guy being mocked, I'd ask you for your threads complaining about the treatment that Eric Holder or Al Sharpton receive from the Right.
Eric Holder and Al Sharpton come in for criticism because of their racist policies and behavior. Surely you knew that.
But Thomas gets a pass on his racist policies, in the form of court opinions? What was his vote on the Voting Rights decision?
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You mean the fact that he's bombed out as an actor for 40 years should be irrelevant to how we view him?
By what metric are you making this claim?
Are you disputing he has bombed as an actor since leaving Star Trekk 40 years ago?
Other than the Star Trek movies, he hasn't pursued acting. More often than not he's played himself on sitcoms or whatever.

As always the far left drones show they do not understand anything and are always wrong!
You can lose your dignity when you resort to racism. There is no dignity in being racist. Takei serves as a detriment to the LGBT community by resorting to racism in his criticism of Justice Thomas. There is no way you can take his comments out of context.

I don't think his comments were racist.

  1. the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
    • prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.

How does calling him a clown in blackface make him racist?

Doc, I am currently on his Facebook page, where he has attempted to explain himself.

"A few fans have written wondering whether I intended to utter a racist remark by referring to Justice Thomas as a "clown in blackface."

"Blackface" is a lesser known theatrical term for a white actor who blackens his face to play a black buffoon. In traditional theater lingo, and in my view and intent, that is not racist. It is instead part of a racist history in this country.

I feel Justice Thomas has abdicated and abandoned his African American heritage by claiming slavery did not strip dignity from human beings. He made a similar remark about the Japanese American internment, of which I am a survivor. A sitting Justice of the Supreme Court ought to know better."

His words, according to that definition from the dictionary, reflected prejudice against Thomas' African American heritage. He only made things worse by presenting the definition of "Blackface" (seen in bold underlined italics). The very portrayal itself is racist. It is a caricature of a black person by a white man. A form of mockery which I find wholly racist.

It was a subtle way of calling Thomas a traitor to his race. That alone is racist. We can parse words all you like, but I'm not the only one who thinks this is racist.
You mean the fact that he's bombed out as an actor for 40 years should be irrelevant to how we view him?
By what metric are you making this claim?
Are you disputing he has bombed as an actor since leaving Star Trekk 40 years ago?
Other than the Star Trek movies, he hasn't pursued acting. More often than not he's played himself on sitcoms or whatever.
That's pretty much the definition of "bomb".
You can lose your dignity when you resort to racism. There is no dignity in being racist. Takei serves as a detriment to the LGBT community by resorting to racism in his criticism of Justice Thomas. There is no way you can take his comments out of context.

I don't think his comments were racist.

  1. the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
    • prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.

How does calling him a clown in blackface make him racist?

Doc, I am currently on his Facebook page, where he has attempted to explain himself.

"A few fans have written wondering whether I intended to utter a racist remark by referring to Justice Thomas as a "clown in blackface."

"Blackface" is a lesser known theatrical term for a white actor who blackens his face to play a black buffoon. In traditional theater lingo, and in my view and intent, that is not racist. It is instead part of a racist history in this country.

I feel Justice Thomas has abdicated and abandoned his African American heritage by claiming slavery did not strip dignity from human beings. He made a similar remark about the Japanese American internment, of which I am a survivor. A sitting Justice of the Supreme Court ought to know better."

His words, according to that definition from the dictionary, reflected prejudice against Thomas' African American heritage. He only made things worse by presenting the definition of "Blackface" (seen in bold underlined italics). The very portrayal itself is racist. It is a caricature of a black person by a white man. A form of mockery which I find wholly racist.

It was a subtle way of calling Thomas a traitor to his race. That alone is racist. We can parse words all you like, but I'm not the only one who thinks this is racist.

In retrospect, this isn't a conversation path that I'm willing to go down right now.
You can lose your dignity when you resort to racism. There is no dignity in being racist. Takei serves as a detriment to the LGBT community by resorting to racism in his criticism of Justice Thomas. There is no way you can take his comments out of context.

I don't think his comments were racist.

  1. the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
    • prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.

How does calling him a clown in blackface make him racist?

Doc, I am currently on his Facebook page, where he has attempted to explain himself.

"A few fans have written wondering whether I intended to utter a racist remark by referring to Justice Thomas as a "clown in blackface."

"Blackface" is a lesser known theatrical term for a white actor who blackens his face to play a black buffoon. In traditional theater lingo, and in my view and intent, that is not racist. It is instead part of a racist history in this country.

I feel Justice Thomas has abdicated and abandoned his African American heritage by claiming slavery did not strip dignity from human beings. He made a similar remark about the Japanese American internment, of which I am a survivor. A sitting Justice of the Supreme Court ought to know better."

His words, according to that definition from the dictionary, reflected prejudice against Thomas' African American heritage. He only made things worse by presenting the definition of "Blackface" (seen in bold underlined italics). The very portrayal itself is racist. It is a caricature of a black person by a white man. A form of mockery which I find wholly racist.

It was a subtle way of calling Thomas a traitor to his race. That alone is racist. We can parse words all you like, but I'm not the only one who thinks this is racist.

lolol, let's all pretend that this was racist. So what? Should a note be sent to the SCOTUS that they made a big mistake finding that gays have equal rights because some old has been actor was mean to Clarence Thomas?

lol idiots.
Calling people names on the Internet means his straight marriage is effecting his gay marriag.
Oh look, the spam-bot has returned. Fresh off a new reboot?

Says the racist/bigoted far left drone!

Notice how they follow the narrative without question or hesitation even faced with the truth..

Says the far right drone.

Yes anything not far left is automatically far right to these far left drones..
geezus kosh stop it.....get new programing...you are wearing out the phrase "far left drone"....

Get the far left drones to get new programming and you will see many things change!

But then again what else would I expect from my stalker..
oh here we go again....someone comments on your post he must be a stalker.....whats the matter kosh?....have problems defending what you post and so you just want everyone to ignore you?...aint gonna happen chump i mean champ....
Says the racist/bigoted far left drone!

Notice how they follow the narrative without question or hesitation even faced with the truth..

Says the far right drone.

Yes anything not far left is automatically far right to these far left drones..
geezus kosh stop it.....get new programing...you are wearing out the phrase "far left drone"....

Get the far left drones to get new programming and you will see many things change!

But then again what else would I expect from my stalker..
oh here we go again....someone comments on your post he must be a stalker.....whats the matter kosh?....have problems defending what you post and so you just want everyone to ignore you?...aint gonna happen chump i mean champ....

Nope just up holding the definition as you allowed to be defined long ago as you hold your personal grudge..

Yes the people called far left drones are just that "far left drones". If you have a problem seeing that, it is on you not me as discussed a couple years ago.

Many people have comment on my posts you are the only one I am calling stalker, just look at your first post on this thread proves that. You allowed the definition to be this way from another thread (defending a far left drone), now you have to live with it..
so a fake race baiting thread is started by Rabbi because he is a shrill for the right. Then Mac comes in and plays his PC police card as usual.

How boring and stale.
Yep, I know you folks don't like it when I gore your precious PC sacred cow.


and here Mac shows how he thinks he did something. dude he gave his opinion on something, it makes sense.I mean cant be any worse than the tards who think the supremes abused the constitution and thus wants to abolish it.some are even running for President and is far more important than an actors opinion. But this is what i get with people who are too busy basking in their own self importance.
so a fake race baiting thread is started by Rabbi because he is a shrill for the right. Then Mac comes in and plays his PC police card as usual.

How boring and stale.
Geez I thought you died. Too bad.
How is it a race baiting thread when I merely reposted what Takei said about Thomas? I only point out the racism and rudeness and anger of the pro-gay crowd, something they constantly accuse conservatives of. And when I do, voila! the deflection and insults start.
Yup, I hit that nail on the head.
oh rabbi you will die long before me. im glad you missed me buttercup.
Its the classic retard move where you try to make this a reverse style racism thread, so you say he was being Racist towards Thomas and thus paint gays and the left as racists, thus deflecting on how racist you really are, because Rabbi you are.
Yes, George Takei, a washed up two bit actor from 40 years ago, is the race of the gay rights movement. Racist, intolerant, bigoted, and hateful.
George Takei s Racist Rant Clarence Thomas Is a Clown in Black Face

Maybe if you keep attacking the gays people wont notice how much the GOP clown car looks like one. :)
:disagree:Seems to me the Gays are doing all of the fucking attacking....

You seem to think just talking about Gays in any shape or form is an attack.

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