Racist Gay Activist Sulu Reveals Rage of Gay Movement

Let's not forget that Clarence Thomas called his nomination hearings a 'high tech lynching of uppity blacks'.

You want to call someone racist, start with Thomas.
Yes, George Takei, a washed up two bit actor from 40 years ago, is the race of the gay rights movement. Racist, intolerant, bigoted, and hateful.
George Takei s Racist Rant Clarence Thomas Is a Clown in Black Face

Looks like all counties in Tennesse are complying with marriage licences for SSM :eusa_whistle:
The Jell-o for Jesus clerks folded like a tent when faced with having to pay their own legal bills...

As they just folded in Texas and louisiana
You folks have completely diluted the word, turning it into a punchline, making a bad situation worse for political advantage.

Words mean things. If you believe a word is diluted that doesnt mean you have to participate in diluting it more. If you misuse it own it, but dont give me no crap about you misused the word because others did it too.

You're in no position to lecture on usage of the word in contemporary America, sorry. You're part of the problem.

Yeah, trying to get you to use words according to what they mean is part of the problem and you misusing them is part of the solution

...except when liberals do it...
Take it up with those on your own end of the spectrum who disagree with you.

They say people like you have taken PC too far.

Then get back to me. I won't hold my breath.


"They say"

I'm talking to you about misusing words. So far your defense is you do it because liberals do but you hate when liberals do it.

Just stop misusing words...they mean stuff
I'll do as I please.

And it looks like more and more liberals are agreeing with me.

Turns out I was ahead of the curve.

You're behind it, and you're part of the problem.


Yeah you're allowed to lie, just dont take offense or blame others when you're caught doing so. Simple
Ironic post is ironic.


Yes, George Takei, a washed up two bit actor from 40 years ago, is the race of the gay rights movement. Racist, intolerant, bigoted, and hateful.
George Takei s Racist Rant Clarence Thomas Is a Clown in Black Face

Maybe if you keep attacking the gays people wont notice how much the GOP clown car looks like one. :)
You know what's the most ignorant about George Takai? He doesn't even know Thomas. He's just mad because Thomas didn't support making laws from the bench.

Anyone who knows Thomas says he is a very good man, a kind man, a charitable man.
Ronald Reagan wasnt an actor when he was expressing political opinions.
What is it with these FAIL posters by people you never heard of? They are always wrong. Every time. Just favtually and logically wrong.
Ronald Reagan was always political. At the time that photo was taken he was the Screen Actor Guild president.
Thanks. Yes, Reagan actually knew what he was talking about. The morons in Hollywood today? Not so much.
Let's not forget that Clarence Thomas called his nomination hearings a 'high tech lynching of uppity blacks'.

You want to call someone racist, start with Thomas.
You understand he was being ironic, right? And he was correct: it was a high tech lynching of a black man who had strayed off the liberal reservation, thus "uppity" in their estimation.
Maybe if you keep attacking the gays people wont notice how much the GOP clown car looks like one. :)
You know what's the most ignorant about George Takai? He doesn't even know Thomas. He's just mad because Thomas didn't support making laws from the bench.

Anyone who knows Thomas says he is a very good man, a kind man, a charitable man.
Ronald Reagan wasnt an actor when he was expressing political opinions.
What is it with these FAIL posters by people you never heard of? They are always wrong. Every time. Just favtually and logically wrong.
Ronald Reagan was always political. At the time that photo was taken he was the Screen Actor Guild president.
Thanks. Yes, Reagan actually knew what he was talking about. The morons in Hollywood today? Not so much.
He was the moron leader or didn't you get that part?
Takei didn't have to put it that way.

People who get nasty with and publicly insult those who disagree with them aren't trying to improve anything.

Too many flamethrowers getting too much attention.

Takei didn't have to put it that way.

People who get nasty with and publicly insult those who disagree with them aren't trying to improve anything.

Too many flamethrowers getting too much attention.

You know, I can agree with that, and point out that the OP did the very same thing with his own thread title. A cheap attempt to fan flames.
Takei didn't have to put it that way.

People who get nasty with and publicly insult those who disagree with them aren't trying to improve anything.

Too many flamethrowers getting too much attention.

You know, I can agree with that, and point out that the OP did the very same thing with his own thread title. A cheap attempt to fan flames.
IS Takei a gay activist? Is he a racist? ANswer to both questions is Yes. No attempt to fan flames, just to educate, little whitefish
George Takei:
"He is a clown in blackface sitting on the Supreme Court. He gets me that angry. He doesn't belong there. And for him to say, slaves have dignity. I mean, doesn't he know that slaves were in chains? That they were whipped on the back. If he saw the movie 12 Years a Slave, you know, they were raped. And he says they had dignity as slaves or – My parents lost everything that they worked for, in the middle of their lives, in their 30s. His business, my father's business, our home, our freedom and we're supposed to call that dignified? Marched out of our homes at gun point. I mean, this man does not belong on the Supreme Court. He is an embarrassment. He is a disgrace to America."

Slaves did/do have dignity. Not even the whip of the slave master could take that away from them. So, even as Takei and his family were "marched out of their home at gunpoint" to the Rohwer Relocation Center in Arkansas, in 1942, he and his family still had their dignity, even as gay as he is now, and for whatever oppression he faced for being gay, he still has his dignity. When I was in ROTC, one of the Sergeants told us (paraphrasing), "the enemy can never take away your dignity, humanity, or integrity, no matter how hard they try to. Only you can do that."
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I use to have respect for this guy as a star trek fan. Being gay isn't good for the development of nothing but rage and idiocy. Certainly not for a technological complex society.

what the fuck drives a person off the deep end?

You're defending Clearance Thomas? Now THAT is hilarious given your absolute hatred of black people.

What George Takei said on the link was his opinion and you've guys said the same thing about any number of justices dozens of times over.

Good Job Sulu.
so a fake race baiting thread is started by Rabbi because he is a shrill for the right. Then Mac comes in and plays his PC police card as usual.

How boring and stale.
so a fake race baiting thread is started by Rabbi because he is a shrill for the right. Then Mac comes in and plays his PC police card as usual.

How boring and stale.
Yep, I know you folks don't like it when I gore your precious PC sacred cow.


so a fake race baiting thread is started by Rabbi because he is a shrill for the right. Then Mac comes in and plays his PC police card as usual.

How boring and stale.
Geez I thought you died. Too bad.
How is it a race baiting thread when I merely reposted what Takei said about Thomas? I only point out the racism and rudeness and anger of the pro-gay crowd, something they constantly accuse conservatives of. And when I do, voila! the deflection and insults start.
Yup, I hit that nail on the head.
Yes, George Takei, a washed up two bit actor from 40 years ago, is the race of the gay rights movement. Racist, intolerant, bigoted, and hateful.
George Takei s Racist Rant Clarence Thomas Is a Clown in Black Face

Maybe if you keep attacking the gays people wont notice how much the GOP clown car looks like one. :)
You know what's the most ignorant about George Takai? He doesn't even know Thomas. He's just mad because Thomas didn't support making laws from the bench.

Anyone who knows Thomas says he is a very good man, a kind man, a charitable man.
Ronald Reagan wasnt an actor when he was expressing political opinions.
What is it with these FAIL posters by people you never heard of? They are always wrong. Every time. Just favtually and logically wrong.
He was always an actor.

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