Racist Gay Activist Sulu Reveals Rage of Gay Movement


No, most racist assholes like you would agree with Takei

Again, ask black folks what they think of "Uncle Thomas".

Here, i'll help you out, FatIrishSow.

Black congressman stands by comment that Clarence Thomas is an Uncle Tom - The Washington Post

In an interview with CNN, the Congressional Black Caucus member doubled down on his comments, first made over the weekend, that Thomas apparently "doesn’t like black people, he doesn’t like being black.” His comments werefirst reported by BuzzFeed.

"Well if you look at his decisions on the court, they have been adverse to the minority community, and the people I represent have a real issue with an African American not being sensitive to those issues," Thompson told Dana Bash.
Yes, George Takei, a washed up two bit actor from 40 years ago, is the race of the gay rights movement. Racist, intolerant, bigoted, and hateful.
George Takei s Racist Rant Clarence Thomas Is a Clown in Black Face
Thomas is a house ****** who married a white bitch. If you didn't like his politics, you'd hate him.
at least rabbi doesnt advocate killing handicapped kids like you do chump....
Nothing irrational about that, money doesn't grow on trees...
no there aint nothing irrational about killing a handicapped kid to you and your fellow lowlife isil members...how would you do it?....throw them off a building with the gays?....drown them?.....beheading is a good way i hear....
It's no harder to kill a sick infant than a sick dog, and the dog is mentally far more aware. Learn to be rational, you can do it if you try.
you should take your advice asshole.....it might separate you from those assholes you identify with....the taliban and isil.....
Fair is fair, take Star Trek off the air. It's offensive and racist

Why? Most black people would agree with Takei about "Uncle Thomas".

Self-loathing black man who tells white people what they want to hear.
Joe is that any different from Jackson and Sharpton who tell black people what they want to hear?...or for that matter ANY Politician,no matter the party,who tell the people what they want to hear?.........whats the difference Joe?...
For Justice Thomas to say you have not lost your dignity after being dragged from your home at gunpoint, and losing your business and everything you have built, then forced into an internment camp is...mind boggling.

The man is absolutely clueless.
Dignity comes from within, not from without.

That is some of the stupidest pablum used to whitewash atrocities ever uttered.

Mac trying to school us on dignity. There's your irony of the week.
Joe is that any different from Jackson and Sharpton who tell black people what they want to hear?...or for that matter ANY Politician,no matter the party,who tell the people what they want to hear?.........whats the difference Joe?...

THe difference is, they aren't selling out their own to gain the approval of people who hate them.

This is why "Uncle Tom" is the worst thing one black person can call another.
so a fake race baiting thread is started by Rabbi because he is a shrill for the right. Then Mac comes in and plays his PC police card as usual.

How boring and stale.
Yep, I know you folks don't like it when I gore your precious PC sacred cow.


and here Mac shows how he thinks he did something. dude he gave his opinion on something, it makes sense.I mean cant be any worse than the tards who think the supremes abused the constitution and thus wants to abolish it.some are even running for President and is far more important than an actors opinion. But this is what i get with people who are too busy basking in their own self importance.
You folks whine when I bring it up, and now you're even bringing it up yourselves in defense of it.

You know what you're doing, I'm just pointing it out, and you don't like that. So now you even whine preemptively.

Too bad.

we "whine" because you act like a fucking retard about it etc etc etc...Its the same routine with you. You cry about the PC police, it typically isnt anything close to it, you say something about the left and how they hate you or some stupid narcissism. Eventually it evolves into finding someone that agrees and you two stroke each other off. I am barely here and your posts are still the same. nothing has changed in your style or manner.
Yes, George Takei, a washed up two bit actor from 40 years ago, is the race of the gay rights movement. Racist, intolerant, bigoted, and hateful.
George Takei s Racist Rant Clarence Thomas Is a Clown in Black Face
At least he was telling the truth.
Another racist shit-head chimes in.
Wow, it is true: whatever the left says about conservatives is true--but it's true about the left, not conservatives.

Tell us about your belief in the races being equal.
so a fake race baiting thread is started by Rabbi because he is a shrill for the right. Then Mac comes in and plays his PC police card as usual.

How boring and stale.
Yep, I know you folks don't like it when I gore your precious PC sacred cow.


and here Mac shows how he thinks he did something. dude he gave his opinion on something, it makes sense.I mean cant be any worse than the tards who think the supremes abused the constitution and thus wants to abolish it.some are even running for President and is far more important than an actors opinion. But this is what i get with people who are too busy basking in their own self importance.
You folks whine when I bring it up, and now you're even bringing it up yourselves in defense of it.

You know what you're doing, I'm just pointing it out, and you don't like that. So now you even whine preemptively.

Too bad.

we "whine" because you act like a fucking retard about it etc etc etc...Its the same routine with you. You cry about the PC police, it typically isnt anything close to it, you say something about the left and how they hate you or some stupid narcissism. Eventually it evolves into finding someone that agrees and you two stroke each other off. I am barely here and your posts are still the same. nothing has changed in your style or manner.
So we're still on this, huh?



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