Racist Gay Activist Sulu Reveals Rage of Gay Movement

As was pointed out in other places....imagine if a conservative had said this....

You CINOs would be jumping up and down screaming "free speech, free speech, death to the PC Nazis!" You wouldn't find a damn thing racist about it.
"It seems odd that Justice Thomas, as an African American, would be an opponent of marriage equality. His own current marriage, if he had sought to have it some fifty years ago, would have been illegal under then-existing anti-miscegenation laws. I cannot help but wonder if Justice Thomas would have felt any loss of dignity had the clerk’s office doors been shut in his face, simply because he was of a different race than his fiancée. It is a sad irony that he now enjoys the dignity of his marriage, equal in the eyes of the law to any others, while in the same breath proclaiming that the denial of marriage to LGBTs works no indignity."

George is absolutely spot on in this statement!

Holy crap, THIS is what they're calling "racist"??
Takei didn't have to put it that way.

People who get nasty with and publicly insult those who disagree with them aren't trying to improve anything.

Too many flamethrowers getting too much attention.


You mean Justice Thomas would NOT have had problems marrying his white wife in earlier times?

What was either "nasty" or "insulting" pointing this out?
Yes, George Takei, a washed up two bit actor from 40 years ago, is the race of the gay rights movement. Racist, intolerant, bigoted, and hateful.
George Takei s Racist Rant Clarence Thomas Is a Clown in Black Face
Thomas is a house ****** who married a white bitch. If you didn't like his politics, you'd hate him.
at least rabbi doesnt advocate killing handicapped kids like you do chump....
Nothing irrational about that, money doesn't grow on trees...
You mean the fact that he's bombed out as an actor for 40 years should be irrelevant to how we view him?
By what metric are you making this claim?
Are you disputing he has bombed as an actor since leaving Star Trekk 40 years ago?
Other than the Star Trek movies, he hasn't pursued acting. More often than not he's played himself on sitcoms or whatever.
That's pretty much the definition of "bomb".
and yet no matter where he goes he is recognized...lots of actors cant say that....
Yes, George Takei, a washed up two bit actor from 40 years ago, is the race of the gay rights movement. Racist, intolerant, bigoted, and hateful.
George Takei s Racist Rant Clarence Thomas Is a Clown in Black Face
Thomas is a house ****** who married a white bitch. If you didn't like his politics, you'd hate him.
at least rabbi doesnt advocate killing handicapped kids like you do chump....
Nothing irrational about that, money doesn't grow on trees...
no there aint nothing irrational about killing a handicapped kid to you and your fellow lowlife isil members...how would you do it?....throw them off a building with the gays?....drown them?.....beheading is a good way i hear....
Yes, George Takei, a washed up two bit actor from 40 years ago, is the race of the gay rights movement. Racist, intolerant, bigoted, and hateful.
George Takei s Racist Rant Clarence Thomas Is a Clown in Black Face
Thomas is a house ****** who married a white bitch. If you didn't like his politics, you'd hate him.
at least rabbi doesnt advocate killing handicapped kids like you do chump....
Nothing irrational about that, money doesn't grow on trees...
no there aint nothing irrational about killing a handicapped kid to you and your fellow lowlife isil members...how would you do it?....throw them off a building with the gays?....drown them?.....beheading is a good way i hear....
It's no harder to kill a sick infant than a sick dog, and the dog is mentally far more aware. Learn to be rational, you can do it if you try.
Yes, George Takei, a washed up two bit actor from 40 years ago, is the race of the gay rights movement. Racist, intolerant, bigoted, and hateful.
George Takei s Racist Rant Clarence Thomas Is a Clown in Black Face

Maybe if you keep attacking the gays people wont notice how much the GOP clown car looks like one. :)
Nah, that wasnt deflection. Not at all.
So do you support Takei's assertion that Thomas is a clown in blackface?

I don't! Thomas is a black in clown face!
It seems to me Takei hates Justice Thomas for his opinion more than he hates the Democratic President responsible for putting him in a Japanese internment camp. That's how it appears to me.
It seems to me Takei hates Justice Thomas for his opinion more than he hates the Democratic President responsible for putting him in a Japanese internment camp. That's how it appears to me.

How does it "appear" that way?

Has Takei said anything about FDR that I'm not aware of?

Only possessing very deep seated hatred could drive Takei so far as to hurl racist epithets at a black man, a Constitutionally appointed black Supreme Court Justice, for an opinion he disagreed with. That can be seen as a deeper hatred for Thomas than Roosevelt.

He only mentions the traumatizing events of being interred in one of those camps, and to my knowledge hardly ever mentions the man responsible for putting him there. He knows that Roosevelt issued Order 9066, he makes the factual connotation, but I've never really seen him take out his wrath on Roosevelt. Or issue any opinions on him either way.
Yes the far left latched onto this movement in order to help silence and make their enemies be silent or make anything the say in public as "hate" speech.

Gay Marriage was not about a "right" it was out to punish the church..

And what is ironic is most homosexuals will vote Republican; most are not in the least 'progressive', or 'liberal'; They're into self-indulgence and Martha Stewart lifestyles, hyper-materialism, etc., and it is also a very stratified 'culture', ageist, racist, status conscious, and not all 'inclusive'.
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so a fake race baiting thread is started by Rabbi because he is a shrill for the right. Then Mac comes in and plays his PC police card as usual.

How boring and stale.
Yep, I know you folks don't like it when I gore your precious PC sacred cow.


and here Mac shows how he thinks he did something. dude he gave his opinion on something, it makes sense.I mean cant be any worse than the tards who think the supremes abused the constitution and thus wants to abolish it.some are even running for President and is far more important than an actors opinion. But this is what i get with people who are too busy basking in their own self importance.
You folks whine when I bring it up, and now you're even bringing it up yourselves in defense of it.

You know what you're doing, I'm just pointing it out, and you don't like that. So now you even whine preemptively.

Too bad.

Nah, that wasnt deflection. Not at all.
So do you support Takei's assertion that Thomas is a clown in blackface?

I think Thomas never should have been put on the Supreme Court. He's kind of stupid.

Takei was responding to Thomas' assertion that slavery and the internment of Japanese Americans didn't take away their "dignity". Takei's family lost everything they worked for when they were interned.
It was meant to punish anyone who thought homosexuality was wrong or abnormal. It was never about equal rights. Early on people floated the idea of domestic partnerships that would solve many of the legitimate complaint of the homosexual community. They strongly rejected it with mutterings of second class citizenship blahblahblah. But the endgame was always destruction of societal institutions and demonizing and marginalizing those who disagreed with them.

Why should gays have a "second class" marriage?

You guys are demonizing and marginalizing yourselves.

The reason why the ground shifted on this issue so quickly is because when called on your bigotry, the best arguments you could come up with were "I think it's icky" and "God says it's bad".
For Justice Thomas to say you have not lost your dignity after being dragged from your home at gunpoint, and losing your business and everything you have built, then forced into an internment camp is...mind boggling.

The man is absolutely clueless.
Dignity comes from within, not from without.


Says the man who puts everyone who humiliates him on "Ignore".

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