Zone1 Racist Muslim U.N. Advisor says white people “take up too much space”


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2021
Yes, siree Bob…..this is another example of what is associated with the U.N. these days. We need to kick them out of NY and use the property for something beneficial to America.

This one, a foreign-born Islamist, blames white people for climate change because we “take up too much space.” She further goes on to say that white people are solely responsible for our move toward extinction, complains about the word “terrorist” being a smear against Islam, and rallies for the destruction of capitalism.

If she ever decides to go for a new job, she would fit right in with the anti-white, anti-Jew, anti-America members of the Squad.

Yes, siree Bob…..this is another example of what is associated with the U.N. these days. We need to kick them out of NY and use the property for something beneficial to America.

This one, a foreign-born Islamist, blames white people for climate change because we “take up too much space.” She further goes on to say that white people are solely responsible for our move toward extinction, complains about the word “terrorist” being a smear against Islam, and rallies for the destruction of capitalism.

If she ever decides to go for a new job, she would fit right in with the anti-white, anti-Jew, anti-America members of the Squad.

I hope you are not like her, classufying all people of one race. one religion or one nationality. all the same.
MAGA is known for doing that. As you point out, doing so id disgusting.
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Yes, siree Bob…..this is another example of what is associated with the U.N. these days. We need to kick them out of NY and use the property for something beneficial to America.

This one, a foreign-born Islamist, blames white people for climate change because we “take up too much space.” She further goes on to say that white people are solely responsible for our move toward extinction, complains about the word “terrorist” being a smear against Islam, and rallies for the destruction of capitalism.

If she ever decides to go for a new job, she would fit right in with the anti-white, anti-Jew, anti-America members of the Squad.

The UN Is a Petting Zoo for the Degenerate Multiculties
I hope you are not like her, classufying all people of one race. one religion or one nationality. all the same.
MAGA is known for doing that. As you point out, doing so id disgusting.
I judge individually, and I judge her to be a racist and a bigot. Don’t you?
I judge individually, and I judge her to be a racist and a bigot. Don’t you?
If you judge her as an individual, great.
If you judge her because she is foreign born or because she is muslim, shame on you.
You are doing what, you calim, she is doing.
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Yes, siree Bob…..this is another example of what is associated with the U.N. these days. We need to kick them out of NY and use the property for something beneficial to America.

This one, a foreign-born Islamist, blames white people for climate change because we “take up too much space.” She further goes on to say that white people are solely responsible for our move toward extinction, complains about the word “terrorist” being a smear against Islam, and rallies for the destruction of capitalism.

If she ever decides to go for a new job, she would fit right in with the anti-white, anti-Jew, anti-America members of the Squad.

1) She's into class envy for she is jealous of $uccessful white men.

2) She's into alilah the moonie goonie gawd meaning she is into death/suicide & destruction.

3) She's into climate fraud meaning she likes kick back U.S. tax $$$$$ a LOT!!!

4) Yeah, she sounds 101% U.N. welfare queen to me!
If you judge her as an individual, great.
If you judge her because she is foreign born or because she is muslim, shame on you.
You are doing what, you calim, she is doing.
I notice you immediately ignore what she is doing - blaming white people and saying we take up too much space - and going right in to criticize me. She is a horrible racist.

And the fact that she is a foreign-born Muslim IS pertinent, as the U.N. is full of racists and antisemites. Some U.N. workers actively participated in the savage massacre of Jews, and this is another example of the type of people associated with the U.N.

So don’t make this about ME. Make it about the horrible things she is saying about whites.
I notice you immediately ignore what she is doing - blaming white people and saying we take up too much space - and going right in to criticize me. She is a horrible racist.

And the fact that she is a foreign-born Muslim IS pertinent, as the U.N. is full of racists and antisemites. Some U.N. workers actively participated in the savage massacre of Jews, and this is another example of the type of people associated with the U.N.

So don’t make this about ME. Make it about the horrible things she is saying about whites.
Make it about you. Don't act like her.. Your post sounded you were like she is to whites but towards foeeign born and Muslims
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Make it about you. Don't act like her.. Your post sounded you were like she is to whites but towards foeeign born and Muslims
Attack the racist BITCH who said “whites are taking up too much space”. That old leftist tactic of putting your opponent on the defensive to deflect from the anti-white racism doesn’t work.

And yes, the post was to show that the foreign-born Muslims who populate the U.N. are anti-white, in addition to being anti-Jew. She was yet another example.
Attack the racist BITCH who said “whites are taking up too much space”. That old leftist tactic of putting your opponent on the defensive to deflect from the anti-white racism doesn’t work.

And yes, the post was to show that the foreign-born Muslims who populate the U.N. are anti-white, in addition to being anti-Jew. She was yet another example.
You are who you criticize.
We Who Are Born in the Dugout Are Made to Believe We've Been Benched

Those born into the ruling class have always looked down on those born into what their fathers force to be the servant class, including their college-graduate flunkies.

HeirHeads believe in only birth-class identity and want to prevent race identity not only by exclusion and humiliation, but in our time, by sponsoring the feral races to do their dirty work for them., following the tactic of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend." A losing tactic is to identify anyone in the Snob-Supremacy clique as "a richkid on our side."

Being spoiled-putrid creates their love of slumming and "going native," but that feralphilia also enhances their unearned economic supremacy.
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If you judge her as an individual, great.
If you judge her because she is foreign born or because she is muslim, shame on you.
You are doing what, you calim, she is doing.
The Neanderthal Didn't Die Out; They Were Killed Off

For superior races, racism is part of the Survival Instinct. For inferior races, racism is part of the Death Wish. As the backward bloodthirsty baboons soon shall see, because the prominence of these humanoids is an evolutionary challenge that it would be suicidal for us to back down from.
Make it about you. Don't act like her. Your post sounded like you were like she is to whites but towards foreign-born and Muslims
The Race Card Is a Joker. Losers Play It to Make Them Feel Like Winners

So what? Don't try to shame us with what is nothing to be ashamed about. Preach that to your Party for not giving in to the Squad's demands enough.
It's the big fat whales who take up too much space in America .

You need on- the -spot fines for Fatties who obstruct and frighten children .
If you judge her because she is foreign born or because she is muslim, shame on you.

Why? They are literally teaching in universities that you are supposed to judge people by their culture. That is the liberal philosophical status quo.

“Statements like these are harmful. They send a message that we all have the same dreams, values, struggles, and worries. The notion of “not seeing race” or being “colorblind” serves to negate the cultural values and lived experiences of individuals from diverse backgrounds. “Colorblind” ideologies are problematic because they fail to consider racism, past or present, as determining factors associated with disparities.

I’ve seen these phrases used in defense when an individual is afraid to discuss racism. Many educators use phrases such as these to avoid the discomfort that is necessary to push their thinking. I argue that speaking of another person’s race or culture should evoke dissonance, but that doesn’t make it racist or offensive. On the other hand, ignoring race and culture is offensive.”

Educators Must Disrupt 'Colorblind Ideologies' (Opinion)

Granted, these liberals really only “judge” white people. They refuse to judge POC because of the liberal soft-bigotry of lower expectations.

I’m sick of Muslims. They are theocratic jerks who murder homosexuals, subjugate women and abuse children. Which are probably the real reasons liberals fawn over them. Anyway, until the sub-terrorist Muslims take a stand against the terrorist Muslims I will lump them all in together.
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The Neanderthal Didn't Die Out; They Were Killed Off

For superior races, racism is part of the Survival Instinct. For inferior races, racism is part of the Death Wish. As the backward bloodthirsty baboons soon shall see, because the prominence of these humanoids is an evolutionary challenge that it would be suicidal for us to back down from.
Take a DNA test. No one is a purebread of any race.
Those that are predominantly white have had the easies go of it over the past 1000 years so they are, probably, weaker than other dominant races.
In many cases the meanest, nastiest are those that survive. That is why Trump is around.

One species that survived because they were nice and friendly is dogs.
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Why? They are literally teaching in universities that you are supposed to judge people by their culture. That is the liberal philosophical status quo.

“Statements like these are harmful. They send a message that we all have the same dreams, values, struggles, and worries. The notion of “not seeing race” or being “colorblind” serves to negate the cultural values and lived experiences of individuals from diverse backgrounds. “Colorblind” ideologies are problematic because they fail to consider racism, past or present, as determining factors associated with disparities.

I’ve seen these phrases used in defense when an individual is afraid to discuss racism. Many educators use phrases such as these to avoid the discomfort that is necessary to push their thinking. I argue that speaking of another person’s race or culture should evoke dissonance, but that doesn’t make it racist or offensive. On the other hand, ignoring race and culture is offensive.”

Educators Must Disrupt 'Colorblind Ideologies' (Opinion)

Granted, these liberals really only “judge” white people. They refuse to judge POC because of the liberal soft-bigotry of lower expectations.

I’m sick of Muslims. They are theocratic jerks who murder homosexuals, subjugate women and abuse children. Which are probably the real reasons liberals fawn over them. Anyway, until the sub-terrorist Muslims take a stand against the terrorist Muslims I will lump them all in together.
Judge cultures in a macro sense, judge individuals in a micro sense. You, obviously, have not been to college.
The Race Card Is a Joker. Losers Play It to Make Them Feel Like Winners

So what? Don't try to shame us with what is nothing to be ashamed about. Preach that to your Party for not giving in to the Squad's demands enough.
You say "don't shame us"; is us racists.
The OP called out someone a racist because they look down on whites. You look down on a lot of characteristics of others.

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