Students walk out on Jerry Seinfeld at Duke graduation.

Students at Duke University walked out as Jerry Seinfeld gave a commencement speech.

He did not say a word about Israel, yet they all waked out anyway.


Cuz Jerry is a dirty Jew!!!

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Yea, Newman hates him too.

Can anyone say antisemitism?

That is Duke University, home of the Clan.
Yes. The media is trying to portray this as some sort of giant national protest, but it's just a small bunch of weenies posturing for photo ops.
Perhaps in this instance, but it is far more broad than you believe. Many comedians and appearances have been cancelled due to protests, this doesn't include the daily college campus stuff.
Israel's crimes have consequences even in the US. It's very unfair.
Lol, the Palestinians attacked isreal first rapped their women and children. Burn infants to death. They deserve what isreal does to them. Now Biden wants to bring them here. Maybe your loved ones will get a piece of the action. Since you support this.
Only Big Brother can get away with that crap. A private database with names, would be illegal.
Not if the names were made public - like arrest records (not the Duke situation, but the Hamas protestors taking over campuses)
Odd how this isn't headline news on CNN, MSNBC, and The View... I mean, Jessie Smollet, that NASCAR Driver with the rope...

Seems to only go one way.. but hey, that's all just a coincidence.
Any footage? I briefly looked, and NBC said 30 people walked out. Not going to look further.

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