Racists are dumb, unfeeling, and lack creativity?


Gold Member
Apr 13, 2017

Aristotle founded Western Science he was Racist.

Hippocrates, and Plato also were Racist.

Darwin founded Evolution he was Racist.

Sir Isaac Newton was racist, he founded the theory of gravity.

Werhnher Von Braun put a man on the Moon he was a Nazi.

Thomas Edison invented much, he was Racist.

Nikola Tesla invented much he was a Eugenicist.

Charles Linnaeus pioneered the Natural Sciences was a racist.

Georges Curvier a racist too.

Philosophers like Immanuel Kant, Voltaire, Schopenhauer, and Leibniz all racist, and Leibniz founded binary code.

Francis Galton was racist, and so was Herbert Spencer.

WIlliam Shockley invented the transistor radio he was racist.

James Watson discovered DNA structure he's racist.

Mark Twain a Racist.

Borglum carved Mount Rushmoore, he was int the KKK.

Thomas Jefferson behind the Declaration of Independence was Racist.

George Washington founded the U.S.A, he was Racist.

Wagner a good classical musician was Racist.

Schubert was a good classical music was Racist.

L.P Lovecraft was Racist too.

One of the most expressive music forms in the 20th century was invented by this Racist in Norway....

There's been a lot of them since then.... It's called Black Metal.

Which has more talent, heart and soul?

Skinhead Rock Against Communist Punk from Poland.
Black Rapper who became popular?


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