Racists Love Republicans and Republicans Love Racists


Typical response of a loser. You got totally butt hurt and now you are crying troll how typical of a loser and a liar.

You lie and whine a lot here do you do it where people can punk you and kick your ass. I doubt it because you are a wuss and a coward.

You are a demagogue and a troll.

You add nothing to this discussion or board.

This was 1992, I thought that the left told us the racists fled the democrat party. Just as we all thought, they were wrong once again. I wonder if Mrs. Clinton will use a similliar button.




What those Clinton-Gore Confederate flag buttons say about politics in 2015 - The Washington Post

Try again, Pol Pot.

Typical response of a loser. You got totally butt hurt and now you are crying troll how typical of a loser and a liar.

You lie and whine a lot here do you do it where people can punk you and kick your ass. I doubt it because you are a wuss and a coward.

You are a demagogue and a troll.

You add nothing to this discussion or board.

they're as dangerous as the shooter with the hateful crap they spew

low life hater

This was 1992, I thought that the left told us the racists fled the democrat party. Just as we all thought, they were wrong once again. I wonder if Mrs. Clinton will use a similliar button.




What those Clinton-Gore Confederate flag buttons say about politics in 2015 - The Washington Post

Try again, Pol Pot.

Since I posted the first button let me say a few things. First of all the one in your post is too armature to be an official button. Anyone can make a button. Sorry, just my opinion. The first one seems very professional except for one thing, it is lacking a recognition that it was union made. Perhaps it wasn't that does not mean it wasn't an official button. Mrs. Clinton will need to be asked.
How long will we let conservatives write off Republican racism as a coincidence?

is it a coincidence that socks say outrageous racist things just to incite reaction?

No, that's why Rati created you, so that she could spew even more hate filled shit using the Valeravi handle.

it's enough to outright "disavow and publicly shame" racism, not necessarily making spectacles of screen names.

Will you disavow and publicly shame Asslips, Closed Caption, Matthew and other leftist racists the way we disavow and shame ShitsSpeedos, Tank, et al. on a daily basis?
we know the reason you created the dishonest notion that valerie and ravi are the same person. :thup:
Let's recap.

Dylann Roof is a product of the racist South. He was strongly influence the by the rantings of a Republican campaign contributor. As a result Roof like his cowardly Republican heroes strolled into a church and gunned down 9 innocent people. This is what today's conservative Rethuglicans have come to be.

Today's Republicans are a cancer.

Let's recap, you're a product of the racist left. You are strongly influenced by the rantings of Democrat campaign contributors Jeremiah Wright and super-racist Al Sharpton, who is a confidant and close friend of Barack Obama.

This is what today's Khmer Rouge democrats have become.
Well, if all this facts are true , can we get a list of names of those who received funds from white supremacist groups? Seriously. It's more like some kind of paranoia. When it comes to racial hatred, Americans are going mad.

This was 1992, I thought that the left told us the racists fled the democrat party. Just as we all thought, they were wrong once again. I wonder if Mrs. Clinton will use a similliar button.

That was put out by a grassroots group called the "Arkansas Travelers" for state primary campaigning --- in South Carolina. Had no connection to the Clinton campaign.

You could maybe, yanno, look this shit up instead of expecting Hillary Clinton to do your Googling for you.
Ernest Hollings D-SC put the Confederate flag atop the South Carolina State House.

Now....remind me again.....which team is racist? :lol:

You fucking moron. Hollings like George Wallace repented unlike pedophile Strom Thurmond who wouldn't give up his racism, quit the Democratic party and was welcomed with open arms by the racist pedophile Republicans. That's right your hero Strom Thurmond is a racist Republican pedophile.

Now slime bag your cancer is growing faster.

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