Racists Love Republicans and Republicans Love Racists

Not all Republicans are racists but IMO most are to some degree. Nearly all racists are Republicans. The following report shows that Republicans accepted $65,000 from a White Supremicist who was a big hero of Dylann Roof.

Earl Holt, leader of the Council of Conservative Citizens is a racist who give money to Republicans including Ted Cruz and Cruz accepted the until it came out the Earl Holt was one of Dylann Roof's heroes. This is typical Republican behavior!


WASHINGTON (AP) — The leader of a white supremacist group cited by Charleston church murder suspect Dylann Roof made $65,000 in donations to Republicans, including several to Republican presidential candidates, The Guardian newspaper reported Sunday night.

Read the rest HERE!

This is less about Dylann Roof and more about his CONservative Republican mentors and the overall hypocrisy and evil that is the GOP.

The Council of Conservative Citizens website helped fuel Roof's maniacal hatred for non Whites. The Ku Klux Klan is alive and well and it has changed it's letters from KKK to GOP.

WOW Another fucking idiot heard from.

Congratulations you diseased yeast infected stink hole, you now have cancer. Die slow and suffer. My karma sent you a very virulent form of cancer. Hell awaits.

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