Radical Right Wing Extremists Amnesia.

Radical Right Wing Extremists Amnesia.
Re-mem-ber Bush? Eight years of Bush caused the recession.

One well-known economist says that former President George W. Bush is to blame for the current economic crisis.

1. We cut taxes.

2. We spent $2 trillion on two unwinnable wars.

3. We doubled discretionary spending. Some conservatives originally aimed to "starve the beast" by cutting taxes in order to force future cuts in spending. But spending grew so out of control in Bush's term that no beast was starved, Roubini said. In fact, the beast was fed.

4. We added entitlement benefits like the Medicare drug benefit.

5. We entered the largest economic and financial crisis ever, which caused a huge increase in the deficit through the "recession deficit" and the cost of bailing out the banks and financial institutions.

Did George W. Bush cause this crisis?- MSN Money

Eight years of Bush that Rush Limbaugh must have been real “proud” of. And the Radical Right Wing Extremists selectively forgot. Now they want to blame Obama because he has not cleaned up the mess Bush made fast enough and economically. Bills that Bush racked up has to be paid and the Right want to take from the poor to pay them.

Obama‘s $814 billion stimulus bill and other remedies got us out of the worst economic slump since the Great Depression, keeping unemployment lower than it would have been.

Booooooosssshhhh. Do you realize what Ivan Pavlov would have given to have someone like you instead of a dog?

Look, what party won control of the U.S. Senate in 2006 and still has control of the U.S. Senate? The Dumbocrats!! What party won control of the House in 2006 and controlled it through 2010? The Dumbocrats!! Who won the presidency in 2008? A Dumbocrat named Barack Hussein Obama!! What party had a super majority in the House and Senate from 2008 to 2010? The Dumbocrats!!

With that in mind, the Dumbocrats had more than ample time to fix things, the Republicans had no power to stop them. Instead of fixing the problem, what do the Dumbocrats do? Why in one year they add $3 trillion to the debt...yeah $3 trillion. Do you realize under 6 years of Bush and Republican control, they added $3.4 trillion? I am not excusing Bush or the Repubicans, but for an idiot like you to completely be ignorant to the factual evidence I have just presented in that it only took Dumbocrats ONE year to nearly equal the debt Bush and Republicans did in 6 years proves you are nothing more than a linear-minded political hack.

Yeah, good ol Dumbocrat party, exploiting low income people with feel good programs and running up the debt, so the Dumbocrats can run up the debt for their rich leftist friends in Wall Street, allow them to buy out the debt, underwrite it and sell it to investors, and then of coarse the richies on Wall Street give back big money to Dumbocrats to keep raising the debt.

No....the problems we are facing are now the Dumbocrats fault, no doubts about it. But, the Dumbocrats have their rump swabs in the media who will go all out to defend and promote the Dumbocrat agenda, and brainwash stooges like you who have zero ability to think for yourself.
So how did Obama ever get 4 more years? Goodness gracious!

Regards from Rosie

47%. Book it. The remainder? Brain dead.

Shame you once, shame on you. Shame you twice... you're hopeless.

47% plus gays plus young voters.

I am glad the out party is the one that can't do math.

The math fooled all y'all twice. Twice equals two times, f.y.i.

Regards from Rosie
Obama has given a perceived validity to a do-nothing society. Do nothing and your rewards will be plenty. Do nothing and you'll receive something.

Do something and you will be penalized. In order to provide for the do-nothing society.
So how did Obama ever get 4 more years? Goodness gracious!

Regards from Rosie

It must be that 8% unemployment all during his first term and now going into his second that did it

Romney couldn't get those votes? His party didn't work hard to convince them that the Republicans had a 100% employment plan to encompass all ages and ethnicities?

Imagine dumping the unemployed demographic. Gee, how did Romney manage it?

Regards from Rosie
And now the extremist leftist communist have added an additional 6 trillion dollars in debt and proclaim everything all better. ROFLMAO Bush has nothing on your dear leader when it comes to spending dollar for dollar.

You do realize that the bulk of the deficit is due to a shortage of revenue, right? That is not to say that spending isn't also a problem, but a lot of the excess spending is due to the downturn in the economy, the same way that a good percentage of lost revenue is due to the downturn in the economy. If the economy was running strong, and tax rates were the same as they were under Clinton, we would be seeing close to $800 billion more in tax revenue per year, and spending on unemployment and many of the other safety net programs would be reduced by approximately $200 billion. Guess what? That's most of the deficit.

The real problem, long term, is not our current spending, but our long term obligations. We have to address SS and Medicare, because we cannot support those programs long term as they are currently set up. Raising the retirement age would be a good first step, and might be all we need to do to keep those programs permanently solvent.
Republicans were certain they had left Austerity for the Obama Administration as the only option.
I think they were counting on him not having the guts to propose a massive stimulus programs and tax cuts since Bush left him a big deficit and low interest rates. Of course they were wrong. The economy recovered and he won another 4 years.
Obama has given a perceived validity to a do-nothing society. Do nothing and your rewards will be plenty. Do nothing and you'll receive something.

Do something and you will be penalized. In order to provide for the do-nothing society.

yep, he did make that wonderful video, the life of Julia..I'm afraid we are past the tipping point in this country with the do nothing and your rewards will be plenty people..
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Obama has given a perceived validity to a do-nothing society. Do nothing and your rewards will be plenty. Do nothing and you'll receive something.

Do something and you will be penalized. In order to provide for the do-nothing society.

That's exactly why I am now doing nothing, retirement is sweet.
So how did Obama ever get 4 more years? Goodness gracious!

Regards from Rosie

47%. Book it. The remainder? Brain dead.

Shame you once, shame on you. Shame you twice... you're hopeless.

47% plus gays plus young voters.

I am glad the out party is the one that can't do math.

The math fooled all y'all twice. Twice equals two times, f.y.i.

Regards from Rosie

Young voters and gay voters have been made pawns of Liberal ideology to the point of being bullied into believing their own inferiority with respect to the general population.

This is precisely how Carter won the Presidency. Through lies and division. Democrats and Liberals have no platform. They only have an anti-platform. Refute and dispute and you shall be given voice.

Minorities can not stand on their own because they simply have no confidence. Without confidence there is no voice. Without voice there is no credence. Without credence there is no recognition.

The Liberal Democrat machine can only survive upon a non-recoginzed in society.
This machine portrays itself as the voice, heart, and soul of the non-recognized so it is in their self-perpetuating interest to represent minorities in this context.

It is a fabricated society, pitted against societal reality for the sole purpose of guaranteeing a future of suppressive persona for the sake of furthering a Liberal Democrat agenda.

Don't you get it? The endless cycle of subjugation?
So how did Obama ever get 4 more years? Goodness gracious!

Regards from Rosie
Mitt Romney ran a bad campaign that does not mean Obama did a good job governing it just means he did a better job campaigning.

And if a man is crappy at campaigning that means he'd be lousy at Commander-in-Chief.

Good governance is one thing. Not having jihadists blow up planes over your house is a better thing.

It was C-i-C that made a big difference. Obama's team killed Osama. A supposedly Muslim man made a bunch of Islamist terrorists and Taliban dead.

While getting our troops out of Iraq.

Mission MUCH better accomplished than Bush.

That helped stuff 4 more years down your throats.

Regards from Rosie
47%. Book it. The remainder? Brain dead.

Shame you once, shame on you. Shame you twice... you're hopeless.

47% plus gays plus young voters.

I am glad the out party is the one that can't do math.

The math fooled all y'all twice. Twice equals two times, f.y.i.
Regards from Rosie

Young voters and gay voters have been made pawns of Liberal ideology to the point of being bullied into believing their own inferiority with respect to the general population.

This is precisely how Carter won the Presidency. Through lies and division. Democrats and Liberals have no platform. They only have an anti-platform. Refute and dispute and you shall be given voice.

Minorities can not stand on their own because they simply have no confidence. Without confidence there is no voice. Without voice there is no credence. Without credence there is no recognition.

The Liberal Democrat machine can only survive upon a non-recoginzed in society.
This machine portrays itself as the voice, heart, and soul of the non-recognized so it is in their self-perpetuating interest to represent minorities in this context.

It is a fabricated society, pitted against societal reality for the sole purpose of guaranteeing a future of suppressive persona for the sake of furthering a Liberal Democrat agenda.

Don't you get it? The endless cycle of subjugation?

Yeah, I do get the subjugation thing. I am a female that wants God and the female reproductive system to be matters of individual freedom and liberty and to not be subjugated to old Republican white men. Thanks!

Regards from Rosie
And now the extremist leftist communist have added an additional 6 trillion dollars in debt and proclaim everything all better. ROFLMAO Bush has nothing on your dear leader when it comes to spending dollar for dollar.

You do realize that the bulk of the deficit is due to a shortage of revenue, right? That is not to say that spending isn't also a problem, but a lot of the excess spending is due to the downturn in the economy, the same way that a good percentage of lost revenue is due to the downturn in the economy. If the economy was running strong, and tax rates were the same as they were under Clinton, we would be seeing close to $800 billion more in tax revenue per year, and spending on unemployment and many of the other safety net programs would be reduced by approximately $200 billion. Guess what? That's most of the deficit.

The real problem, long term, is not our current spending, but our long term obligations. We have to address SS and Medicare, because we cannot support those programs long term as they are currently set up. Raising the retirement age would be a good first step, and might be all we need to do to keep those programs permanently solvent.

Federal revenues right now are at an all time high, about 2.7 trillion dollars, but people don't understand when you raise baseline spending which is programed to increase every year, it is a debt multiplier. The sequester just reduces the baseline very little and according to Maobama will kill every old and young person in the country and if you house catches fire your screwed. Hell yeah I know how we got here, but when you have blind asses like the OP trying to just blame republicans while claiming Maobama is blameless, I ain't buying that either. As for SS and Medicare every time the subject is brought up the left goes crazy, saying there is nothing wrong and the programs are solvent, we all know better than that, but hey the commies campaign on it, they get votes, so they'll keep on lying. I'm due to get my first SS check this month and to be honest, I'll believe it when I see it.
So how did Obama ever get 4 more years? Goodness gracious!

Regards from Rosie
Mitt Romney ran a bad campaign that does not mean Obama did a good job governing it just means he did a better job campaigning.

And if a man is crappy at campaigning that means he'd be lousy at Commander-in-Chief.

Good governance is one thing. Not having jihadists blow up planes over your house is a better thing.

It was C-i-C that made a big difference. Obama's team killed Osama. A supposedly Muslim man made a bunch of Islamist terrorists and Taliban dead.

While getting our troops out of Iraq.

Mission MUCH better accomplished than Bush.

That helped stuff 4 more years down your throats.

Regards from Rosie

Most of that response was rambling non sense so I will focus on OBL and Iraq yes in laden got it on Obamas watch and I have given him credit for making that call the troop withdrawal was put in place in October 2008 before Obama was ever elected.
And now the extremist leftist communist have added an additional 6 trillion dollars in debt and proclaim everything all better. ROFLMAO Bush has nothing on your dear leader when it comes to spending dollar for dollar.

out line exactly where the 6 trillion came from.
Mitt robmoney ran the only campaign the insane right wing would let him run.

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