Radical Right Wing Extremists Amnesia.

The Republicans love poor people. That's why they made so many of them while Bush was on watch.

The Democrats love poor people. That's they they keep them poor while Obama is on watch.

The UnConservatives crack me up when it comes to the causes of the crash. They run as fast as they can and take a running leap over Bush (who was all light and goodness, dontcha know) and land way the fuck back in the Carter Administration and blame him. :lol:

If gas goes up 50 cents, it's Obama's fault. But 8 million people get thrown out of work on Bush's watch and its CARTER's fault! BWA-HA-HA-HA! I've even seem them attempt to blame Obama for the crash. Amazing.

History has no revisionist like a Republican scorned.
Mitt romney ran the only campaign the insane right wing would let him run.

and obama ran one that the left wing would let him, dirt, lies and hate
You find it funny Obama didn't tout his wonderful record? of 8% unemployment, gas over $3 a gallon his whole term, poverty up, welfare exploding etc etc?..
but we heard he got Bin laden, A LOT

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