Radio Host & Muslim Caller Debate Islam

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
[ame=]Radio Host Neal Boortz VS Muslim Caller - YouTube[/ame]

You decide who won this debate.
Boorst won within the first minute. He was overbearing but he's right, they don't show outrage - ever.
Boorst won within the first minute. He was overbearing but he's right, they don't show outrage - ever.

Well, over cartoons & free speech they do but you're right when it comes to Muslim Terrrorists blowing up the middle of a Boston Marathon maiming people, killing children, no outrage.

Priorities, SJ, priorities....

- Jeri
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Boorst won within the first minute. He was overbearing but he's right, they don't show outrage - ever.

Well, over cartoons & free speech they do but you're right when it comes to Muslim Terrrorists blowing up the middle of a Boston Marathon maiming people, killing children, no outrage.

Priorities, SJ, priorities....

- Jeri

No one on the left gives a shit about that...Gots to replace our culture with our enemies. ;)
Here is the truth as I see it. After the London beheading? Had the Muslims been as outraged over such an act done in their religions name - as they were let's say over the cartoon of their prophet? They would have taken to the streets all over the world in protest. Not even in London did we see this. No marches held with signs saying NOT IN OUR NAME. Nothing.

Again, in the United States, no Muslim group took to the streets with signs, NOT IN OUR NAME -NOT IN OUR RELIGIONS NAME - not a single group protested in streets as they would have been capable of had it been an attack against themselves. There is a glaring contradiction.

This is where the disconnect is. imo. It identifies the problem.

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