Raging Boehner: Bullies GOP to back debt plan

Nominee for thread title of the year award.

Fortunately for Boehner the prospect of a ‘Speaker Cantor’ is so horrendous to republicans the Speaker may be allowed to keep his job. Maybe.
Maybe before you left wingers start your Soros lock-step rhetoric and spout anti-GOP cliches you should think about the situation. Would democrats even be talking (lying) about cutting spending if it wasn't for the republican majority in congress? You lefties should be patting Boehmer on the back for forcing the democrat party to stop spending our great-grandkids money in lavish political payoffs but you can't. You are stuck with a failed neo-socialist ideology and you can't let go of it even when the future of America is at stake.
Maybe before you left wingers start your Soros lock-step rhetoric and spout anti-GOP cliches you should think about the situation. Would democrats even be talking (lying) about cutting spending if it wasn't for the republican majority in congress? You lefties should be patting Boehmer on the back for forcing the democrat party to stop spending our great-grandkids money in lavish political payoffs but you can't. You are stuck with a failed neo-socialist ideology and you can't let go of it even when the future of America is at stake.
Boner can't get enough votes from his own party.

Tea Party Warns GOP: A Vote for Boehner's Debt Plan Violates Our Pledge

WASHINGTON -- The Tea Party is causing more headaches for Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) over his debt proposal.

A coalition of several hundred Tea Party chapters declared Tuesday that a vote for Boehner's debt plan constitutes a violation of its pledge, which 51 Republican lawmakers have signed. The group, known as the Cut, Cap and Balance Coalition, notified its members of its position in a Tuesday memo entitled, "Clarification of the CCB Coalition Stance on the Speaker's Proposal."
WASHINGTON -- The Tea Party is causing more headaches for Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) over his debt proposal.

A coalition of several hundred Tea Party chapters declared Tuesday that a vote for Boehner's debt plan constitutes a violation of its pledge, which 51 Republican lawmakers have signed. The group, known as the Cut, Cap and Balance Coalition, notified its members of its position in a Tuesday memo entitled, "Clarification of the CCB Coalition Stance on the Speaker's Proposal."

You’ve got to be kidding.

There are 51 insane republicans (at least) in the House, who are neglecting the oath they swore to the Constitution in favor of an oath sworn to partisan ideology.
Maybe before you left wingers start your Soros lock-step rhetoric and spout anti-GOP cliches you should think about the situation. Would democrats even be talking (lying) about cutting spending if it wasn't for the republican majority in congress? You lefties should be patting Boehmer on the back for forcing the democrat party to stop spending our great-grandkids money in lavish political payoffs but you can't. You are stuck with a failed neo-socialist ideology and you can't let go of it even when the future of America is at stake.

no they don't have to do that, the 2 "gentleman" on this thread laughing it up as usual have a deficit of , well intellectual honsety it appears.....a) pelosi told her folks back in the run up to the healthcare votes, get on board, or else. b) she has already done same for this vote, not that it matters much becasue they slaughtered the blue dogs they worked so hard to get elected to grab the majority....c) the headlines ala boehner, well , if it were bohener threatens member's with loss of chairmanships positions etc. we'd be hearing about what a hitler he was.....so, its just trash in, trash out.
Is there something inherent in the liberal gene that they refuse to recognize evidence that is presented to them? We owe China more than we can pay them in the near future and democrats think Obama should keep spending our grand kids fortune while the debt mounts up.
Is there something inherent in the liberal gene that they refuse to recognize evidence that is presented to them? We owe China more than we can pay them in the near future and democrats think Obama should keep spending our grand kids fortune while the debt mounts up.
Umm, you need to do some research. Obama was handed a huge deficit when he took office. The US technically hasn't had a balanced budget since 1957. The recession is lingering. Have republicans put anything on the table other than cuts? and no revenues?
Can a country wage 2 wars and not take in additional revenues to pay for it?
No revenues means no job creation in the past 10 years too. Tax cuts were supposed to be the incentive for corporations to create jobs, and has it? No. Instead, corporations moved jobs overseas, put Americans out of work, no new revenues coming in.
Are you sure you want to blame this entirely upon Obama and democrats?

The United States has not had a balanced budget since 1957! | Geldpress
Maybe before you left wingers start your Soros lock-step rhetoric and spout anti-GOP cliches you should think about the situation. Would democrats even be talking (lying) about cutting spending if it wasn't for the republican majority in congress? You lefties should be patting Boehmer on the back for forcing the democrat party to stop spending our great-grandkids money in lavish political payoffs but you can't. You are stuck with a failed neo-socialist ideology and you can't let go of it even when the future of America is at stake.

no they don't have to do that, the 2 "gentleman" on this thread laughing it up as usual have a deficit of , well intellectual honsety it appears.....a) pelosi told her folks back in the run up to the healthcare votes, get on board, or else. b) she has already done same for this vote, not that it matters much becasue they slaughtered the blue dogs they worked so hard to get elected to grab the majority....c) the headlines ala boehner, well , if it were bohener threatens member's with loss of chairmanships positions etc. we'd be hearing about what a hitler he was.....so, its just trash in, trash out.

Ditto big time.

Apparantly PC has forgotten all about the strong arming, threats and bribes it took for Pelosi and Reid to pass that clusterfuck Obamacare. Just think She told her Dems to ignore the millions of calls from we the people. Phone calls saying "Hell No."

Oh wait. I forgot. Those are dems. Never mind.
Yet another example of a Republican doing something Dimocrats have done in the past and will do in the future, but when it's on the other side of the aisle it's a headline.
The LAMESTREAM media has become a disgusting ARM of the Democrat-Progressive party.

Get your news elsewhere.

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