Raiders will stay in Oakland,here is WHY.

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Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2008
I see as as always,people around here are falling for what the LAMESTREAM media tells them actually thinking Vegas is

If you listen to the media,they tell you the Raiders are as good as gone but thats far from the truth. You got to remember,the media last year ALSO said that Carson was for real,that it was a done deal,that the Raiders and Chargers would be in LA this year.How did that one turn out? I thought so.:D I said many times the whole year before the vote that Carson was a hoax yet people around here took them seriously.:lmao:

The 6 man committe who oversaw the LA relocation,they were in favor of it so the media printed the story that carson was a done deal leaving out the facts that the committe had no influence or pull on the decision at all.that they just recommended things.The reason Vegas is getting so much attention is that same committe is saying Vegas is a done deal as well and same with Carson,people are falling for it around the country hook,line,and sinker.:D

The problem that arouse with carson a year ago and the same problem that will arise with Vegas is that publicly the owners will SAY they support Vegas as was the case with Carson,but once they go into a room and have a secret ballot as they did with Carson and Inglewood,the commiite found out otherwise that the owners were not voting for carson.:D

same will happen with Vegas,they will go into a room and have a secret vote and most owners will oppose it,the facts indicate that anyways. Thats what I said would happen with Carson and I called that one so no reason to think Vegas will be any different.

Here are the two main facts that if you were a betting man,you would put all your money on the Raiders staying.

1.what the media is not telling the public is that many of the owners are OPPOSED to Vegas.That the OWNERS have to approve the move for the Raiders to leave.You cant just up and move a team anymore as the Rams did in st louis,or the Raiders when they went to LA or when the colts left Baltimore,Relocation is MUCH more difficult now than it was 20 years ago with much tougher rules.You have to have 23 votes from the owners for them to move. It only takes NINE votes by the owners to stop it. Nine votes is much easier to get than 23.

2.The most important fact though that the media is also not reporting and never does is the stupidity in Mark Davis.He is so poor and broke by NFL owners standards,that he does not have the capitol to pull off the move as Stan Kroneke did with the Rams to LA.

Bank of America is going to build the stadium but this is a BANK,they are going to expect something in return.they are not going to just build the stadium for FREE out of the goodness oft their own heart and expect nothing in return which is what Davis wants.He wants a free handout.He is not going to get that.:lmao:that is why Billionaire sheldon adelson dropped out and what Bank of america will do eventually as well when they find out the truth about Davis.:D

Many of the owners are against the move because the NFL would be leaving the 6th biggest media market in the country for the 44th biggest,that is not good for the NFL at all.Vegas is the most poor nation in the country.most residents have to work TWO jobs to support themselves.they will never be able to afford the PSL licence suites and the oakland fans are not going to drive down there to support them.

Here is how I know all this.This guy here in this video was actually approached at one time by mark davis to design a stadium for him in Oakland.He is an architect and not only that,well connected to NFL people at ESPN,a relative of Oakland mayor Libby Schaff,so because he is connected to people at ESPN,he has sources that talk to the NFL owners and many of the owners he has learned do not like the financials of the Vegas stadium plan and has the inside on at least "FIVE" owners who are against the move to Vegas.

He has been spot on on everything he has reported,he got laughed at when he said carson was a hoax.well he got the last laugh on the media and everybody else.he has always been spot on.who you going to listen to HIM,or the lying media?:rolleyes:

Here is a great video he made that shoots down the vegas should take a look see.:thup:

Not looking good for vegas.:biggrin:

couple other really great ones as well.

and people think Vegas is for real?:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:

if you got a couple of hours to spare,here are a couple of other really good ones as well that tell whats REALLY going on.

Not looking good for Mark Davis at all.:haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

Many of the owners want Davis to SELL the team to a billionaire investor in Oakland.there are many of them.what is going to happen is they are just going to let Davis rot in Oakland till he has no choice but to sell.Dont expect Mark Davis to be the owners in five years from now,he will be gone by then probably,for SURE within ten years.:D
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hey how about those rams?

Yeah I called that didnt I? I took a lot of people here at USMB to school on that and yet they STILL think Vegas is for real.comedy gold.:lmao::haha:

there are many people here at USMB like USMB's resident troll WRONGwinger and anquity that are STILL butthurt over me proving them wrong,one of those trolls is so butthurt on being wrong about it,everytime i ask him what he was saying about the rams not coming back to LA,he throws temper tantrems and changes the subject all the time.:lmao::haha: WRONG winger is so butthurt about being wrong,he still trys to convince himself they are still in st louis.:haha:
hey how about those rams?

Yeah I called that didnt I? I took a lot of people here at USMB to school on that and yet they STILL think Vegas is for real.comedy gold.:lmao::haha:

there are many people here at USMB like USMB's resident troll WRONGwinger and anquity that are STILL butthurt over me proving them wrong,one of those trolls is so butthurt on being wrong about it,everytime i ask him what he was saying about the rams not coming back to LA,he throws temper tantrems and changes the subject all the time.:lmao::haha: WRONG winger is so butthurt about being wrong,he still trys to convince himself they are still in st louis.:haha:
thats not what i was referring too....they still suck.....
Raiders are as good as gone to Las Vegas already.

No chance of them saying in Oaktown. Oaktown is a sh!t hole.
Raiders are as good as gone to Las Vegas already.

No chance of them saying in Oaktown. Oaktown is a sh!t hole.

Notice as always that this LAS VEGAS Raiders resident as always,just comes on here and trolls,doesnt even try to debate facts? doesnt even look at them? Reminds of of anquity when I laid out the cold hard facts why the Rams would be coming back to LA but he just covered his ears and closed his eyes.they should marry each other.:lmao::haha:

and when the Raiders DONT get approval from the owners to move and it is voted down later this month,this vegas raiders fan will of course will be on the suicide hotline number.:lmao::haha:

this vegas raiders fan does this each time refute pesky facts.-:scared1:

oh and this troll says oaktown is a shithole? oh really? doesnt look like a shithole to me here below in this video in this link here.:rofl:

Dr.Death @26DrDeath

vegas is the town thats a shithole the fact it is the most broke town in the country.:rofl:
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hey how about those rams?

Yeah I called that didnt I? I took a lot of people here at USMB to school on that and yet they STILL think Vegas is for real.comedy gold.:lmao::haha:

there are many people here at USMB like USMB's resident troll WRONGwinger and anquity that are STILL butthurt over me proving them wrong,one of those trolls is so butthurt on being wrong about it,everytime i ask him what he was saying about the rams not coming back to LA,he throws temper tantrems and changes the subject all the time.:lmao::haha: WRONG winger is so butthurt about being wrong,he still trys to convince himself they are still in st louis.:haha:
thats not what i was referring too....they still suck.....

yeah I know that but this isnt a Rams thread,uh I have at least two Rams threads you can go to if you want to talk about the Rams you know?:rolleyes:

Plus I dont know why you even bother bringing that up since i never once said them being back in LA,they would be instant winners their first year back.:rolleyes:
hey how about those rams?

Yeah I called that didnt I? I took a lot of people here at USMB to school on that and yet they STILL think Vegas is for real.comedy gold.:lmao::haha:

there are many people here at USMB like USMB's resident troll WRONGwinger and anquity that are STILL butthurt over me proving them wrong,one of those trolls is so butthurt on being wrong about it,everytime i ask him what he was saying about the rams not coming back to LA,he throws temper tantrems and changes the subject all the time.:lmao::haha: WRONG winger is so butthurt about being wrong,he still trys to convince himself they are still in st louis.:haha:
thats not what i was referring too....they still suck.....

yeah I know that but this isnt a Rams thread,uh I have at least two Rams threads you can go to if you want to talk about the Rams you know?:rolleyes:

Plus I dont know why you even bother bringing that up since i never once said them being back in LA,they would be instant winners their first year back.:rolleyes:

oh and btw,that being said,how about actually commenting on the FACTS presented here in the OP on the RAIDERS instead of doing an imitation of that troll yost whats his name who always trolls on my threads never looking at the facts i present and just says the same old garbage the raiders are as good as gone blah blah blah blah with no evidence to back it up other than the LAMESTREAM media which as i said,has no facts to back up what they say either.:rolleyes:
hey how about those rams?

Yeah I called that didnt I? I took a lot of people here at USMB to school on that and yet they STILL think Vegas is for real.comedy gold.:lmao::haha:

there are many people here at USMB like USMB's resident troll WRONGwinger and anquity that are STILL butthurt over me proving them wrong,one of those trolls is so butthurt on being wrong about it,everytime i ask him what he was saying about the rams not coming back to LA,he throws temper tantrems and changes the subject all the time.:lmao::haha: WRONG winger is so butthurt about being wrong,he still trys to convince himself they are still in st louis.:haha:
thats not what i was referring too....they still suck.....

yeah I know that but this isnt a Rams thread,uh I have at least two Rams threads you can go to if you want to talk about the Rams you know?:rolleyes:

Plus I dont know why you even bother bringing that up since i never once said them being back in LA,they would be instant winners their first year back.:rolleyes:
they wont be winners 5 years from now.....
hey how about those rams?

Yeah I called that didnt I? I took a lot of people here at USMB to school on that and yet they STILL think Vegas is for real.comedy gold.:lmao::haha:

there are many people here at USMB like USMB's resident troll WRONGwinger and anquity that are STILL butthurt over me proving them wrong,one of those trolls is so butthurt on being wrong about it,everytime i ask him what he was saying about the rams not coming back to LA,he throws temper tantrems and changes the subject all the time.:lmao::haha: WRONG winger is so butthurt about being wrong,he still trys to convince himself they are still in st louis.:haha:
thats not what i was referring too....they still suck.....

yeah I know that but this isnt a Rams thread,uh I have at least two Rams threads you can go to if you want to talk about the Rams you know?:rolleyes:

Plus I dont know why you even bother bringing that up since i never once said them being back in LA,they would be instant winners their first year back.:rolleyes:

oh and btw,that being said,how about actually commenting on the FACTS presented here in the OP on the RAIDERS instead of doing an imitation of that troll yost whats his name who always trolls on my threads never looking at the facts i present and just says the same old garbage the raiders are as good as gone blah blah blah blah with no evidence to back it up other than the LAMESTREAM media which as i said,has no facts to back up what they say either.:rolleyes:
i can care less about the raiders.....
hey how about those rams?

Yeah I called that didnt I? I took a lot of people here at USMB to school on that and yet they STILL think Vegas is for real.comedy gold.:lmao::haha:

there are many people here at USMB like USMB's resident troll WRONGwinger and anquity that are STILL butthurt over me proving them wrong,one of those trolls is so butthurt on being wrong about it,everytime i ask him what he was saying about the rams not coming back to LA,he throws temper tantrems and changes the subject all the time.:lmao::haha: WRONG winger is so butthurt about being wrong,he still trys to convince himself they are still in st louis.:haha:
thats not what i was referring too....they still suck.....

yeah I know that but this isnt a Rams thread,uh I have at least two Rams threads you can go to if you want to talk about the Rams you know?:rolleyes:

Plus I dont know why you even bother bringing that up since i never once said them being back in LA,they would be instant winners their first year back.:rolleyes:
they wont be winners 5 years from now.....

Uh wrong thread,this is where that belongs.

Okay how come I never hear how st louis lost two NFL teams?

for me and many of my LA friends.we dont care if they go 0-16 each year,we are just happy that they are finally back where they belong.:banana::dance:

st louis rams was the most retarded name for a football team.:cuckoo:
Raiders are as good as gone to Las Vegas already.

No chance of them saying in Oaktown. Oaktown is a sh!t hole.

zennie as always,takes this troll to the only way this vegas thing happens is if the owners are that incredibly stupid enough to approve this move.It has so many holes in it its a joke. The Raiders would be in huge financial ruins and have to come back to Oakland within five years if the owners were that stupid to approve this. Fortunately many of the owners realise how bad a deal this is and are against LEAST five of them have been public about it.Arther Blank owner of the flacons has even came out and said in the public-I cannot imagine the Raiders without the name Oakland attached to only need nine votes against it,which this troll ignores.:rolleyes:

vegas is the place thats a shithole,Oakland is a thriving community.:rolleyes:
this is just one of DOZENS of problems why Vegas would be a disaster for the NFL and for the Raiders and why they wont get the votes.:D

time for yost to get on the suicide hotline number he wants them in vegas so badly.:D

A detailed look at the financial plan for the Oakland Raiders proposed NFL Stadium in Las Vegas reveals a project cash flow shortfall of almost $1 billion over the planned 30 year lease term.

were talking a billion EVERY YEAR,not just for 30.:rofl::muahaha:
Nothing has changed.

The Raiders are going to Las Vegas asap -- in 2 more years.

see folks as always,when this troll cant counter and adddress facts,he trolls in denial,he is going to be on that suicide hotline number very soon.:haha:
Oakland has been working with the NFL and has a long term financial does not as I proved.:haha: vegas is the shithole,not oakland,nobobdy wants to live there in that city its so dirtpoor,the most poor in the country at that with familys working two jobs just get by where oakland has all these corporations and billionaire familys.:haha:

time to comfort the vegas fan he is so much in denial.:itsok::itsok:
this is just one of DOZENS of problems why Vegas would be a disaster for the NFL and for the Raiders and why they wont get the votes.:D

time for yost to get on the suicide hotline number he wants them in vegas so badly.:D

A detailed look at the financial plan for the Oakland Raiders proposed NFL Stadium in Las Vegas reveals a project cash flow shortfall of almost $1 billion over the planned 30 year lease term.

were talking a billion EVERY YEAR,not just for 30.:rofl::muahaha:

Vegas is going to require Davis to pay rent every year,he is so broke that if he cant pay it they will kick him out within five years "which is what they do if he gets approval cause he is so dirt poor.":haha:

he will be so dirt poor with no place to play he would have to crawl back to oakland,most the owners realise this which is WHY he wont get the votes WRONGWINGER.:haha:
While the mainstream media is focused on Marshawn Lynch possibly coming to the Oakland Raiders and free agency other things are happening right now.

The Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf and the NFL are working on a plan to Keep the Raiders in Oakland. Although, a relocation vote by the owners is scheduled for next week it is subject to change.

Mark Davis currently is claiming that the B of A loan and everything is all aligned for a Yes vote. However, the numbers for infrastructure, no developer, no land,lack of collateral, and no lease agreement is against his wishes.

NOTE: The Bank of America CEO has not responded to any request by the media involving the Las Vegas Stadium.

Meanwhile, Sheldon Adelson's newspaper Las Vegas Review-Journal interviewed Zennie62 to bring more dirt that will bury Mark Davis stadium plans.

Recently, the vlogger Zennie created a spreadsheet the shows how Mark Davis would be in a deficit over $1 billion over a 30 years time of dedication to a deal in Las Vegas.

Some may say moving to Las Vegas is a business move due to the Hollywood type of lifestyle Celebrities have. But, when it don't make dollars it don't make sense/cents.

-Autumn Wind Williams

sorry to break the news to you Vegas fan.but the NFL loves Ronnie Lotts Plan.they have a long term plan AND billionaire investors who will put up the money once the Vegas plans falls apart and is voted against,the Oakland plan will be announced.:biggrin::itsok::itsok: If the Raiders were moving to LA,then yeah,Oakland fans would have a lot to worry about since they would be going to a bigger market but we are talking about that shithole Vegas,not only a MUCH MUCH smaller market which is bad for the NFL,but the most poor nation in the country,Vegas has disaster written all over it,the owners arent stupid.:itsok:
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good stuff from zennie again.:thup:

He said it so well there that Mark Davis is in a

He cant win either way. The move to vegas would be so fiscally irresponsible that he would be evicted from vegas in debt unable to foot the bill with nowhere to go but to back Oakland within five years.:biggrin:

If he stays in oakland and does not get the votes,zennie thinks he will probably be so angry he will sell the team.:biggrin: Makes sense.I would say Zennie is spot on there.what else is new though.:thup:
more cool stuff from zennie.:beer:

with the kind of deal vegas has,if this passes,Vegas will evict not just mark davis in a fear years.but the RAIDERS as well.This has disaster written all over it if the NFL goes through with it and gives davis the majority votes needed for approval to move.this is NOT a good deal for the NFL one bit at all yet people here STILL think the owners will vote yes for the raiders?:cuckoo:
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