Raining Immigrants: Good Thing Or Bad?

Who has legalized more illegals : Democrats or republicans?
Who has legalized more illegals : Democrats or republicans?

The same party who voted more strongly for the 1964 civil rights bill, so what?
People always go on with the bullshit that its only Dems who like illegals. Its not. And if you look at actual policy, the repubs are even WORSE. Look at immigration act of 90'. MONSTROSITY
I didn't say Democrats or Republicans - I said liberals. Shame some people are too stupid to know the difference.
What do you call a liberal Republican? RINO , Maverick, John McCain.
What do you call a conservative Democrat? Traitor, Oreo, Uncle Tom, Joe Libberm
Doesn't matter, who has, the problem is when do we SHUT THE FUCKING DOOR, and get our own house in order. One side(Liberal morons) want to allow everyone into our once great country so they can fundamentally transform it from a Christian/Judea group of happy people, to a 3rd world latino/Islamic group so then the US is no longer SEEN as a Powerhouse. All you have to do is watch the apologizer in chief go around the world, blame whitie for all the worlds problems, yet once Whitie is gone, the there is all hell to pay. The world is on fire, inner cities burn, dogs want to be cats, and the end is near, or "maybe" 100 years from now. The staypuff marshmallow man is on his way, and he is in the White House. Boy were the liberals wrong with the 1st White black president of the US. Hope and Change, lowering the oceans and heal the planet.

I am very much for Nationalist policies. ESPECIALLY illegals and shit.

Were you raised with understanding of the use of civil language?

If you are unable to post without profanity....

...please don't bother to post at all.

GFY, gook.

And, America is a nation of immigrants, that should never change. It keeps the place lively.

America was a nation of immigrants who came here to work, not suck off the teat of liberal welfare policies. Now you are probably a libidiot who sits in his/her/its parents basement getting government cheese, free healthcare from your parents, bitching and moaning how your life sucks to be you. So every one else in America must suck like you, that is "FAIRNESS". Such stupid people who vote dumbocrat.

That wasn't even a response to you
Who has legalized more illegals : Democrats or republicans?
Who has legalized more illegals : Democrats or republicans?

The same party who voted more strongly for the 1964 civil rights bill, so what?
People always go on with the bullshit that its only Dems who like illegals. Its not. And if you look at actual policy, the repubs are even WORSE. Look at immigration act of 90'. MONSTROSITY
I didn't say Democrats or Republicans - I said liberals. Shame some people are too stupid to know the difference.
What do you call a liberal Republican? RINO , Maverick, John McCain.
What do you call a conservative Democrat? Traitor, Oreo, Uncle Tom, Joe Libberm
Doesn't matter, who has, the problem is when do we SHUT THE FUCKING DOOR, and get our own house in order. One side(Liberal morons) want to allow everyone into our once great country so they can fundamentally transform it from a Christian/Judea group of happy people, to a 3rd world latino/Islamic group so then the US is no longer SEEN as a Powerhouse. All you have to do is watch the apologizer in chief go around the world, blame whitie for all the worlds problems, yet once Whitie is gone, the there is all hell to pay. The world is on fire, inner cities burn, dogs want to be cats, and the end is near, or "maybe" 100 years from now. The staypuff marshmallow man is on his way, and he is in the White House. Boy were the liberals wrong with the 1st White black president of the US. Hope and Change, lowering the oceans and heal the planet.

I am very much for Nationalist policies. ESPECIALLY illegals and shit.

Were you raised with understanding of the use of civil language?

If you are unable to post without profanity....

...please don't bother to post at all.

GFY, gook.

And, America is a nation of immigrants, that should never change. It keeps the place lively.

America was a nation of immigrants who came here to work, not suck off the teat of liberal welfare policies. Now you are probably a libidiot who sits in his/her/its parents basement getting government cheese, free healthcare from your parents, bitching and moaning how your life sucks to be you. So every one else in America must suck like you, that is "FAIRNESS". Such stupid people who vote dumbocrat.

And, prior to 1914, the income tax kicked in, whereby the Progressives would enforce 'from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs,' the folks who were immigrants knew that they came to work and contribute to the nation.
Who has legalized more illegals : Democrats or republicans?
Who has legalized more illegals : Democrats or republicans?

The same party who voted more strongly for the 1964 civil rights bill, so what?
People always go on with the bullshit that its only Dems who like illegals. Its not. And if you look at actual policy, the repubs are even WORSE. Look at immigration act of 90'. MONSTROSITY

Hey some of us have SLAMMED the GOP establishment hacks like Bush and Kasich for their pro-illegals policies. Ditto on trade, to hear Bush tell it we just have to bend over and take it from China and Mexico out of fear they might get mad, fuck that!
Who has legalized more illegals : Democrats or republicans?
Who has legalized more illegals : Democrats or republicans?

The same party who voted more strongly for the 1964 civil rights bill, so what?
People always go on with the bullshit that its only Dems who like illegals. Its not. And if you look at actual policy, the repubs are even WORSE. Look at immigration act of 90'. MONSTROSITY
I didn't say Democrats or Republicans - I said liberals. Shame some people are too stupid to know the difference.
What do you call a liberal Republican? RINO , Maverick, John McCain.
What do you call a conservative Democrat? Traitor, Oreo, Uncle Tom, Joe Libberm
I am very much for Nationalist policies. ESPECIALLY illegals and shit.

Were you raised with understanding of the use of civil language?

If you are unable to post without profanity....

...please don't bother to post at all.
GFY, gook.

And, America is a nation of immigrants, that should never change. It keeps the place lively.
America was a nation of immigrants who came here to work, not suck off the teat of liberal welfare policies. Now you are probably a libidiot who sits in his/her/its parents basement getting government cheese, free healthcare from your parents, bitching and moaning how your life sucks to be you. So every one else in America must suck like you, that is "FAIRNESS". Such stupid people who vote dumbocrat.

And, prior to 1914, the income tax kicked in, whereby the Progressives would enforce 'from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs,' the folks who were immigrants knew that they came to work and contribute to the nation.

You couldn't have the massive military we have if not for the income tax. And you LOVE our massive military above all institutions.

Enough with the horse sewage.
Who has legalized more illegals : Democrats or republicans?
Who has legalized more illegals : Democrats or republicans?

The same party who voted more strongly for the 1964 civil rights bill, so what?
People always go on with the bullshit that its only Dems who like illegals. Its not. And if you look at actual policy, the repubs are even WORSE. Look at immigration act of 90'. MONSTROSITY
I didn't say Democrats or Republicans - I said liberals. Shame some people are too stupid to know the difference.
What do you call a liberal Republican? RINO , Maverick, John McCain.
What do you call a conservative Democrat? Traitor, Oreo, Uncle Tom, Joe Libberm
I am very much for Nationalist policies. ESPECIALLY illegals and shit.

Were you raised with understanding of the use of civil language?

If you are unable to post without profanity....

...please don't bother to post at all.
GFY, gook.

And, America is a nation of immigrants, that should never change. It keeps the place lively.
America was a nation of immigrants who came here to work, not suck off the teat of liberal welfare policies. Now you are probably a libidiot who sits in his/her/its parents basement getting government cheese, free healthcare from your parents, bitching and moaning how your life sucks to be you. So every one else in America must suck like you, that is "FAIRNESS". Such stupid people who vote dumbocrat.

And, prior to 1914, the income tax kicked in, whereby the Progressives would enforce 'from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs,' the folks who were immigrants knew that they came to work and contribute to the nation.

And you're an immigrant who came AFTER 1914, and by your own admission, you don't have a job.

If immigrants are not a way to replenish the population......???

..... further evidence of both a falling birthrate, and increasingly elderly populations in Muslim nations....

8. Europe took 200 years to go from high fertility rates of rural life to the low fertility rates of the industrial world. Iran, Turkey, Tunisia, and Algeria are about to do it in twenty. It is the fastest population decline in recorded history.

  1. Hania Zlotnik, director of the population division at the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, said “In most of the Islamic world it’s amazing, the decline in fertility that has happened,’’ … From 1975 to 1980, women in Iran were giving birth to nearly 7 children per family, according to the latest U.N. population report; from 2005 to 2010 that number is expected to be less than 2. http://dotearth.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/04/03/un-sees-big-drop-in-middle-east-fertility-rates/
  2. Iranian women who grew up with five or six siblings will bear only one or two children in their lifetimes.
  3. By mid-century, the belt of Muslim counties from Morocco to Iran will become as grey as depopulating Europe, and will have the same proportion of dependent elderly as the industrial countries- but with one tenth the productivity!!

9. Today there are 9 Iranians of working age for every elderly dependent. By 2050, at the retirement age for most Iranians, there will be more Iranians in their mid sixties than in any other age bracket: seven elderly for every ten working Iranians. And, this is a nation that has a $4,400 per capita, which is about one-tenth of America’s GDP.

  1. While industrial nations are wealthy enough to cushion the impact, and support its elderly- not so with Egypt, Indonesia, Algeria, Iran and Pakistan.
  2. Even Turkey, with a semi-modern economy, has only about one quarter the GDP of Europe.

While world fertility has fallen by about two children per woman in the past half century (from 4.5 to about 2.5), fertility in the Muslim world has fallen two to three times faster. [Arab, Persian, Turkish, Malay, and South Asian Muslims.]

  1. Iranian, six children per woman; Turkish by five; Pakistan’s by more than three; Egypt and Indonesia by four. The single largest factor in birth rates in Muslim countries is literacy.
  2. Most Muslim countries lack public pension or health care systems. (see http://www.adb.org/Documents/Brochu...riefs/PAK-Proj-Brief-on-Pension-Insurance.pdf and http://siteresources.worldbank.org/...ces/SP-Discussion-papers/Pensions-DP/0014.pdf for example) and rely on children.

Could this falling birthrate in their nations, and the same pattern when they immigrate to West, be the fuse that lights WWIII???
Who has legalized more illegals : Democrats or republicans?
Who has legalized more illegals : Democrats or republicans?

The same party who voted more strongly for the 1964 civil rights bill, so what?
People always go on with the bullshit that its only Dems who like illegals. Its not. And if you look at actual policy, the repubs are even WORSE. Look at immigration act of 90'. MONSTROSITY
I didn't say Democrats or Republicans - I said liberals. Shame some people are too stupid to know the difference.
What do you call a liberal Republican? RINO , Maverick, John McCain.
What do you call a conservative Democrat? Traitor, Oreo, Uncle Tom, Joe Libberm
Were you raised with understanding of the use of civil language?

If you are unable to post without profanity....

...please don't bother to post at all.
GFY, gook.

And, America is a nation of immigrants, that should never change. It keeps the place lively.
America was a nation of immigrants who came here to work, not suck off the teat of liberal welfare policies. Now you are probably a libidiot who sits in his/her/its parents basement getting government cheese, free healthcare from your parents, bitching and moaning how your life sucks to be you. So every one else in America must suck like you, that is "FAIRNESS". Such stupid people who vote dumbocrat.

And, prior to 1914, the income tax kicked in, whereby the Progressives would enforce 'from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs,' the folks who were immigrants knew that they came to work and contribute to the nation.

And you're an immigrant who came AFTER 1914, and by your own admission, you don't have a job.

No, my ancestors were on the Mayflower, while some other ancestors were from Scotland, and your point? They didn't come here like a lazy ass liberal who demands that the government takes care of them, but worked to raise their families and protect them from invasions.
You said you have 2 pensions, is that because you were a union man, who sat on his ass, just doing enough to make the contract work, but made lousy products? I saw many union workers like that, there were a few who worked hard, but those were usually scolded that they were going to work themselves out of a job. As for me, I took the non union job, retired wealthy, teach others to become self sufficient, so they don't have to RELY on a feckless government to take care of them. Those who took my advice have personal satisfaction and responsibility, and are quite happy with their lives. Can you say the same?
The same party who voted more strongly for the 1964 civil rights bill, so what?
People always go on with the bullshit that its only Dems who like illegals. Its not. And if you look at actual policy, the repubs are even WORSE. Look at immigration act of 90'. MONSTROSITY
I didn't say Democrats or Republicans - I said liberals. Shame some people are too stupid to know the difference.
What do you call a liberal Republican? RINO , Maverick, John McCain.
What do you call a conservative Democrat? Traitor, Oreo, Uncle Tom, Joe Libberm
If you are unable to post without profanity....

...please don't bother to post at all.
GFY, gook.

And, America is a nation of immigrants, that should never change. It keeps the place lively.
America was a nation of immigrants who came here to work, not suck off the teat of liberal welfare policies. Now you are probably a libidiot who sits in his/her/its parents basement getting government cheese, free healthcare from your parents, bitching and moaning how your life sucks to be you. So every one else in America must suck like you, that is "FAIRNESS". Such stupid people who vote dumbocrat.

And, prior to 1914, the income tax kicked in, whereby the Progressives would enforce 'from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs,' the folks who were immigrants knew that they came to work and contribute to the nation.

And you're an immigrant who came AFTER 1914, and by your own admission, you don't have a job.

No, my ancestors were on the Mayflower, while some other ancestors were from Scotland, and your point? They didn't come here like a lazy ass liberal who demands that the government takes care of them, but worked to raise their families and protect them from invasions.
You said you have 2 pensions, is that because you were a union man, who sat on his ass, just doing enough to make the contract work, but made lousy products? I saw many union workers like that, there were a few who worked hard, but those were usually scolded that they were going to work themselves out of a job. As for me, I took the non union job, retired wealthy, teach others to become self sufficient, so they don't have to RELY on a feckless government to take care of them. Those who took my advice have personal satisfaction and responsibility, and are quite happy with their lives. Can you say the same?

So now earning a pension is evil.

How fucking poor do you people want Americans to be? Give us a number. Tell us when you'll be satisfied.
People always go on with the bullshit that its only Dems who like illegals. Its not. And if you look at actual policy, the repubs are even WORSE. Look at immigration act of 90'. MONSTROSITY
I didn't say Democrats or Republicans - I said liberals. Shame some people are too stupid to know the difference.
What do you call a liberal Republican? RINO , Maverick, John McCain.
What do you call a conservative Democrat? Traitor, Oreo, Uncle Tom, Joe Libberm
GFY, gook.

And, America is a nation of immigrants, that should never change. It keeps the place lively.
America was a nation of immigrants who came here to work, not suck off the teat of liberal welfare policies. Now you are probably a libidiot who sits in his/her/its parents basement getting government cheese, free healthcare from your parents, bitching and moaning how your life sucks to be you. So every one else in America must suck like you, that is "FAIRNESS". Such stupid people who vote dumbocrat.

And, prior to 1914, the income tax kicked in, whereby the Progressives would enforce 'from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs,' the folks who were immigrants knew that they came to work and contribute to the nation.

And you're an immigrant who came AFTER 1914, and by your own admission, you don't have a job.

No, my ancestors were on the Mayflower, while some other ancestors were from Scotland, and your point? They didn't come here like a lazy ass liberal who demands that the government takes care of them, but worked to raise their families and protect them from invasions.
You said you have 2 pensions, is that because you were a union man, who sat on his ass, just doing enough to make the contract work, but made lousy products? I saw many union workers like that, there were a few who worked hard, but those were usually scolded that they were going to work themselves out of a job. As for me, I took the non union job, retired wealthy, teach others to become self sufficient, so they don't have to RELY on a feckless government to take care of them. Those who took my advice have personal satisfaction and responsibility, and are quite happy with their lives. Can you say the same?

So now earning a pension is evil.

How fucking poor do you people want Americans to be? Give us a number. Tell us when you'll be satisfied.
How after 7 1/2 years of the most socialist white black president in power, with 2 years of liberal congress and senate could more Americans be poor? Are you spilling the beans, with a Faux Pau as typical of liberals? In other words, you are saying that liberalism is all about FAILURE? Thank you, I will put a thank you also on your last post.

“A nation that cannot control its borders is not a nation.”
A quote from the finest President in the last century.
But.....never mind that.....

10. There is one more argument for unlimited and unregulated open border immigration: the argument that even illegal immigrants add to the GDP in excess of their cost.

Ignoring that they work for lower wages and thereby bring up unemployment of native Americans, and bring down the wages of same....there is this:

The claim is that the economy needs these illegals.
"...undocumented immigrants are paying billions of dollar in taxes into state and local coffers, and that substantially more would be generated if President Obama prevails in imposing a new executive order protecting many of those workers from deportation."
Study Finds Illegal Immigrants Pay $11.8B in Taxes

But the facts aren't their friend...

11) “The conservative Heritage Foundation estimated unlawful immigrant households paid $39.2 billion in 2010, but received $93.7 billion in government services.”--Oliver Darcy

[So much for that fable.]

15 Stats That Destroy Liberal Narratives

Prior to 1914, no one cared who entered the country....there were jobs that needed to be filled, and opportunity galore. And this....the greatest change,...The Progressives launched a campaign designed to allow a federal income tax....and the United States became a welfare state: now, they could take from those who earned, and open the public fisc to the world.....

From the group that functions via feeling rather than knowing....
12. The actuality is that communism...international socialism is behind the plan to open borders.

A century ago, the Mainline Protestant groups signed on to Marxism....it was the Gospel of "Social Justice."

a. In 1907, a group of Methodists formed the Methodist Federation for Social Service (MFSS). The aim was to influence other Protestant groups. The next day, the group is received by President Theodore Roosevelt in the White House. One of the leaders, Harry F. Ward drafts a Social Creed that will be adopted by the 1908 General Conference and by the Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America. MFSA » History Timeline

b. In the early Twenties the Communist Party made considerable gains in its program to infiltrate the churches. This effort was led by such prominent "American" clergymen as Harry F. Ward ("one of the leading collaborators of, and apologists for, the Soviet Union."...), Jerome Davis, William B. Spofford, and Albert Rhys Williams. at the 1942 convention of the Federal Council of Churches called for: Ultimately,"a world government of delegated powers." Complete abandonment of U.S. isolationism. Strong immediate limitations on national sovereignty. International control of all armies and navies. A universal system of money.... Worldwide freedom of immigration. Progressive elimination of all tariff and quota restrictions on world trade .... A "democratically controlled" international bank .... APOSTASY -- The National Council Of Churches

c. The Social Gospel enthusiasts switched the aim from labor rights to attacks on the “profit motive,” …capitalism.

“The church, therefore, in the opinion of the federation, must accept
the Marxist point of view
…The federation, therefore, wants the religious leaders to preach areligious creed, not based upon the Bible and in defense of the American way of life, but one that is based upon the atheistic foundationsof the philosophy of Marx. The federation wants the ministers todeclare their judgment against the social economic system under whichAmericans live and prosper today in favor of the Socialist system,which in Russia and the satellite countries has brought the peoples.”Read the eBook Investigation of Communist activities in the New York City area. Hearings (Volume pt. 5-6, pp. 1969-2143) by United States. Congress. House. Committee on Un-Am online for free (page 22 of 24)\

"Obama slammed Trump’s proposal to build a wall along the country’s southern border, saying the world is becoming ever more interconnected and “buildingwallswon’t change that.”
Obama assails Trump’s wall in Rutgers commencement speech

Wrong again.....in so many ways.
So......if not to replenish a native population, and if the avalanche of illegal immigrants is not financially feasible.....

....could there be some other reason why encouraging this sort of breakdown is encouraged?

13. "The two patriotic U.S. government employees, CDC Logistics Management Specialist George Roark and CDC Public Health Advisor William Adams were revealed to have complained in a series of emails June 9 last year about Obama rolling out a very long red carpet for people who have no right to be here and no desire to obey America's laws. This was around the time the Obama administration was trying to cover up the concentration camp-like facilities in which it was detaining Unaccompanied Alien Children (UACs).

Their comments were contained in an email exchange obtained by good-government group Judicial Watch in which the two officials rightly trashed President Obama for allowing a flood of sick young illegals into the United States.

In the email exchange between Roark and Adams, Adams wrote that “no country in the world would allow” Obama's massive influx of unwanted foreigners.

Adams answers that “in ten years or less, they’ll all be voting ... Commander’s intent ... ”

Shooting from the hip, Roark characterizes Obama as “the worst pres[ident] we have ever had ... he truly is ‘the amateur’ but a Marxist too.”

It is fair to say that federal immigration policy is now driven by a desire to import new Democratic voters, an unsavory scheme in which, strangely enough, the GOP's suicidal congressional leadership is complicit. " Obama’s Illegal Aliens: Importing Deadly Third World Diseases

Could be?
Communists like open borders? OK, learn something new everyday.
Communists like open borders? OK, learn something new everyday.


You didn't know this:
Nazi...national socialism....based on nationalism and/or race... Communism....international socialism.

And, based on that....I bet you didn't know that the United Nations was Joseph Stalin's idea.


Symbols of United Nations and USSR
Communists like open borders? OK, learn something new everyday.


You didn't know this:
Nazi...national socialism....based on nationalism and/or race... Communism....international socialism.

And, based on that....I bet you didn't know that the United Nations was Joseph Stalin's idea.

View attachment 75078

Symbols of United Nations and USSR

The former USSR and North Korea were for open borders? And, no it wasn't Stalin's idea but thank you for the randomness of that.

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