Raise the Debt Ceiling to $12,000,000,000,000.00

What's the point of a debt ceiling anymore??

there hasn't been a point in it for 9 years.... it was 5.6 trillion ceiling right before bush took office.... the only thing the ceiling does, is make us talk about it the next time they raise it, so i suppose that is a good thing....?

the ceiling means nothing...other than a trumped up word to make themselves appear better.

Cutting long term spending is the only thing with meaning, and haven't seen any of that...not yet...though i still view it as early in the game, because we have been in a recession, where cutting back spending only tends to hurt us during a recession...so says economists in general.

My problem with the spending so far, is that it is not as focused as i would have expected it to be in key areas, such as long term infrastructure projects, or in the ''stimulus realm'', other than the new home ownership credit and yes...cash for clunkers...i believe this stimulus has worked....but if you add up the money in the stimulus bill and minus out infrastructure projects and the 2 stimulus programs that did generate an increase in sales
I wonder where the other 600+ billion went of this stimulus money?
There hasn't been a point in it EVER, if all they need is a simple majority vote to continue smoking the fiat currency crack.

i think they spend it first, then ask to raise it....then they say, ''all will freeze up'' if they don't raise it...''they have to raise it to pay the bills...'' crapola.

Except that they don't have to ask anyone but themselves the question "what will reducing, or even freezing, spending on the dole do to my re-election chances".....Then they hold the vote and raise the debt ceiling.

Well now.

Senate must raise debt ceiling above $12T - TheHill.com
Now Obama is asking Congress to raise the debt ceiling, something lawmakers are almost certain to do despite misgivings about the federal debt. The ceiling already has been hiked three times in the past two years, and the House took action earlier this year to raise the ceiling to $13 trillion.

But in ;06, as part of the lib's plot to take advantage of a good crisis:
Democrats in control of Congress, including then-Sen. Obama (Ill.), blasted President George W. Bush for failing to contain spending when he oversaw increased deficits and raised the debt ceiling.

“Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren,” Obama said in a 2006 floor speech that preceded a Senate vote to extend the debt limit. “America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership.”

Can you say "Hypocrisy"?

* Main Entry: hy·poc·ri·sy
* Pronunciation: \hi-ˈpä-krə-sē also hī-\
* Function: noun
* Inflected Form(s): plural hy·poc·ri·sies
* Etymology: Middle English ypocrisie, from Anglo-French, from Late Latin hypocrisis, from Greek hypokrisis act of playing a part on the stage, hypocrisy, from hypokrinesthai to answer, act on the stage, from hypo- + krinein to decide — more at certain
* Date: 13th century

1 : a feigning to be what one is not or to believe what one does not; especially : the false assumption of an appearance of virtue or religion
2 : an act or instance of hypocrisy

The fact that we are here today to debate raising America's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. ----Barack Hussein n00bama

:clap2: :lol:

Yes Obama, you are a failure. A massive failure. You lie like a rug and along with your merry little band of moonbats, you will say or do anytihng to gain and keep power. We get it.

You have the house, the senate, the executive and the media. You own it. And when it all comes crashng down, you will have set liberalism back decades.


What exactly were your expectations from this President? Change?
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

I guarantee you the debt ceiling will be 15 trillion dollars by 2012.
Republicans support Small Government my ass. While some of you may blast Liberals and blame them for life's woes, I'll refer to you a little piece called reality.
What exactly were your expectations from this President? Change?
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

I guarantee you the debt ceiling will be 15 trillion dollars by 2012.
Only three trillion, huh??

What an optimist! :lol:
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This is just another sad example of the Socialists rapidly moving our nation towards Third World Misery. :(

are republicans socialists? :confused: wasn't $7 TRILLION of that debt ceiling added, added to the national debt during president bush's reign, with a good 6 years plus of republican majority in congress?


at least wait a year or 2 before YOU TRY TO REWRITE HISTORY! Some of us, have too good of a memory, to let you 'get away with' such a scam!

No you fricken dumb ass....7 trillion dollars WAS NOT added by Bush. Bush came in office with 5.8 trillion dollars of national debt and left office with 10.6 trillion dollars.

Do the math..... fool!
No you fricken dumb ass....7 trillion dollars WAS NOT added by Bush. Bush came in office with 5.8 trillion dollars of national debt and left office with 10.6 trillion dollars.

Do the math..... fool!

Oh yes, because supporting a man who added ALMOST $5 trillion to the national debt isn't foolish. One also has to take into account how some of his actions as President did not go into effect until after Obama became President. So he basically by himself almost DOUBLED the national debt.

PolitiFact | $5 trillion added to national debt under Bush
So far Obama has added 1.1 trillion dollars to the National Debt....at this rate he will eclipse Bush, in his first term, as the biggest tax and spending liberal in the history of the planet.
So far Obama has added 1.1 trillion dollars to the National Debt....at this rate he will eclipse Bush, in his first term, as the biggest tax and spending liberal in the history of the planet.

More ignorance, but no surprise considering some of your previous posts in this thread. Now as much as you want to quote Fox News, calling Obama a Liberal is pushing it. Especially as he goes further into his term as President and moves progressively to the center more. Though in my opinion, he is already at the center.
No you fricken dumb ass....7 trillion dollars WAS NOT added by Bush. Bush came in office with 5.8 trillion dollars of national debt and left office with 10.6 trillion dollars.

Do the math..... fool!

Oh yes, because supporting a man who added ALMOST $5 trillion to the national debt isn't foolish. One also has to take into account how some of his actions as President did not go into effect until after Obama became President. So he basically by himself almost DOUBLED the national debt.

PolitiFact | $5 trillion added to national debt under Bush


Obama could have put a stop to ANY of Bush'e policies once he took office AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR EVERYTHING on January 21, 2009.

Obama could have put a stop to ANY of Bush'e policies once he took office AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR EVERYTHING on January 21, 2009.

I noticed you ignored the rest of my post. However, any monies or such that Bush had already paid out or actions taken while he was at the end of term may of not had an effect right away. That's the way the economy goes. However, I don't expect you to know such facts. Just keep parroting those talking points.
So far Obama has added 1.1 trillion dollars to the National Debt....at this rate he will eclipse Bush, in his first term, as the biggest tax and spending liberal in the history of the planet.

More ignorance, but no surprise considering some of your previous posts in this thread. Now as much as you want to quote Fox News, calling Obama a Liberal is pushing it. Especially as he goes further into his term as President and moves progressively to the center more. Though in my opinion, he is already at the center.

Please return to the mushroom kingdom. That about sums up your level of education.

Obama could have put a stop to ANY of Bush'e policies once he took office AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR EVERYTHING on January 21, 2009.

I noticed you ignored the rest of my post. However, any monies or such that Bush had already paid out or actions taken while he was at the end of term may of not had an effect right away. That's the way the economy goes. However, I don't expect you to know such facts. Just keep parroting those talking points.

Please return to watching your Beavis and Butthead Moronathon reruns. It's obvious you are a whiner who blames Bush for the abject failure of nearly every Obama policy.
Please return to the mushroom kingdom. That about sums up your level of education.

If you haven't noticed Obama's sharp turn towards the center after he got elected then you are truly not paying attention. He is continuing plenty of Bush's policies that he spoke out against. He is still against Gay Marriage. He is still for The War on Drugs. He practically told the public option advocates to drop dead. He is for a troop increase in Afghanistan. He has done little really in my opinion for the Environment thus far. The list continues really.

Obama may of been a Liberal when he was a Senator, but things changed quickly.
Please return to watching your Beavis and Butthead Moronathon reruns. It's obvious you are a whiner who blames Bush for the abject failure of nearly every Obama policy.

I'm speaking a thing called facts, I'm not blaming Bush for anything he isn't at fault for. Bush made several things worse or his inaction in many places ended up with Obama having more to work on now.

Also, for someone trying to insult me, you should really have decent grammar.

Besides, if you read my post above, I hold Obama accountable for his actions and promises.
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Current National Debt.
09/01/2009 11,792,918,170,836.43

Right now the Obama Administration cannot borrow any money. If you go to Government - Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application) you will see that he cannot go over the 12 trillion dollar mark until Congress passes the new debt ceiling.

Therefore healthcare with a public option will NOT be in the final bill until the debt ceiling is raised. This is what the public option will do. Uncontrollably raise the national debt until our currency is worthless.
Current National Debt.
09/01/2009 11,792,918,170,836.43

Right now the Obama Administration cannot borrow any money. If you go to Government - Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application) you will see that he cannot go over the 12 trillion dollar mark until Congress passes the new debt ceiling.

Therefore healthcare with a public option will NOT be in the final bill until the debt ceiling is raised. This is what the public option will do. Uncontrollably raise the national debt until our currency is worthless.

Why would you say that this is what the Public Option would do, raise the debt? The Public Option according to the Bill has to pay for itself...the premiums charged to those who CHOOSE to go with it, have to pay for it.

And the Public option can not take short cuts, it has to cover all the things the private insurers will be required to cover like preexisting conditions etc... so a true competitor to the private sector as a private coop option would be as well.

You are totally mistaken on what the Public option is...as with most people from all the disinformation that has been spread.... :(

Without the public option or a coop option the private health insurance companies get a huge gift horse from the gvt and they have no one to compete with for it...insurance is made mandatory in this bill which means the private insurance companies would be HANDED 40 MILLION new customers without even having to compete for the business and THIS MEANS that there is no reason for the insurance companies to lower their prices.

Competition is good under ALL CONDITIONS, no matter the competition, because it brings prices in line, and down....capitalism in its true sense relies on it!

The government has the private sector compete against themselves on many projects to see if the private sector can do it better than the gvt....is there something wrong with that?

If there is nothing wrong with that because competition is good then there is nothing wrong with the public option or coop option competing with the health insurers...

People are being fooled by the movement of the Health Insurance lobbyists to KILL the public/ or coop option!

What's the point of a debt ceiling anymore??

there hasn't been a point in it for 9 years.... it was 5.6 trillion ceiling right before bush took office.... the only thing the ceiling does, is make us talk about it the next time they raise it, so i suppose that is a good thing....?

the ceiling means nothing...other than a trumped up word to make themselves appear better.

Cutting long term spending is the only thing with meaning, and haven't seen any of that...not yet...though i still view it as early in the game, because we have been in a recession, where cutting back spending only tends to hurt us during a recession...so says economists in general.

My problem with the spending so far, is that it is not as focused as i would have expected it to be in key areas, such as long term infrastructure projects, or in the ''stimulus realm'', other than the new home ownership credit and yes...cash for clunkers...i believe this stimulus has worked....but if you add up the money in the stimulus bill and minus out infrastructure projects and the 2 stimulus programs that did generate an increase in sales
I wonder where the other 600+ billion went of this stimulus money?
There hasn't been a point in it EVER, if all they need is a simple majority vote to continue smoking the fiat currency crack.
Nobody in power seems to know what fiat money or its consequences are .

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