Raise the Voting Age To 70.

Will Says only Boomers should vote

  • I agree

    Votes: 3 60.0%
  • I think the voting age should be 80

    Votes: 2 40.0%

  • Total voters
Boomers should be disqualified from voting based on their past voting performance alone.
Never in my life have I ever voted for a Democrat. I started paying taxes and was in the military serving my country (voluntarily) before I was ever allowed to vote. I had my first job at the ripe old age of 12. Any money I wanted I earned although I did receive a little as gifts from relatives during childhood but got nothing nor asked for anything from government that I didn't earn. I've never had to back up in any payroll lines either, always giving more than I got.
And this is the way it was and it was a virtue to go thru it as it built character. 70% of men now are either cucks, queers, criminals or pajama boys.
Oh, my. I thought I was in Politics. Then I thought, no, this has to be the Flame Zone or the Badlands.
I think that voting at age should reflect a mature person who is old enough to care appropriately for other people is best.
And I also think that voting should be done at the public polling places, not by mail, and not by being online because that encourages shallow people to do shallow things like vote more than once which is unfair as it is immature.
We boomers are really the only generation qualified to vote. We came into the world shortly after WW2 when the US totally ruled the world. Russia was devastated and didn't have the A-bomb yet. Europe and the far east were rubble. We lost thousands of men in the war so women were forced into the workplace, which was unheard of before. Joe McCarthy rid our schools and theaters of communists. Our cars had huge fins, front-ends like fighter jets, and huge fins. We were the KINGS OF THE WORLD. As we grew up, we learned real world things, fought their war in Vietnam or tried to get it stopped, cut our hair and took over the country. Sure, we did drugs, fucked like bunnies, and made fools of ourselves, but came out the other side okay.

Nobody under 70 can be trusted with our future. We don't have that much longer to benefit by who we elect so we'll look out for the yoots. We'll never let SS or Medicare go broke for obvious reasons. We are wise, crafty and well-versed....otherwise we'd already be dead. We remember the world before computers so we can do simple math...before Google so we can find Africa on a map....and social media, which means we can still carry on a conversation in person. In other words, we're perfect...experts on the US and what's needed for the future.....You want a middle-class? we created one and stood up for civil rights before there were such a thing....OR you can leave the country in the hands of airheads like this one: :102:

Gawd, to us old zero college white farts on this forum?
Got to be kidding.
I guess you know uk supremes have to retire at 62?
At least we worked at an actual job to retire from asshole.

Nice foul mouth.
College professor?
Iguess you are sucking off your SS Medicare?
Think you paid in more than you will be sucking out.?
I've contributed more to society than any shitforbrains like you ever will or any college professor is likely to either for that matter.
You can find my name on about a dozen or so patents. Do you like GPS? Thank me, I was working on that shit back in the 70's in my mid 20's. Like cellphone cameras, you can thank me. Do you think the many camera based safety applications showing up in cars today might just save a few lives, Guess what, I was there too.
Now tell us WTF you have done for the world asshole?

Like I said, I've never backed up in any pay lines and what I have, I damn well earned.
We boomers are really the only generation qualified to vote. We came into the world shortly after WW2 when the US totally ruled the world. Russia was devastated and didn't have the A-bomb yet. Europe and the far east were rubble. We lost thousands of men in the war so women were forced into the workplace, which was unheard of before. Joe McCarthy rid our schools and theaters of communists. Our cars had huge fins, front-ends like fighter jets, and were covered in chrome. We were the KINGS OF THE WORLD. As we grew up, we learned real world things, fought their war in Vietnam or tried to get it stopped, cut our hair and took over the country. Sure, we did drugs, fucked like bunnies, and made fools of ourselves, but came out the other side okay.

Nobody under 70 can be trusted with our future. We don't have that much longer to benefit by who we elect so we'll look out for the yoots. We'll never let SS or Medicare go broke for obvious reasons. We are wise, crafty and well-versed....otherwise we'd already be dead. We remember the world before computers so we can do simple math...before Google so we can find Africa on a map....and social media, which means we can still carry on a conversation in person. In other words, we're perfect...experts on the US and what's needed for the future.....You want a middle-class? we created one and stood up for civil rights before there were such a thing....OR you can leave the country in the hands of airheads like this one: :102:


Ill go along if you promise you wont let your wives vote....or they can only vote the way you tell em to
On the books employment and 90% of income from non-government sources should be a requirement for voting.

I'll expand my plan to include a civics test for those between 50-70. One would have to know how many branches of government there are....what they each do, (AOC would already be gone), how we came to own the Louisiana Purchase and Alaska, and Texas. Who we fought in our wars, the dates of those wars, and what started them. They'd need to know what a "49"er was, and a "59"er too (Colorado gold rush). They'd have to answer what our famous presidents were known for. And to pass, they'd have to answer questions about our role in the world and why we're exceptional. A score of 77% would pass, and if they flunked they couldn't take the test again for 5 years.
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We boomers are really the only generation qualified to vote. We came into the world shortly after WW2 when the US totally ruled the world. Russia was devastated and didn't have the A-bomb yet. Europe and the far east were rubble. We lost thousands of men in the war so women were forced into the workplace, which was unheard of before. Joe McCarthy rid our schools and theaters of communists. Our cars had huge fins, front-ends like fighter jets, and were covered in chrome. We were the KINGS OF THE WORLD. As we grew up, we learned real world things, fought their war in Vietnam or tried to get it stopped, cut our hair and took over the country. Sure, we did drugs, fucked like bunnies, and made fools of ourselves, but came out the other side okay.

Nobody under 70 can be trusted with our future. We don't have that much longer to benefit by who we elect so we'll look out for the yoots. We'll never let SS or Medicare go broke for obvious reasons. We are wise, crafty and well-versed....otherwise we'd already be dead. We remember the world before computers so we can do simple math...before Google so we can find Africa on a map....and social media, which means we can still carry on a conversation in person. In other words, we're perfect...experts on the US and what's needed for the future.....You want a middle-class? we created one and stood up for civil rights before there were such a thing....OR you can leave the country in the hands of airheads like this one: :102:

I recall us Boomers saying 'Don't trust anyone over 30'
I support the Founders in this. If you don't have skin in the game, you don't vote.

It's really stupid to permit those who suck their existence from government largesse to vote to increase their handout.

"How stupid is it, Johnny?" :10:
We boomers are really the only generation qualified to vote. We came into the world shortly after WW2 when the US totally ruled the world. Russia was devastated and didn't have the A-bomb yet. Europe and the far east were rubble. We lost thousands of men in the war so women were forced into the workplace, which was unheard of before. Joe McCarthy rid our schools and theaters of communists. Our cars had huge fins, front-ends like fighter jets, and huge fins. We were the KINGS OF THE WORLD. As we grew up, we learned real world things, fought their war in Vietnam or tried to get it stopped, cut our hair and took over the country. Sure, we did drugs, fucked like bunnies, and made fools of ourselves, but came out the other side okay.

Nobody under 70 can be trusted with our future. We don't have that much longer to benefit by who we elect so we'll look out for the yoots. We'll never let SS or Medicare go broke for obvious reasons. We are wise, crafty and well-versed....otherwise we'd already be dead. We remember the world before computers so we can do simple math...before Google so we can find Africa on a map....and social media, which means we can still carry on a conversation in person. In other words, we're perfect...experts on the US and what's needed for the future.....You want a middle-class? we created one and stood up for civil rights before there were such a thing....OR you can leave the country in the hands of airheads like this one: :102:

Gawd, to us old zero college white farts on this forum?
Got to be kidding.
I guess you know uk supremes have to retire at 62?


I support the Founders in this. If you don't have skin in the game, you don't vote.

It's really stupid to permit those who suck their existence from government largesse to vote to increase their handout.

"How stupid is it, Johnny?" :10:

I wouldn't make owning property a requirement....how about you have to own a car, or be able to own a car but choose not to. That means nobody with less than $2,000 in the bank, or under the mattress, can vote...until they do, are 70+, or can pass my civics test.
BTW, "boomers" as a class go all the way up to 1964 I think. Those toddlers and pre-teens had ZERO idea what was happening in the 60's, which is essential to being a true boomer. Those who came of age in the jaded '70's are the ones who gave boomers a bad reputation. We who were born before 1950 are the true boomers and heroic. :9-21:
Actually I'd like to see only one requirement to vote and that would be fufilling a term of mandantory national service. That service would begin immediately upon graduation from high school and would consist of either two years military service or four years non military service in a CCC type of organization working on the nations infrastructure.
Either pick up a rifle and earn your own freedom or pick up a shovel and support those who do.
After the person had fulfilled their commitment, they would be issued a voter ID card that would be required to vote in future elections. No service means no vote. Only committed citizens should be allowed a say and the vote.
BTW this conscription would be universal and apply to all races, creeds, sexes and religious affiliations. No out for anyone. Either serve the nation or be denied the vote.

This is called having some skin in the game.
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I support the Founders in this. If you don't have skin in the game, you don't vote.

It's really stupid to permit those who suck their existence from government largesse to vote to increase their handout.

"How stupid is it, Johnny?" :10:

In this day and age I do not agree that owning land = having skin in the game.
Actually I'd like to see only one requirement to vote and that would be fufilling a term of mandantory national service. That service would begin immediately upon graduation from high school and would consist of either two years military service or four years non military service in a CCC type of organization working on the nations infrastructure.
Either pick up a rifle and earn your own freedom or pick up a shovel and support those who do.
After the person had fulfilled their commitment, they would be issued a voter ID card that would be required to vote in future elections. No service means no vote. Only committed citizens should be allowed a say and the vote.
BTW this conscription would be universal and apply to all races, creeds, sexes and religious affiliations. No out for anyone. Either serve the nation or be denied the vote.

I think folks should do this ^^^^^^^ just to live here. Look what these migrants are going through just to be in the USA....they know they can't vote, despite what the Rat party is telling them. Not being terrorized by gangs and having a job and enough money to raise their family is all they ask and what many of us take for granted.

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