Raise your hand if you DON'T want a speaker of the House who is hellbent on cutting your hard-earned Social Security and Medicare,


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2018

Amid House Speaker Chaos, GOP Confess Attack on Social Security, Medicare Still Top Priority

Speaking in favor of the Jordan, Rep. Tom Cole (R-Okla.) called on his colleagues to recognize the Ohio Republican's so-called "courage" in fighting "to get at the real drivers of debt, and we all know what they are. We all know it's Social Security, we all know it's Medicare, we all know it's Medicaid."

Cole recalled how he and former Rep. John Delaney (D-Md.) offered a proposal to make changes to Social Security akin to those made in 1983, when benefits for retirees were effectively cut by 13%.

"We never could get any help," Cole lamented. "[Jordan] is the guy that wants to create a debt commission, a bipartisan debt commission and get at the roots of our spending problem. That takes courage."

Don't forget what these criminals stand for. They'd see all seniors eating cat food so their beloved donors could add another million to their swiss accounts.
Just to note......a "debt commission" would never do a thing much like every commission in the past. This is nothing more than empty rhetoric for votes. Though I can't understand why anyone would see this as positive.

Amid House Speaker Chaos, GOP Confess Attack on Social Security, Medicare Still Top Priority

Don't forget what these criminals stand for. They'd see all seniors eating cat food so their beloved donors could add another million to their swiss accounts.
Let em try it. Even if they manage to elect a Speaker and get something passed with the shit show they are...it's dead on arrival in the Senate.
2024 is around the corner. Vote as many Republicans out as can be voted out. They are collectively useless.
Joe is telling us how we are a great country. He spent his whole term purely partisan and calling half the population the worse people in history. The shills are showing up.
I don't pay the old shithead any attention.
I'm tired of anything they have to say

How's 'raise your hand if you dont want a speaker of the house at all' sound instead?

Let em try it. Even if they manage to elect a Speaker and get something passed with the shit show they are...it's dead on arrival in the Senate.
2024 is around the corner. Vote as many Republicans out as can be voted out. They are collectively useless.
Don't you worry Trump is gonna make them his hired goons to make his way in a dictatorship.

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