Raising the Minimum Wage Won’t Help


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
By marinevetforfreedom on February 17, 2014

The blogger may not be an economics expert, but he certainly makes a lot of sense. Read the full piece @ Raising the Minimum Wage Won?t Help | Marine Vet For Freedom and then:

a. Attack the messenger because you don't like his message.

b. Divert to another subject because you don't like this one.

c. Reply calmly and with facts to either refute or support the piece.

In any case, it sure makes a lot of sense to me., :eek:

Raising Minimum Wages wont help because more money never helped anyone. /sarcasm

So whats the solution then? The same as with every Republican "solution" which is doing nothing

Make yourself more employable to a company that pays more. That is really the only solution.

Oh make yourself "more employable" he says. Well by golly how do you do that? College maybe? Because when you dont have enough money to survive you always can just go to school.

"To a company that pays more" Ironic since he just said that paying more will do nothing.

Make sense when money is no object but in reality...nope
Changing the numeric value of the bottom level does not take away the bottom level.. it simply attributes a different value to it, causes inflation, and hurts employment...

It is an illusion portrayed by the progressives as being some help to the poor and improvement on poverty
Changing the numeric value of the bottom level does not take away the bottom level.. it simply attributes a different value to it, causes inflation, and hurts employment...

It is an illusion portrayed by the progressives as being some help to the poor and improvement on poverty

Yeah but no one is saying "I cant feed my kids because I have bottom levels". Bottom, mid, middle etc is a label.

What helps is more money which the blogger says is better. Although his advice of "Get better to get better" is great and all. Ground breaking in fact. But its just a bunch of Platitudes

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