Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear raises big money. Who gets it?


Daydream Believer
Sep 2, 2008
Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear raises big money. Who gets it? - CSMonitor.com

Each of the two original events, Jon Stewart’s Rally to Restore Sanity and Stephen Colbert’s March to Keep Fear Alive, designated a single charity to be the recipient of their fund-raising efforts. Whether people are buying merchandise or just making a contribution, all the money is being funneled into nonprofit pockets.

Mr. Stewart designated the Trust for the National Mall as his charitable recipient, much to the trust's surprise. “In fact, when we first got the phone call, we thought it was a prank,” admits Caroline Cunningham, president of the trust. “It was an unexpected and wonderful surprise.”

His fans responded. By close of business on the day before the Rally, supporters had contributed almost $150,000 – over $30,000 of that on Friday alone. While the nonprofit organized its own, larger fund-raising events in the past, this is the most they’ve ever received from online contributions.

Mr. Colbert – or as he prefers, The Rev. Sir Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, D.F.A. – selected DonorsChoose.org, a charitable clearinghouse where teachers can describe classroom needs and donors can pick which project(s) to fund. odest viewers might need to shield their eyes, because by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, more than 10,000 donors had contributed just over half a million dollars.

Very awesome to say the least. :cool:
Yeah, try to follow that $$ trail.... kind of like "where did all the $$$ that was raised for Haitian earthquake refugees go?"
Hatian earthquake?

We never did hear the totals raised at Beck's rally and where the money went.
Yeah, try to follow that $$ trail.... kind of like "where did all the $$$ that was raised for Haitian earthquake refugees go?"

Actually, you just showed you know nothing about the National Mall Trust or Donorschoose. No need to be partisan about such an awesome thing.
Glad to see something good coming out of this rally. It's 2/3rds over and has been a near-total entertainment fail.
Who knew it would be mostly a retro music festival for aging baby-boomers?
Glad to see something good coming out of this rally. It's 2/3rds over and has been a near-total entertainment fail.
Who knew it would be mostly a retro music festival for aging baby-boomers?

How badly do you want this rally to fail? This rally has been very entertaining.
Rally to Restore Sanity... Does that mean they are going to round up all the politicians (Democrat and Republican) and run them out of Washington, DC? That would be a good start on restoring sanity.
Glad to see something good coming out of this rally. It's 2/3rds over and has been a near-total entertainment fail.
Who knew it would be mostly a retro music festival for aging baby-boomers?

How badly do you want this rally to fail? This rally has been very entertaining.

Why do you care if this rally is a failure or not? Since it means nothing unless it really does mean something on the political scale.
Now some of you are bitching about money going to charity?


PS-Donors Choose is a GREAT Org.-many teachers in our building use this to get things for their classrooms that we would have to pay for out of our own pocket.
Now some of you are bitching about money going to charity?


PS-Donors Choose is a GREAT Org.-many teachers in our building use this to get things for their classrooms that we would have to pay for out of our own pocket.

Yes it is. And I think it's great that they nominated it.

I also think Beck's chosen charity, Special Operations Warrior Foundation, was a great cause too. They got $5million from Restoring Honor.
Now some of you are bitching about money going to charity?


PS-Donors Choose is a GREAT Org.-many teachers in our building use this to get things for their classrooms that we would have to pay for out of our own pocket.

Yes it is. And I think it's great that they nominated it.

I also think Beck's chosen charity, Special Operations Warrior Foundation, was a great cause too. They got $5million from Restoring Honor.

Good to hear that. You're right, that's a great cause too!
We need to have a USMB benefit concert. All proceeds go to RadiokidsATL college tuition fund.

and NO, Im not going to link it.... look it up on your own.

I knew someone would go there . Didn't think it would take that long.

LOL, well at least i did not bring up Hatian relief efforts.

Sheesh You righties stick to gether well. Absolutely wrong most of the time but cohesive.

In the words of Ronald Reagan, "It's not that liberals are stupid... There's just so much that they don't know." I think those words work well here.

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