Ralph Nader slams Elon Musk as 'welfare king' for using taxpayers' money to launch Tesla"

Consumer advocate Ralph Nader just roasted Elon Musk on Twitter, calling him a "welfare king" for apparently using government funds to get Tesla off the ground. Nader has always been an outspoken critic of corporate welfare and he's not holding back in his latest attack on the right wing nut. Musk has defended the subsidies, saying they were necessary to promote the electric car industry, but Nader isn't buying it.

I thought Ralph Nader was dead.
According to this article, Musk has received $4.9 billion in government assistance over a period of two decades (20 years.)

Elon Musk is speaking out against government subsidies. Here's a list of the billions of dollars his businesses have received.

Now let's just look at one of his companies, Tesla: In 2022, Tesla employed 127,855 people. A worker at Tesla makes between $17.35 to $36.46 an hour, or an average of $24.37 per hour. Not counting holidays, if a Tesla worker works 40 hours per week and 52 weeks per year, the average Tesla worker makes $50,689 per year. For a workforce of 127,855 Tesla employees, that's a total payroll of $6,480,918,808 per year.

If each of those Tesla employees paid a 30% tax rate, that would amount to $1,944,275,642 in tax revenue Tesla alone has generated for the state and federal governments. That doesn't include the tax revenue his other companies generate for the state and federal governments: SpaceX, SolarCity, Paypal, Twitter, etc.

So what's the fucking problem here?
They also conveniently forget to mention that all of Testla's patents are open sourced so anyone can take any of their patents at any time without any permission needed to try and make better.
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By not dropping out and throwing his support to Gore, in what everyone knew was going to be a close race.

How are you so ignorant about presidential history?
They also conveniently forget to mention that all of Testla's patents are open sourced so anyone can take any of their patents at any time without any permission needed to try and make better.
But things are not as they seem. If you focus only on the words in Elon Musk’s open letter, you might think that Tesla’s success came after abandoning its patenting efforts in the interest of promoting social and environmental responsibility. That’s not what happened. The reality is that Musk’s open letter launched a shrewd patent strategy that gives Tesla access to the patented technology of other automotive OEMs (original equipment manufacturers) while Tesla continues to build its own patent portfolio.

Unfortunately, many tech startup founders have misinterpreted Musk’s open letter as an example of how a tech business can be successful without a patent portfolio. After all, the letter starts out by dramatically describing how the “wall of Tesla patents” was removed from the lobby of Tesla’s office building and how Musk no longer sees the value in pursuing patent protection.

But the reality is that Tesla did not abandon its patent portfolio, nor did it dedicate its technology to the public. Tesla, like all other large tech companies, has a growing patent portfolio that it can strategically leverage to maintain market dominance and enforce against its competitors. Despite the anti-patent messaging surrounding its announcement, Tesla’s open source patent strategy reinforces why tech startups need to prioritize patenting.

Another maga fail.
Consumer advocate Ralph Nader just roasted Elon Musk on Twitter, calling him a "welfare king" for apparently using government funds to get Tesla off the ground. Nader has always been an outspoken critic of corporate welfare and he's not holding back in his latest attack on the right wing nut. Musk has defended the subsidies, saying they were necessary to promote the electric car industry, but Nader isn't buying it.

Lol. When did Elon Musk become a right winger or a MAGA guy? Liberals are nutty.
Consumer advocate Ralph Nader just roasted Elon Musk on Twitter, calling him a "welfare king" for apparently using government funds to get Tesla off the ground. Nader has always been an outspoken critic of corporate welfare and he's not holding back in his latest attack on the right wing nut. Musk has defended the subsidies, saying they were necessary to promote the electric car industry, but Nader isn't buying it.

I noticed that you left out Musk's response and it's hardly a mystery as to why.


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