Ramaswamy campaign stops TV ad spending

Freedoms just another word for nothing left to lose

It's alright. When people have nothing left to lose...they lose it. History is rife with example.

We're almost there. In time, reality will establish itself and will finally sink in. Probably not until the cupboards are finally empty. and not until then. It's the kind of society we live in now. People live by the seats of their pants, never really thinking about tomorrow until it's too late.
He has gotten as far as he can sucking up to Trump

Now, he has to try to get a position in a possible Trump administration
He likes President Trump, and obviously admires him. Millions of Americans respect and admire President Trump in spite of the sewage dump the left wing is trying to dump on him every day, 3,000 times a day on 300 tv stations across the nation that pick up the DNC Party's talking points on taking out President Trump so they can quickly fool people that their attempts to cut of the head of the Republican Party who supports President Trump who is running for President once again. They have used Hollywood Stars and the FBI whom they have either lied to, promised job security, or threatened, I'm not sure which, much less slicker way of deceiving people as they Alinsky Method betray all of us to turn us into an easy-to-control Communist Oligarchy or dictatorship on the pretense they are better than anyone else. And in the meantime, their current leaders stuff their pockets with making life easy for drug cartels to continue their moneyroll habits to sell product that can kill people called fentanyl and other drugs that are controlled by the cartel.

And you're up in your neck of damaging anybody who says anything good about President Trump who has taken thousands of lies about his character dished out by dervish sycophants of the Democrat Clinton War Room rollers. Every time President Trump does anything good, out come the sewer rats making up narratives that are untrue about President Trump. Like saying his supporters are "sucking up" to make them look like fools. The joke approach to fame will eventually be your demise, sir.
Will he be the next GOP candidate to drop out? With Haley gaining ground and Trump remaining at the top the heap, maybe Vivek Ramaswamy has been reading the tea leaves. I bet he's holding out for a cabinet position in Trump's next administration.

"Vivek Ramaswamy’s presidential campaign has ceased spending on television advertising ahead of next month’s Republican presidential contests, NBC News reported Tuesday.

The Republican biotech entrepreneur’s campaign reduced TV ad spending from $200,000 during the first week of December to $6,000 last week, according to AdImpact, a website that tracks advertising spending, NBC reported."

Ramaswamy campaign stops TV ad spending
Vivek has already accomplished his three main goals:
1. Public recognition;
2. Political credentials; and
3. Debate surrogate and heir apparent for Trump.
Ahhhh, wook at da poor gulper...whining about getting busted...

you are so much fun, you think that 9% of a group of people doing something is an indicator the whole group does it

You are literally one of the dumbest people I have ever ran across, but you make a great court jester
Of course there is a cabinet position in his future, the man has spent the last 6 months kissing Trump's all, and that is all it takes

Swamy is just a decent fellow. Like Scott Walker, Ben Carson, Mike Huckabee, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Rand Paul, Rick Perry, Lindsey Graham, and Rick Santorum, all of whom ran against Trump in 2016 and lost, they hold no ill will against Trump.

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