Zone1 Although I Believe In God, I Am Not Religious

Everyone should, But giving government the power to force secular wives to give birth against their individual free will is not participation, It is persecution using the law to force wo m en Into reproductive slavery for c the religious right.
That's literally the secular process. But to be clear I don't favor forcing women to give birth. I favor making abortion a misdemeanor so that we don't establish that it is right to abort life in the womb.
That's literally the secular process.
There is no lawful process that enables government to force full term gestation on women against their will. You are a liar.

You vote for the political Party that is religiously fanatical in favor of forcing full term gestation on all women for the crime of not being Christian enough to have vaginal sex with a man.
There is no lawful process that enables government to force full term gestation on women against their will. You are a liar.

You vote for the political Party that is religiously fanatical in favor of forcing full term gestation on all women for the crime of not being Christian enough to have vaginal sex with a man.
Again... That's literally the secular process. But to be clear I don't favor forcing women to give birth. I favor making abortion a misdemeanor so that we don't establish that it is right to abort life in the womb.
I don't favor forcing women to give birth.
Look up Kaitlyn Kash / a victim of your fucking religious laws in Texas. You need to learn how to shame yourself instead of wishing so hard that you can get the government to shame women.

The attorneys were visibly shaken by the story of Kaitlyn Kash, an Austin mother who sought to terminate her pregnancy out of state after learning that her desperately wanted baby would die in utero because of a rare genetic condition. The group also heard from staff members at the center as well as representatives from abortion rights advocacy group AVOW and abortion travel fund groups including Fund Texas Choice and the Frontera Fund.​
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Again... That's literally the secular process
Not according to the Constitution you can not restrict the liberty of an individual who causes no harm to any person or does not disturb the public tranquility when terminating her own pregnancy,
That is probably a true libertarian principle.

It’s a true “American“ principal for those who are correct to believe that the first amendment guarantees absolute freedom of conscience that is only limited when one’s conscience allows one to do harm. A woman having an abortion does no harm to the civil order of this country.. it never has, it never will.
It’s a true “American“ principal for those who are correct to believe that the first amendment guarantees absolute freedom of conscience that is only limited when one’s conscience allows one to do harm. A woman having an abortion does no harm to the civil order of this country.. it never has, it never will.
IOW, a true libertarian principal, universally.
IOW, a true libertarian principal, universally.
Libertarians that vote Republican don’t have a functional conscience in my opinion - they have no sense of community - They are often incompetent at being rational.

The Question for libertarians is whether they reject the Republican Party for the January 6th attempt to keep Trump in power after losing.

My highest value toward the respect of liberty as an individual is my vote and specifically my vote for what kind of representation I want in the White House.

On January 6th 2021 Republicans attempted to disenfranchise me and every Biden voter in the nation. Libertarians should have my back by condemning the failed attempt and the Republican criminal enterprise behind it.

I think they have Trump’s back instead.

Convince me I’m wrong.
Look up Kaitlyn Kash / a victim of your fucking religious laws in Texas. You need to learn how to shame yourself instead of wishing so hard that you can get the government to shame women.

The attorneys were visibly shaken by the story of Kaitlyn Kash, an Austin mother who sought to terminate her pregnancy out of state after learning that her desperately wanted baby would die in utero because of a rare genetic condition. The group also heard from staff members at the center as well as representatives from abortion rights advocacy group AVOW and abortion travel fund groups including Fund Texas Choice and the Frontera Fund.​
Again... That's literally the secular process. But to be clear I don't favor forcing women to give birth. I favor making abortion a misdemeanor so that we don't establish that it is right to abort life in the womb.
Not according to the Constitution you can not restrict the liberty of an individual who causes no harm to any person or does not disturb the public tranquility when terminating her own pregnancy,
Again... That's literally the secular process. But to be clear I don't favor forcing women to give birth. I favor making abortion a misdemeanor so that we don't establish that it is right to abort life in the womb.
That's literally the secular process
That's literally the secular process
Restricting the liberty of women when they are pregnant is not a process, It is a violation and corruption.of laws meant to protect the consent to be governed principle that you enable by voting for Republican politicians who pass laws based upon religion instead of the Constitution and legal standards.
I was having this discussion with my fiancee earlier and let me explain to you what I mean. Most of the time to me, religious people are like robots.

They claim that they aren't of the world, but the second they disagree with somebody else or are afraid of somebody else's judgement of them, they become of the world.

Also having a personal relationship with God, doesn't mean that you should follow His commandments just because you feel that you have to, it should because you want to because you love Him, but yet I met people who have told me that the only reason why they serve God is because they feel like they have to stay out of Hell.

That isn't love. That's a fake relationship AKA being a robot, and it also can't be honoring to the Lord either because their commitment is based upon a lie and they're probably not truly saved and will wind up in Hell anyways because God hates lying.

So I believe that you can follow a religion without following God and be religious without truly loving God if you're doing it just out of fear and thinking that you have to and not wanting to out of love and loyalty.

In other words when all is said and done, I genuinely love God as my Father and best friend, but I'm not religious because I don't follow a religion, I follow Him. I might have Methodist religious beliefs but I just look at it as having a personal relationship/friendship with God, as I'm devoted to Him.

I follow His commandments because I love Him and want to, not because I feel I have to as religion tells me to. Hopefully that all makes sense. :)

How do you know what his commandments are?
I favor making abortion a misdemeanor so that we don't establish that it is right to abort life in the womb.
You do not establish the right of bodily autonomy for women by voting for Democrats, When voting woke Saint_Ding you are voting to protect a right that already exists. When you vote Democrat and Progressive you are not corrupted by visions of moral grandiose superiority based on your belief in the moral superiority of your Catholic religion. …..Like Mrs Alito. Shame Shame Shame
That's literally the secular process
Name a secularist whom you think restricts the liberty of an individual or group of individuals who cause no harm to any person or group or does not disturb the public tranquility
Restricting the liberty of women when they are pregnant is not a process, It is a violation and corruption.of laws meant to protect the consent to be governed principle that you enable by voting for Republican politicians who pass laws based upon religion instead of the Constitution and legal standards.
Name a secularist whom you think restricts the liberty of an individual or group of individuals who cause no harm to any person or group or does not disturb the public tranquility
Again... That's literally the secular process. But to be clear I don't favor forcing women to give birth. I favor making abortion a misdemeanor so that we don't establish that it is right to abort life in the womb.

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