Rand Paul Blasts Neocons For Backing 'Military Junta' In Egypt...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) on Monday blasted neoconservatives for supporting a "military junta" in Egypt and argued the United States should cut off foreign aid to the country.

'In Egypt, democratic authoritarianism is replaced with military junta. American neocons say send them more of your money.'

'In Egypt, governments come and go. The only thing certain is that American taxpayers will continue to be stuck with the $1.5 billion bill.'

The tweets come on the heels of a weekend op-ed Paul penned for The Washington Times, in which the senator — who has hinted at a 2016 presidential run — bemoaned that "American tax dollars flow no matter which despot rules" in the nation.

More than 40 people died and 300 more were injured in a fight Monday between the Egyptian Army and pro-Muslim Brotherhood protestors backing ex-Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi, who was ousted by the military last week.

The White House has thus far avoided calling Morsi's ouster a military coup, which would require the U.S. to end $1.3 billion in military aid to the country.

In appearances over the weekend, Sen. Jack Reed (D-R.I.) and Senate Foreign Relations Committee ranking member Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) argued aid should continue to Egypt.

In his op-ed, Paul warned that "persistent and perpetual intervention inevitably leads to American dollars flowing to despots."
"Hosni Mubarak brutally suppressed protest over three decades of martial law. Yet, we sent him some $60 billion, much of which was stolen by Mr. Mubarak and his family," Paul wrote...

Read more: Rand Paul blasts 'neocons' for backing 'military junta' in Egypt - The Hill's Twitter Room
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He's right. Whether or not Morsi was a bad president, or dictator has no bearing on the fact that we should not be sending money to either side.

From the article:
In his op-ed, Paul warned that "persistent and perpetual intervention inevitably leads to American dollars flowing to despots."
"Hosni Mubarak brutally suppressed protest over three decades of martial law. Yet, we sent him some $60 billion, much of which was stolen by Mr. Mubarak and his family," Paul wrote.
"Today, we give the same billions and fighter jets to Mr. Mubarak’s successor, Mr. Morsi, who the protesters now see in the same light as Mr. Mubarak," he continued.
"But worse, due to our aid and support, Egyptians see Mr. Morsi and America as the same."

Read more: Rand Paul blasts 'neocons' for backing 'military junta' in Egypt - The Hill's Twitter Room
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I don't back the Egyptian military. I do not back Morsi and the Muslim brotherhood.

These people change governments like someone changes underwear. If you absolutely want to send foreign aid to the people of Egypt, then give it to some charity (not the UN) and be done with it. When you give them F-16's and M-1's you're going to wind up either having to shoot them down or blow them up. Us or the Israeli's.

Another third world shithole that we should only sit back and watch consume itself... Until they mess with Americans. Then the gloves are off...
I support absolutely no one in Egypt. Their government is not my concern. And my tax money shouldn't be theirs.
These people change governments like someone changes underwear.
You think that might be a result of CIA and State Dept. covert/overt backing of Al Qaida "rebels"?


People do not normally rally in the millions to depose of their government. The government itself must be the villain in such an extreme scenario, or some other shadow force...
Rand sounds as crazy as his pappy.....If our homo muslim president hadn't called for Mubarak's overthrow, none of this would have happened. You DO NOT WANT the muslim brotherhood running Egypt...$1.5B is peanuts and it buys us the influence we need with them....call it a junta or a coup or any other damn thing you want....until the dickless wonder in the WH does, it doesn't mean a thing.
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I was quite content to see the Egyptian Army step in as Guardians of the Republic and Enforcers of the Will of the People - in true Turkish Army style - in order for the Egyptians to correct their Election Mistake of 2012 in voting the Muslim Brotherhood into power by proxy, before the Brotherhood had the chance to finish digging-in like a tic and render themselves immovable and in-power for decades to come, if not longer...

But I'm also content for us to suspend Military Aid to Egypt until (a) the situation stabilizes and (b) new and democratic elections are held and (c) a new civilian government has assumed power and stabilizes and we conclude that it is a relatively friendly government.
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Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) on Monday blasted neoconservatives for supporting a "military junta" in Egypt and argued the United States should cut off foreign aid to the country.

'In Egypt, democratic authoritarianism is replaced with military junta. American neocons say send them more of your money.'

'In Egypt, governments come and go. The only thing certain is that American taxpayers will continue to be stuck with the $1.5 billion bill.'

The tweets come on the heels of a weekend op-ed Paul penned for The Washington Times, in which the senator — who has hinted at a 2016 presidential run — bemoaned that "American tax dollars flow no matter which despot rules" in the nation.

More than 40 people died and 300 more were injured in a fight Monday between the Egyptian Army and pro-Muslim Brotherhood protestors backing ex-Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi, who was ousted by the military last week.

The White House has thus far avoided calling Morsi's ouster a military coup, which would require the U.S. to end $1.3 billion in military aid to the country.

In appearances over the weekend, Sen. Jack Reed (D-R.I.) and Senate Foreign Relations Committee ranking member Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) argued aid should continue to Egypt.

In his op-ed, Paul warned that "persistent and perpetual intervention inevitably leads to American dollars flowing to despots."
"Hosni Mubarak brutally suppressed protest over three decades of martial law. Yet, we sent him some $60 billion, much of which was stolen by Mr. Mubarak and his family," Paul wrote...

Read more: Rand Paul blasts 'neocons' for backing 'military junta' in Egypt - The Hill's Twitter Room
Follow us: [MENTION=27326]The[/MENTION]hill on Twitter | TheHill on Facebook

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) on Monday blasted neoconservatives for supporting a "military junta" in Egypt and argued the United States should cut off foreign aid to the country.

'In Egypt, governments come and go. The only thing certain is that American taxpayers will continue to be stuck with the $1.5 billion bill.'

A military coup in Egypt
yesterday resulted in the removal and imprisonment of the elected president, Mohamed Morsi, a closure of media outlets sympathetic to him, the house arrest of his advisors, and the suspension of the constitution. The military that overthrew Morsi is the main recipient of the $1.3 billion yearly US aid package to Egypt. You could say that the US “owns” the Egyptian military that just overthrew its democratically-elected leader.

All the while the US government will not allow itself to utter the word “coup” when discussing what happened in Egypt yesterday because it would mean they might have to stop sending all those billions of dollars to Egypt.

It should be remembered the money we send to Egypt isn't a weekly or monthly thing....I'll find out when it's appropriated later but for the time being, nothing is being sent or scheduled....which makes all this pontificating by Paul and McCain a 16 oz can of nothing.
It should be remembered the money we send to Egypt isn't a weekly or monthly thing....I'll find out when it's appropriated later but for the time being, nothing is being sent or scheduled....which makes all this pontificating by Paul and McCain a 16 oz can of nothing.

obama GAVE them tanks and F-16s. Do you wonder who they will be used against? Why are we arming unstable governments? Now we are also giving weapons to someone in Syria, we don't even know who is fighting who but we are taking sides----------is our government as stupid as it seems?
It should be remembered the money we send to Egypt isn't a weekly or monthly thing....I'll find out when it's appropriated later but for the time being, nothing is being sent or scheduled....which makes all this pontificating by Paul and McCain a 16 oz can of nothing.

I take it you are not a US taxpayer. Are you a member of the military junta?

I was quite content to see the Egyptian Army step in as Guardians of the Republic and Enforcers of the Will of the People - in true Turkish Army style - in order for the Egyptians to correct their Election Mistake of 2012 in voting the Muslim Brotherhood into power by proxy, before the Brotherhood had the chance to finish digging-in like a tic and render themselves immovable and in-power for decades to come, if not longer...

But I'm also content for us to suspend Military Aid to Egypt until (a) the situation stabilizes and (b) new and democratic elections are held and (c) a new civilian government has assumed power and stabilizes and we conclude that it is a relatively friendly government.
Awwwwww... our colleague Sunni Man neg-reps me and calls me an idiot again for the second time in the past 50 hours, for posting something about the Military Coup and the Muslim Brotherhood that he doesn't like...

I must be doing something very, very right to acquire a 50-hour repeating Rep Assassin like him...
...thanks for the feedback, Sunni... it confirms I'm on the right track with this.
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It should be remembered the money we send to Egypt isn't a weekly or monthly thing....I'll find out when it's appropriated later but for the time being, nothing is being sent or scheduled....which makes all this pontificating by Paul and McCain a 16 oz can of nothing.

I take it you are not a US taxpayer. Are you a member of the military junta?


Yep...what's it to ya...INFIDEL? :lol:
It should be remembered the money we send to Egypt isn't a weekly or monthly thing....I'll find out when it's appropriated later but for the time being, nothing is being sent or scheduled....which makes all this pontificating by Paul and McCain a 16 oz can of nothing.

obama GAVE them tanks and F-16s. Do you wonder who they will be used against? Why are we arming unstable governments? Now we are also giving weapons to someone in Syria, we don't even know who is fighting who but we are taking sides----------is our government as stupid as it seems?

What's your problem? I'm aware what Obama GAVE them....it's been going on since Sadat signed the peace treaty with Israel. The F-16s are the same type we GAVE Israel...and the IDF just grounded their fleet yesterday because one splashed at sea. These aren't the same package F-16s we fly. They won't be used against anybody hopefully...because Egypt has them, mostly. I'm for the muslim brothehood being shot on the streets of Cairo....and couldn't care less who knows it. We are taking sides only not in public.....wakey wakey.

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