Rand Paul Blasts Neocons For Backing 'Military Junta' In Egypt...

BTW...any stupidity that results in an Egyptian funds-cutoff won't show up until the 2014 budget is passed, or not passed as is the custom these days...so this is all a typhoon in a teacup.
It should be remembered the money we send to Egypt isn't a weekly or monthly thing....I'll find out when it's appropriated later but for the time being, nothing is being sent or scheduled....which makes all this pontificating by Paul and McCain a 16 oz can of nothing.

obama GAVE them tanks and F-16s. Do you wonder who they will be used against? Why are we arming unstable governments? Now we are also giving weapons to someone in Syria, we don't even know who is fighting who but we are taking sides----------is our government as stupid as it seems?

What's your problem? I'm aware what Obama GAVE them....it's been going on since Sadat signed the peace treaty with Israel. The F-16s are the same type we GAVE Israel...and the IDF just grounded their fleet yesterday because one splashed at sea. These aren't the same package F-16s we fly. They won't be used against anybody hopefully...because Egypt has them, mostly. I'm for the muslim brothehood being shot on the streets of Cairo....and couldn't care less who knows it. We are taking sides only not in public.....wakey wakey.

you are contradicting yourself, you want the US to continue to give our tax dollars to egypt but you admit that we have no idea who is running the place.:confused:
Rand sounds as crazy as his pappy.....If our homo muslim president hadn't called for Mubarak's overthrow, none of this would have happened. You DO NOT WANT the muslim brotherhood running Egypt...$1.5B is peanuts and it buys us the influence we need with them....call it a junta or a coup or any other damn thing you want....until the dickless wonder in the WH does, it doesn't mean a thing.

Neocons are about to be orphans.

We need to stop "influencing" and tend to business at home.

Your Palin-like attack on the Pauls is wearing thin.
It should be remembered the money we send to Egypt isn't a weekly or monthly thing....I'll find out when it's appropriated later but for the time being, nothing is being sent or scheduled....which makes all this pontificating by Paul and McCain a 16 oz can of nothing.

I take it you are not a US taxpayer. Are you a member of the military junta?


Yep...what's it to ya...INFIDEL? :lol:

Just what I thought , you are conflicted by interest. By the way you are depicting the wrong flag?

Is that so we think you from Az instead of Cairo?


Could be a great pretext to pull out the support if this move was ever considered at all.

On the other hand the need to be able to influence the guys ( and military is usually much more maneuverable than anybody else) makes the temptation to stay and pretend nothing happens all very real.

I understand that bit about any Ban on Aid (military or otherwise) focusing upon upcoming fiscal cycles rather than the current one, however...

Do our laws and executive powers not allow us to freeze funds-transfers and transfers-of-goods immediately, in real-time, even if they are already in-the-pipeline at the moment that the freeze goes into effect, and regardless of the fiscal cycle to which they belong?

In truth, I don't have a clue how such things work at the Federal level, but I'm having a really difficult time... and I DO mean a REALLY difficult time... believing that we cannot freeze such transfers within hours or days of the decision, regardless of which fiscal cycle that the funds or goods belong to...

Call me grotesquely UNDER-informed about the mechanics of this, if you like, but it's the way my tiny little brain is working on this one, today...
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If Rand runs he will be incredibly hard to beat.... Too many sides can agree with him.

He has to get by Cristie and Cruz. Cruz will take crucial votes that Paul needs.

Gawd you're stupid to listen to...

And they both have to get by Rand, not to mention many many many people want a Rand/Cruz ticket.

Maybe you can push for McCain or Mitt again, or Hilary.

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