Rand Paul Blocks $40 Billion Aid Package to Ukraine - Mitch and Schumer both ANGRY

#3. We don't have the fucking money for a war that is NOT our problem while we have 1,000's people dying from fentanyl, disease racing across our southern border, and a baby formula crisis. <-- Just to make a short list of about 35 real issues facing us today.
It's definitely in our best interests to stop Putin in Ukraine to avoid a much wider war in Europe.

It's also very much in our interests to help Ukraine degrade his forces to the point he can't launch another invasion for a decade or more.

They are willing to do the fighting and dying to for their own country and we benefit in the end so I'm entirely supportive of giving them the means to continue the fight as long as they are willing to do so.
I'm fine - for now - with shoveling extra (above-and-beyond "our fair share") at the Ukrainians...

Why do I say that?

Because we have the surplus to give, and we can make more easily, whereas some of these others are scraping the bottom, to dig up something to give.

Mind you, those allies should have been doing more for themselves and the alliance all along, but this isn't the time to flog them over it, to no good end.

Rather, now is the time to get as much war material as we ( the US and its allies ) CAN get to them, as quickly as possible... yesterday, if possible...

There is no time to screw-around with these fine points during such an existential crisis for a friendly (soon-to-be-allied) and brave country.

Want better oversight? Fine. Conjure up an IG to send to follow the donation. But there is no time to waste in getting the donation itself in Ukrainian hands.

What the fuck.

What the fuck.
I doubt that's true, we were still shooting up leftover ammo and ordnance from WWII, Korea, and Vietnam in the eighties and we have a hell of a lot of outdated equipment sitting around doing nothing it costs us money to guard and maintain.

If we can get something out of that excess through lend lease arrangements in the future to get rid of it, I'm all for it.
Rand Paul is a first class jerkoff who gets his jollies disrupting the passing of legistlation for no good reason other then to draw attention to himself because he's an idiot.

He was the first one to have his paws out looking for a FEMA handout last winter as he votes against helping anyone else.

A terrible human being & an asshole.
Not getting involved in a war that is none of our business is more than a good reason.
I'm fine - for now - with shoveling extra (above-and-beyond "our fair share") at the Ukrainians...Because we have the surplus to give

Idiot, for the past oh, 15 years, the USA has been printing empty money we simply borrowed and can't even pay the interest on! I'm starting to really despise Mitch McConnell.
DO PLEASE tell us just what strategic interest anyone but the Biden's have in Ukraine?
We have a definite interest both strategic and economic in preventing Putin from starting a much wider war in Europe which he'd certainly have done had we allowed him to take Ukraine.
I doubt that's true, we were still shooting up leftover ammo and ordnance from WWII, Korea, and Vietnam in the eighties and we have a hell of a lot of outdated equipment sitting around doing nothing it costs us money to guard and maintain.

If we can get something out of that excess through lend lease arrangements in the future to get rid of it, I'm all for it.
We won't be sending them our outdated munitions. To think we would is absolute folly.

They are sending $$ that we don't have, and high-tech lethal weaponry developed to take on two world powers at once.

People who have served understand that the US Military has always planned on waging and winning a two-front war against two first-world nations.

THAT is the stuff we will be sending them.

None of it can be spared for Ukraine and its corrupt government.
Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) hit the brakes Thursday on bipartisan hopes that the Senate could quickly pass nearly $40 billion in Ukraine aid before leaving town for the week. Paul objected to a deal offered by Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) that would have set up votes on Thursday afternoon on the funding and on an amendment from Paul, who wanted to include language in the bill to expand an Afghanistan inspector general role to include oversight of the Ukraine funds.

Senator Paul just covered everyone's ass.

The GOP and DNC leaders in the Senate can tout desires to aid the Ukrainians supported by their 'outrage' over Senator Paul blocking efforts ...
While Senator Paul does what gets him elected.

Pretty much a lot of media or political capital for the parties involved in regard to something that didn't get passed ...
Didn't cost anyone a dime and didn't help anyone other than the politicians involved.

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He's not on "Putin's Side". I disagree with him but this is entirely consistent with his position on funding foreign wars anywhere no matter who is involved.
Do you find it strange that only one Congress critter opposes constant war and massive funding for the war machine?
It's definitely in our best interests to stop Putin in Ukraine to avoid a much wider war in Europe.

It's also very much in our interests to help Ukraine degrade his forces to the point he can't launch another invasion for a decade or more.

They are willing to do the fighting and dying to for their own country and we benefit in the end so I'm entirely supportive of giving them the means to continue the fight as long as they are willing to do so.
Yeah Putin wants to CONQUER THE WORLD!!!!

He’s another Hitler!

Oh noooooooooooooooooooo!
We won't be sending them our outdated munitions. To think we would is absolute folly.

They are sending $$ that we don't have, and high-tech lethal weaponry developed to take on two world powers at once.

People who have served understand that the US Military has always planned on waging and winning a two-front war against two first-world nations.

THAT is the stuff we will be sending them.

None of it can be spared for Ukraine and its corrupt government.
I was involved in similar transfers in the past, all our missiles have an expiration date, the wireguided munitions have the shortest useable shelf life so we might as well send them to ukraine.

The same is true of our anti aircraft missiles. We've still got stingers sitting around produced in the 80's and 90's and ammo that's decades older than that.

I know for a fact some of our 155 rounds have been sitting in storage since the seventies and eighties.

The M107 SP guns are seventies vitage as well and we've upgraded to the M109 series SP guns, we have hundreds of the M107's sitting around in mothballs.

We're also upgrading from the M-16/M-4 and fielding a new round for both the light machine gun and service weapon and we have hundreds of thousands of old M60's and M240'sand 249's along with billions of rounds of ammo for them sitting around needing a good home.

The only modern systems we've given them so far I'm aware of are the M777 and some of the PGM rounds that can be fired from it and any of our existing older, outdated 155 systems like the old M107 SP guns and the M198 towed howitzer and we have thousands of those guns sitting around in mothballs as well that might as well be sent to Ukraine.

If we can rotate those outdated weapons, ammo, and ordnance out and get something from them through Lend Lease I'm all for it.
When has Rand Paul ever _not_ been a Russian asset?

(Answer: never)
You're an idiot. He represents very well a large number of Americans who believe we should be avoiding getting involved in foreign conflicts.

I disagree with him but he's damned sure not the enemy nor a friend of our enemies.
Senator Rand Paul has blocked a fast-track senate vote on the additional $40 billion funding package created by Joe Biden and House Democrats. Both Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell approved a fast-track vote; however, senator Rand Paul (KY) stood defiant against their effort.

Despite the high-profile pressure from the two Senate leaders, Rand Paul refused to move and that means the Senate will have to take procedural steps to overcome his objection, which could take several days. “My oath of office is the US constitution not to any foreign nation and no matter how sympathetic the cause, my oath of office is to the national security of the United States of America,” Paul said in his remarks before objecting to moving to swift passage of the bill. “We cannot save Ukraine by dooming the US economy.”


Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) hit the brakes Thursday on bipartisan hopes that the Senate could quickly pass nearly $40 billion in Ukraine aid before leaving town for the week. Paul objected to a deal offered by Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) that would have set up votes on Thursday afternoon on the funding and on an amendment from Paul, who wanted to include language in the bill to expand an Afghanistan inspector general role to include oversight of the Ukraine funds.

Thoughts on this GOPer being on Putin's side?
Maybe Rand Paul doesn't understand why we are shipping $40 billion MORE DOLLARS to Ukraine while we have a wide open border, understaffed border patrol, understaffed police force, farmers struggling, Veterans being pushed out onto the streets to make room for illegals...... You know stuff like that. And spare me your retarded "funny" rating.

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