Rand Paul Blocks $40 Billion Aid Package to Ukraine - Mitch and Schumer both ANGRY

Very true, but they don't. They display their priorities by jamming through $40 billion dollar aid bills for Ukraine while ignoring American priorities.
Their priority is to flood the country with illegals under the guise of "asylum seekers" to create a new permanent dependent underclass.

If any of these women give birth while in the US they will be granted immediate status as permanent residents.

Legal blacks and Hispanics have been moving into the middle class at an accelerated rate particularly under the last administration so they need a new welfare class.
All Rand Paul wants is someone appointed to keep track of where the aid goes. Why would anyone object to that?

From the link in the OP:

... Paul, who wanted to include language in the bill to expand an Afghanistan inspector general role to include oversight of the Ukraine funds.
Paul blocked the votes because he wants his language inserted into the text of the bill instead of having to take his chance with an amendment vote, which could be blocked.
I seriously doubt that Ukrainian soldiers... holding-on by the skin of their teeth until more materials arrive... would agree...
The Ukes already have 10x as many javelins as Russians have tanks....
The dems said "no" to the Polish jets, so don't start acting indignant.
You want to give aid, give them more jets.

General Keane also said to have the US Navy escort Ukrainian merchant ships to and from Odessa to keep the Uke economy afloat.
Their priority is to flood the country with illegals under the guise of "asylum seekers" to create a new permanent dependent underclass.

If any of these women give birth while in the US they will be granted immediate status as permanent residents.

Legal blacks and Hispanics have been moving into the middle class at an accelerated rate particularly under the last administration so they need a new welfare class.
Bingo! for Big Bend. :113:
Didn't WW2 start with appeasement?
Yes it did, though numerous other factors were involved.
And WWIII is going to start when our corrupt govt & military industrial complex sees the huge profits to be made from another foreign war where we have no dog in the fight.
Now, the NWO reset is just waiting in the wings to take advantage of our stupidity.
They play you like a fiddle
Yes it did, though numerous other factors were involved.
And WWIII is going to start when our corrupt govt & military industrial complex sees the huge profits to be made from another foreign war where we have no dog in the fight.
Now, the NWO reset is just waiting in the wings to take advantage of our stupidity.
They play you like a fiddle
You need help.
Yes it did, though numerous other factors were involved.
And WWIII is going to start when our corrupt govt & military industrial complex sees the huge profits to be made from another foreign war where we have no dog in the fight.
Now, the NWO reset is just waiting in the wings to take advantage of our stupidity.
They play you like a fiddle

Well, right now they're happier with no Americans dying and them able to sell weapons to the Ukrainians via the US government.
Well, right now they're happier with no Americans dying and them able to sell weapons to the Ukrainians via the US government.
This is not a battle to save Ukraine. It is a battle to stop a mad man that is intent on reconstructing the old USSR. And who is to say he will stop there? The world has no choice but to support Ukraine and stop the expansion of a regime which is knee deep is atrocities and war crimes.

Senator Paul just covered everyone's ass.

The GOP and DNC leaders in the Senate can tout desires to aid the Ukrainians supported by their 'outrage' over Senator Paul blocking efforts ...
While Senator Paul does what gets him elected in his district.

Pretty much a lot of media or political capital for the parties involved in regard to something that didn't get passed ...
Didn't cost anyone a dime and didn't help anyone other than the politicians involved.

Hey shit for brains! Senators don't have districts!
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This is not a battle to save Ukraine. It is a battle to stop a mad man that is intent on reconstructing the old USSR. And who is to say he will stop there? The world has no choice but to support Ukraine and stop the expansion of a regime which is knee deep is atrocities and war crimes.

And who stops that mad American presidents like Bush?

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