Rand Paul Blocks $40 Billion Aid Package to Ukraine - Mitch and Schumer both ANGRY

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) hit the brakes Thursday on bipartisan hopes that the Senate could quickly pass nearly $40 billion in Ukraine aid before leaving town for the week. Paul objected to a deal offered by Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) that would have set up votes on Thursday afternoon on the funding and on an amendment from Paul, who wanted to include language in the bill to expand an Afghanistan inspector general role to include oversight of the Ukraine funds.

Thoughts on this GOPer being on Putin's side?


Good. We're letting illegals coming in and housing them, giving them formula and cell phones, we have inflation, supply chain issues and a lot more. 40 billion not spent on foriengers that doesn't help us at all is a good thing

You take care of your own first,, then help your neighbors.
Maybe Rand Paul doesn't understand why we are shipping $40 billion MORE DOLLARS to Ukraine while we have a wide open border, understaffed border patrol, understaffed police force, farmers struggling, Veterans being pushed out onto the streets to make room for illegals...... You know stuff like that. And spare me your retarded "funny" rating.
It's not an either/or proposition. Biden is not going to secure the border, expand the border patrol, finish the wall or add 90,000 or so ICE agents we badly need for interior enforcement period and we very much could do both.
Then I would imagine Europe has an even much bigger interest. Where is THEIR money?
The EU nations have all been pouring money and weapons into Ukraine as well.

A lot of those deals are going to create or at least support a hell of a lot of jobs in the US because they will be buying modern US made weapons systems and aircraft to replace the aging Soviet Era equipment they are sending to Ukraine.

Good. We're letting illegals coming in and housing them, giving them formula and cell phones, we have inflation, supply chain issues and a lot more. 40 billion not spent on foriengers that doesn't help us at all is a good thing

You take care of your own first,, then help your neighbors.
We're not going to take care of our own first until at least January of 2025.
funny how fast the Ukraine gets billions of U.S. dollars but they can't seem to find any fast money at all to help We The People.

Remember when Trump asked Congress for 20 billion for the border wall? Everyone told him we couldn't afford it. But we have given away 10X as much since to other countries like it was chump change.
Really pretty simple they just need to include the two together and help Ukraine now. The money is in the bank so to speak (for Ukraine) and Russia has liability for all they have done

Oversight should always b there on federal funds going out. Even those lowly DoT contracts used to have inspectors out on the jobs making sure funds went where they were supposed to.
Like the “Inspectors” don’t get their share!
funny how fast the Ukraine gets billions of U.S. dollars but they can't seem to find any fast money at all to help We The People.

Absolutely! :clap:

It's shameless, but then this Administration has NO shame. Ukraine first America last.
Didn't say they were but many of the various EU countries ARE members of NATO.
What you did say is this.

Not according to my sources. EU doesn't pay, they don't even pony up their fair share of the cost of NATO.

Our NATO allies had for a very long time never met their defense spending obligations under the NATO treaty but this invasion motivated all of them to immediately and significantly increase their defense spending.

Trump was right to shame them about failing to do so in the past but we're beyond that problem now.
It's not an either/or proposition. Biden is not going to secure the border, expand the border patrol, finish the wall or add 90,000 or so ICE agents we badly need for interior enforcement period and we very much could do both.
Very true, but they don't. They display their priorities by jamming through $40 billion dollar aid bills for Ukraine while ignoring American priorities.

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