Rand Paul Blocks $40 Billion Aid Package to Ukraine - Mitch and Schumer both ANGRY

Yeah. Sending 40 BILLION to Ukraine while there is no baby food here?
There's plenty of baby food here, there's a shortage of formula. Mom's can learn to make their own formula at home using powdered milk, adding fat from canola oil or other healthy oils and vitamins and minerals from liquid baby vitamin and mineral formulations available at any drug store or large grocery store.
There's plenty of baby food here, there's a shortage of formula. Mom's can learn to make their own formula at home using powdered milk, adding fat from canola oil or other healthy oils and vitamins and minerals from liquid baby vitamin and mineral formulations available at any drug store or large grocery store.
Formula IS Baby food. And why should AMERICAN Women be put out while Formula is given Free to filthy Illegals and 40 BILLION is shipped overseas?
Who is going to stop him? this will never end! :mad-61:

Somebody with a spine in America must! if there is anybody left!

Formula IS Baby food. And why should AMERICAN Women be put out while Formula is given Free to filthy Illegals and 40 BILLION is shipped overseas?
No, baby formula is a substitute for milk, Baby food is made up of solids like rice, veggies, and fruits.

Keeping that 40 bn here won't help produce anymore baby formula. The shortage was created by the gov't itself with two massive recalls of formula this year and at the end of the last year.
No, baby formula is a substitute for milk, Baby food is made up of solids like rice, veggies, and fruits.

Keeping that 40 bn here won't help produce anymore baby formula. The shortage was created by the gov't itself with two massive recalls of formula this year and at the end of the last year.
Disagree all you want skye, everything I said is fact.

Whole goat milk makes a great substitute, it's not as rich as cow's milk which needs to be watered down.
No, baby formula is a substitute for milk, Baby food is made up of solids like rice, veggies, and fruits.

Keeping that 40 bn here won't help produce anymore baby formula. The shortage was created by the gov't itself with two massive recalls of formula this year and at the end of the last year.
So MILK is not Food? I guess all babies just starve until they can chew?
As they should, in a progressive tax system. And even more so, as the wealth gap grows. Yes, that's right. That's how it works.
There is nothing more unfair than "Progressive taxation" and the rich are always protected in such systems.

If they weren't, there wouldn't be any super rich people left in the US or any other western country, they'd have been taxed into poverty years ago or packed up and left if the promise of "progressive taxation" was real.

A flat tax for everyone would actually have "the rich" paying far more than they do now.
Honestly, I think Americans dying is not a factor in their calculations, just whatever makes advances their interests.
It's all dollars = power for them. The rest of us are just useless eaters in the globalist reset philosophy

Well, it's about the Powell Doctrine. They have to convince people that the war is just. Russia has done it in Russia over the Ukraine War, the US did it for Iraq, lying out of their asses to "prove" the need.

Because of Vietnam and the anger of the war there, it's been the case ever since.

Yes, they want the money, they wanted to destroy OPEC's strength, hence Iraq and Afghanistan (probably because it's also next to Iran and Iran is OPEC and would be easier to invade from two sides). They'll let the Saudis do what they want (bar attack Israel) which led the the blockade of Qatar (days after Trump went to speak to the Saudis and the blockade ended near the end of Trump's presidency), the war in Yemen and so on.
OK! Do you think the Xiden administration would actually do that? Hell no, they would not!
ART as I recall you are or were a teacher and well educated. To me our inept politicians seem to be borrowing and spending us to ruin. Like pretty much every apex empire has over the past 5,000 years. Be honest do you think we can put a stop to this or is this pattern of stupidity likely to repeat itself again with the USA?
The OP's article doesn't detail where the $40b is going. According to NBC News (if you believe them):

The measure includes $6 billion for Ukraine for intelligence, equipment and training for its forces, plus $4 billion in financing to help Kyiv and NATO allies build up their militaries.

There’s $8.7 billion for the Pentagon to rebuild stocks of weapons it has shipped to Ukraine and $3.9 billion for U.S. troops in the region.

The measure also includes $8.8 billion to keep the Kyiv government functioning, more than $5 billion to provide food to countries around the world that rely on Ukrainian crops devastated by the fighting and $900 million to teach English and provide other services to Ukrainian refugees who have moved to the United States.

Only $6 billion in "intelligence, equipment and training for its forces"

The $8.7b for the Pentagon and $3.9b for U.S. troops makes some sense, but...Didn't we already cover the cost of ammo we sent in the first $13.9 billion? Shouldn't the $3.9 billion for the troops come out of the regular operating budget of $700 billion they have this year?

I call bull-shit on the magnitude of other items: $8.8 billion to the Kyiv government? $5 billion for food to other countries around the world? $1 billion to the 100,000 Ukrainian refugees in USA ($10,000 each)?

I'm glad he stopped it. At a minimum, we need to know that the money is going where it is supposed to go, and not ending up in the back pockets of the communists they are fighting against. Haste Makes Waste.
Rand's dialogue....

''My oath of office is to the US Constitution, not to any foreign nation, and no matter how sympathetic the cause, my oath of office is to the national security of the United States of America. We cannot save Ukraine by dooming the US economy.''

“Americans are feeling the pain, and Congress seems intent on only adding to that pain by shoving more money out the door as fast as they can.”

“We should not forget that the Soviet Union collapsed in large part not because it was defeated militarily, but because it ran out of money...In an attempt to save Ukraine, will we doom the US to such a future?”

Rand is a useful idiot.

Soviet Union collapsed because it could not keep up with American spending, just like sanctioned to shit Putin's Russia can't.

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