Rand Paul Blocks $40 Billion Aid Package to Ukraine - Mitch and Schumer both ANGRY


That's the spirit ... And thanks again for embracing your thoughtful desire to share such enlightening comments.
I would simply be remiss if I failed to give you yet another cookie ... :thup:

If you call saying something stupid is giving me a cookie, I have to warn you that I am a diabetic and I cannot deal with cookies.

Make it like a steak, nice and rare!
The OP's article doesn't detail where the $40b is going. According to NBC News (if you believe them):

Only $6 billion in "intelligence, equipment and training for its forces"

The $8.7b for the Pentagon and $3.9b for U.S. troops makes some sense, but...Didn't we already cover the cost of ammo we sent in the first $13.9 billion? Shouldn't the $3.9 billion for the troops come out of the regular operating budget of $700 billion they have this year?

I call bull-shit on the magnitude of other items: $8.8 billion to the Kyiv government? $5 billion for food to other countries around the world? $1 billion to the 100,000 Ukrainian refugees in USA ($10,000 each)?

I'm glad he stopped it. At a minimum, we need to know that the money is going where it is supposed to go, and not ending up in the back pockets of the communists they are fighting against. Haste Makes Waste.
I guess you are like most people on this board and cannot read. The delay will only be a matter of days.
ART as I recall you are or were a teacher and well educated. To me our inept politicians seem to be borrowing and spending us to ruin. Like pretty much every apex empire has over the past 5,000 years. Be honest do you think we can put a stop to this or is this pattern of stupidity likely to repeat itself again with the USA?
The pattern will repeat itself because there is always some crisis that requires additional funding.
Rand Paul is one of the only good ones left..
Inability to read strikes another one's brain down to mush. The delay will only be a matter of days. One senator cannot stop legislation from passing. He can prevent a unanimous consent motion to immediately vote on a bill. All senators can do that.
The OP's article doesn't detail where the $40b is going. According to NBC News (if you believe them):

Only $6 billion in "intelligence, equipment and training for its forces"

The $8.7b for the Pentagon and $3.9b for U.S. troops makes some sense, but...Didn't we already cover the cost of ammo we sent in the first $13.9 billion? Shouldn't the $3.9 billion for the troops come out of the regular operating budget of $700 billion they have this year?

I call bull-shit on the magnitude of other items: $8.8 billion to the Kyiv government? $5 billion for food to other countries around the world? $1 billion to the 100,000 Ukrainian refugees in USA ($10,000 each)?

I'm glad he stopped it. At a minimum, we need to know that the money is going where it is supposed to go, and not ending up in the back pockets of the communists they are fighting against. Haste Makes Waste.

Yeah, he stopped it for at least 3 or 4 days!
So MILK is not Food? I guess all babies just starve until they can chew?
"Gerber Baby Food", Infamil Baby Formula, two different things.

Babies will only starve if their mothers are stupid or lazy, there are alternatives to buying formula at the store as I've already detailed out.

One example:

It takes all of 10 minutes to make at home.

We raised literally billions of babies before commercial baby formula came along.
So let me get this right, Neocon Biden Regime supporters insist not funding a war against Russia will cause a war with Russia. :heehee:

Rand Paul for President!

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) hit the brakes Thursday on bipartisan hopes that the Senate could quickly pass nearly $40 billion in Ukraine aid before leaving town for the week. Paul objected to a deal offered by Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) that would have set up votes on Thursday afternoon on the funding and on an amendment from Paul, who wanted to include language in the bill to expand an Afghanistan inspector general role to include oversight of the Ukraine funds.

Thoughts on this GOPer being on Putin's side?
America first is nazi nationalism reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeweee

Support demockwacy reeeeeee

This country needs more Rand Paul's in government...at every level
So let me get this right, Neocon Biden Regime supporters insist not funding a war against Russia will cause a war with Russia. :heehee:

Rand Paul for President!
We've been funding wars against Russia and Proxy wars against Russia since the fifties, we haven't found ourselves in a direct conflict with them yet as a result.
America first is nazi nationalism reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeweee

Support demockwacy reeeeeee

This country needs more Rand Paul's in government...at every level
I may not agree with him on things like this but we need more People Like Rand Paul in congress to keep everyone else honest and call them out when they are not.

People need to be forced to think about how many dollars we send overseas, often to unfriendly countries and what those dollars could pay for at home.

At least with the Lend Lease aspects of helping Ukraine we can get some benefit in return in the future.
America first is nazi nationalism reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeweee

Support demockwacy reeeeeee

This country needs more Rand Paul's in government...at every level
I may not agree with him on things like this but we need more People Like Rand Paul in congress to keep everyone else honest and call them out when they are not.

People need to be forced to think about how many dollars we send overseas, often to unfriendly countries and what those dollars could pay for at home.

At least with the Lend Lease aspects of helping Ukraine we can get some benefit in return in the future.
Thiers no reason we should be interfering with Ukraine....we've or rather the shithouse US government did enough interfering in 2014

Russias reaction is justified ....they've only been warning the world for years
Thiers no reason we should be interfering with Ukraine....we've or rather the shithouse US government did enough interfering in 2014

Russias reaction is justified ....they've only been warning the world for years
Bullshit, Ukraine is a sovereign nation, Russia has no business invading like they have done twice now.

What's appropriate is to make them pay dearly for this invasion of Ukraine's sovereign borders.

When it's over Russia should not have the forces left to invade even Moldova successfully.

They are no more justified in this invasion than Nazi Germany was justified in invading Poland.

The West sat back and did nothing as Hitler invaded country after country, how did that work out for the world in the end?
We've been funding wars against Russia and Proxy wars against Russia since the fifties, we haven't found ourselves in a direct conflict with them yet as a result.
Indeed ever since the Jewish immigrants to the USA, the Rosenbergs, provided the USSR with directions on how to make nukes, there was a "cold war." But intervening in Putin's effort to reunite Ukraine, like Lincoln's effort to reunite the South, is more than giving the Taliban weapons like Reagan did in the 80's. Historically "Ukraine" as a geopolitical entity is very chaotic. Usually some other country controlled it. The most stable period was when they were part of the USSR. :dunno: When the threat of the illegal NATO agency acquiring them, of course Putin had to take action or be embarrassed and humiliated.
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Indeed ever since the Jewish immigrants to the USA, the Rosenbergs provided the USSR with directions on how to make nukes, there was a "cold war." But intervening in Putin's effort to reunite Ukraine, like Lincoln's effort to reunite the South, is more than giving the Taliban weapons like Reagan did in the 80's.
The Cold War began in 1947, you need to bone up on your history.

The Rosenberg's being Jewish had nothing to do with their treason and they were not immigrants, they were native born in NYC.

You might as well try smearing all Ney Yorkers as somehow being responsible for their treason.

Reuniting Ukraine would mean forcing Putin and all of his assets out of the country including the pro Russian insurgents in Donetsk and Crimea.

He's no more justified in his "reunification" plans than Kim would be in invading S. Korea under the same guise.
He's (Putin) no more justified in his "reunification" plans than Kim would be in invading S. Korea under the same guise.

This is the major underlying issue. For example, how could North and South Korea unite to become simply Korea again? Diplomacy maybe? :eusa_think: After all, isn't diplomacy the reason free countries elect representatives? Which to his credit Trump actually engaged in. :dunno:

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