Rand Paul Blocks $40 Billion Aid Package to Ukraine - Mitch and Schumer both ANGRY

Rand Paul is a first class jerkoff who gets his jollies disrupting the passing of legistlation for no good reason other then to draw attention to himself because he's an idiot.

He was the first one to have his paws out looking for a FEMA handout last winter as he votes against helping anyone else.

A terrible human being & an asshole.
Why do you feel such a need to lie?

Well, Vlad, we have found one of your ardent supporters in the Senate. What a buffoon.....
This is a great example of pure partisanship leads to your brain being eaten by worms.
Then I would imagine Europe has an even much bigger interest. Where is THEIR money?
The EU nations have all been pouring money and weapons into Ukraine as well.
Yet this has zero national interest.

These folks make excuses, and watch too much TEE VEE. . . they let the military industrial complex and the global elites do their thinking for them. . .

They don't do their research, or have a clue what is really going on. Conversation on this forum seems like bailing out an ocean.



Just what we need, to pledge another $40 billion.



These folks make excuses, and watch too much TEE VEE. . . they let the military industrial complex and the global elites do their thinking for them. . .

They don't do their research, or have a clue what is really going on. Conversation on this forum seems like bailing out an ocean.



Just what we need, to pledge another $40 billion.

We have more than a clue we have the facts on our side. Ukraine has been unjustly invaded by a foreign power seeking to seize their territory by a common adversary. That's all the justification necessary for aiding them.
We have more than a clue we have the facts on our side. Ukraine has been unjustly invaded by a foreign power seeking to seize their territory by a common adversary. That's all the justification necessary for aiding them.
Lol. You keep proving you have no clue with every post.
$40 billion for a corrupt cocksucker who has outlawed opposition parties, shut down media that criticized him, and jailed reporters who've spoken out against him.

What the fuck is wrong with you crackpots?

Everyone knows about the Azov Battalion, but far less know that the CIA trained the Ukrainian secret services (the SBU,) who are also Neo-nazis. :rolleyes:

These folks are completely programmed by propaganda, or paid shills. The sad state of our media, and who our government counts as allies is appalling.

July 21, 2016

“You Don’t Exist”​

Arbitrary Detentions, Enforced Disappearances, and Torture in Eastern Ukraine

"In April 2015, Vadim, 39, was traveling on a shuttle bus home to Donetsk, the capital of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic in eastern Ukraine. He had boarded in Slovyansk, which is under Ukrainian government control. At a checkpoint manned by Ukrainian forces, a gunman ordered him off the bus. Armed men in camouflaged uniforms without insignia tied Vadim’s hands behind his back, pulled a bag over his head, pushed him to his knees, calling him a “separatist thug,” and questioned him about his connections in Slovyansk. Then, they threw him into the back seat of a car and drove off to a base full of armed people, where he was kept in unacknowledged detention for three days, interrogated, and tortured. Then, his captors transferred him to another unlawful detention facility, apparently maintained by Ukraine’s Security Service (SBU) personnel. Vadim spent another six weeks there in unacknowledged detention without any contact with the outside world. During his time in captivity, Vadim’s interrogators tortured him with electric shocks, burned him with cigarettes, and beat him, demanding that he confess to working for Russia-backed separatists. Finally, they released him. Vadim returned to Donetsk and was immediately detained by local de facto authorities, who suspected him of having been recruited by the SBU during his time in captivity. He spent over two months in incommunicado detention in an unofficial prison in central Donetsk where his captors, again, beat and ill-treated him."


Violations by the Ukrainian authorities

". . . In most of the nine cases Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch investigated, pro-government forces, including members of so-called volunteer battalions, initially detained the individuals and then handed them over to the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), who eventually moved them into the regular criminal justice system. Some were later exchanged for persons held by separatists and others released without trial.

In three cases detailed in this report the SBU allegedly continued the enforced disappearances, keeping the individuals in unacknowledged detention for periods ranging from six weeks to 15 months. One individual was exchanged, the other two simply released without trial. With regard to two of the individuals, there is no record whatsoever of their detention. . . "

Zelensky’s Hardline Internal Purge​

Ukraine’s “pro-democracy” president has outlawed his opposition, ordered rivals arrested and presided over the disappearance and assassination of dissidents, Max Blumenthal and Esha Krishnaswamy report.
We have more than a clue we have the facts on our side. Ukraine has been unjustly invaded by a foreign power seeking to seize their territory by a common adversary. That's all the justification necessary for aiding them.
I just proved you to be a liar. It is time for you to shut up now. You either don't know what you are talking about, or don't care to look like a fool.


These folks make excuses, and watch too much TEE VEE. . . they let the military industrial complex and the global elites do their thinking for them. . .

They don't do their research, or have a clue what is really going on. Conversation on this forum seems like bailing out an ocean.



Just what we need, to pledge another $40 billion.

The power of the government media complex to deceive millions of Americans can’t be understated.
The power of the government media complex to deceive millions of Americans can’t be understated.
Funny you should bring that quote up. . . . I was just talking about him, and that quote last night with a buddy. . . .

When they printed this, did he fake his death. . . just so he didn't have to testify in Iran-Contra?

Funny you should bring that quote up. . . . I was just talking about him, and that quote last night with a buddy. . . .

When they printed this, did he fake his death. . . just so he didn't have to testify in Iran-Contra?

One thing is certain about old Bill Casey, he actually told the truth when he made that infamous statement.

We see the results of his efforts every day on this forum.
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So are you a fucking liar or just a goddamned idiot?
I tried to shut the fool up, but he has no shame.
He's an old fart in cognitive dissonance. He can't accept when the props and theatrics fall away at the back of the theater, and it all is starting to be visible.

At that point? Is when all worshipers of the state/party, start sounding insane, when they have to deny basic reality to maintain the illusion.


In this regard, he is no different than those girls who tell us they are boys, or boys who tell us they are girls.

We trigger coups & color revolutions, fund extremist right wing terror groups, and this chuckle head tells himself we are "good guys." Same type of psychosis.
He's an old fart in cognitive dissonance. He can't accept when the props and theatrics fall away at the back of the theater, and it all is starting to be visible.

At that point? Is when all worshipers of the state/party, start sounding insane, when they have to deny basic reality to maintain the illusion.


In this regard, he is no different than those girls who tell us they are boys, or boys who tell us they are girls.

We trigger coups & color revolutions, fund extremist right wing terror groups, and this chuckle head tells himself we are "good guys." Same type of psychosis.
And you continue to prove yourself to be a liar and an idiot.

So are you a fucking liar or just a goddamned idiot?

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