Rand Paul Blocks $40 Billion Aid Package to Ukraine - Mitch and Schumer both ANGRY

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) hit the brakes Thursday on bipartisan hopes that the Senate could quickly pass nearly $40 billion in Ukraine aid before leaving town for the week. Paul objected to a deal offered by Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) that would have set up votes on Thursday afternoon on the funding and on an amendment from Paul, who wanted to include language in the bill to expand an Afghanistan inspector general role to include oversight of the Ukraine funds.

Thoughts on this GOPer being on Putin's side?
Retarded conclusion.

You people have a more simpleton way of looking at things then anyone I've ever met.

Looking for fiscal responsibility now = Putin lackey.

Truly ignorant
Let Putin get Ukraine and soon you will understand the national interest...

Yes, then Europe would be buying their wheat from Russia as well as all their oil and gas which the USA has made possible through the NordSTREAM2, as well as laundering their money.
C'mon. Be fair to Big Ben Texas. He DID post some updated articles. . . and PROVE how ignorant I was. . . :auiqs.jpg:

I think he said. . .


So we need to make sure to include things like. . .

"Netherlands has a total of 18 Pzh 2000 howitzers"

I mean. . . 18 artillery pieces, that's GOT to be worth several more hundreds of thousands of dollars, (millions?) of dollars, don't forget to add that to the EU totals. :rolleyes:
8 million a pop...
thats €144 million...

Germany is then proposing to give 1.7 billion euros worth of artillery and parts...

Mixed with the right support this could be bight game changer... They are built to aNATO spec so resupplying is a lot better... Training in Poland and then delivery... They need the right support, Anti Aircraft..
8 million a pop...
thats €144 million...

Germany is then proposing to give 1.7 billion euros worth of artillery and parts...

Mixed with the right support this could be bight game changer... They are built to aNATO spec so resupplying is a lot better... Training in Poland and then delivery... They need the right support, Anti Aircraft..

Chances are good, half of them will be sold by some corrupt Ukrainian oligarch on the black market to fund his purchase of a villa on the French Rivera. . .

Chances are good, half of them will be sold by some corrupt Ukrainian oligarch on the black market to fund his purchase of a villa on the French Rivera. . .

Last I heard, brand new American military gear left behind in Afghanistan to be seized by the Taliban is now turning up all over the place being used to kill people.
Why is this needed? Biden already signed the lend-lease bill, the supermarket doors are open.

That was for $20 Bn in weapons and $13 Bn in "economic and humanitarian" (i.e. giant slush fund).

What's this additional $40 Bn supposed to be for?
Inability to read strikes another one's brain down to mush. The delay will only be a matter of days. One senator cannot stop legislation from passing. He can prevent a unanimous consent motion to immediately vote on a bill. All senators can do that.
I Never said he stopped anything.. Admiral.. :)
Last I heard, brand new American military gear left behind in Afghanistan to be seized by the Taliban is now turning up all over the place being used to kill people.
I had a long ranging discussion about that. . . it hadn't even occurred to me. He said they were doing it on purpose to encourage international "terrorism."

I don't think they are. . this time. Maybe they are.

They only would be, if they are doing all this, but don't really care about winning the war, or saving the dollar, in which case, they can kiss Taiwan good-bye as well. . . .

The end goal, of course, is just that global currency, and the global tracking ID. Complete control of how much access to energy you can use, and how much money you can spend, and what you can spend it on. . . .

Which nation is at war, or which extremist group has this or that weapons, those are just pieces on the board to try to achieve the final goal.
Let Putin get Ukraine and soon you will understand the national interest... You are taking the WW2 stance, how did that work out?
Lol. There it is again. The MIC talking point and here I thought you were smarter than to accept that silly propaganda.

I suspect Americans are taught in government schools that the empire’s made up enemies ALL seek world domination, but are never taught the empire is the one seeking it.

You know? The old I accuse you of exactly what I'm doing.
The support for Putin and for the killing of civilians and children in Ukraine in this topic is kinda crazy to me. Wow
"Gerber Baby Food", Infamil Baby Formula, two different things.

Babies will only starve if their mothers are stupid or lazy, there are alternatives to buying formula at the store as I've already detailed out.

One example:

It takes all of 10 minutes to make at home.

We raised literally billions of babies before commercial baby formula came along.

Like I said . Why should AMERICAN Mothers be inconvenienced while filthy illegal ALIENS get all they want for FREE and 40 BILLION gets shipped to Ukraine? AMERICA FIRST. Fuck the World.
I don't watch MSM TEE VEE.. . . . so I am assuming, that this is where this lie gets spread. . . like, collaterol damage from shelling and bombing, and then, journalists film it, and report, that . .

the killing of civilians and children in Ukraine

. . . is purposely ordered by Russian troops.

Which, of course, makes not a whole lot of sense.

Now, of course, there are, sporadic incidence of war crimes of this nature. I remember in the war in Iraq, Black-water was notorious for war crimes, and the whole reason they still have Assange locked up, is Manning leaked some video of troops killing civilians. . .

. . . so? We know that troops massacre civilians in war time, I am not going to deny this.

And I have read article, from both the allied side, and the Russian side, about how unreliable and savage the Chechen Mercenaries are. . .

But what I would really like? From all those folks that parrot the "war crimes," narrative, about the leadership of Russia, going full genocidal on "women and children?"

Yeah, I'd like some real evidence of intentional genocide there.

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