Rand Paul Blocks $40 Billion Aid Package to Ukraine - Mitch and Schumer both ANGRY

I don't watch MSM TEE VEE.. . . . so I am assuming, that this is where this lie gets spread. . . like, collaterol damage from shelling and bombing, and then, journalists film it, and report, that . .

. . . is purposely ordered by Russian troops.

Which, of course, makes not a whole lot of sense.

Now, of course, there are, sporadic incidence of war crimes of this nature. I remember in the war in Iraq, Black-water was notorious for war crimes, and the whole reason they still have Assange locked up, is Manning leaked some video of troops killing civilians. . .

. . . so? We know that troops massacre civilians in war time, I am not going to deny this.

And I have read article, from both the allied side, and the Russian side, about how unreliable and savage the Chechen Mercenaries are. . .

But what I would really like? From all those folks that parrot the "war crimes," narrative, about the leadership of Russia, going full genocidal on "women and children?"

Yeah, I'd like some real evidence of intentional genocide there.
That’s the thing. The evidence is generally never provided or is questionable. For example, the whole Trump Russiagate story was Clinton campaign lies. Or the Russian bounty story. Or the Assad gassing his own people when he’s winning the war. Or Sadaam intends to take over the ME and has WMDs, or…………

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) hit the brakes Thursday on bipartisan hopes that the Senate could quickly pass nearly $40 billion in Ukraine aid before leaving town for the week. Paul objected to a deal offered by Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) that would have set up votes on Thursday afternoon on the funding and on an amendment from Paul, who wanted to include language in the bill to expand an Afghanistan inspector general role to include oversight of the Ukraine funds.

Thoughts on this GOPer being on Putin's side?
He's another one in Putin's corner.
The point of Rand 's theatrics is to delay the bill. Also reported is the general, bipartisan support for the idea. The amendment for the IG he wants appears to have the votes to pass. He waited until the last minute, so that the bill would be delayed.

I wonder why?
Because he is a MAGA Pootin Lover. Just look at what trump did during his years in the WH.

He held up military funding to get political garbage on his political opponent. Point Pootin. He degraded NATO and spoke demeaning words about NATO countries. Point Pootin. He gave Syria to Pootin and turned his back on one of our best allies, the Kurds. Point Pootin.
I don't watch MSM TEE VEE.. . . . so I am assuming, that this is where this lie gets spread. . . like, collaterol damage from shelling and bombing, and then, journalists film it, and report, that . .

. . . is purposely ordered by Russian troops.

Which, of course, makes not a whole lot of sense.

Now, of course, there are, sporadic incidence of war crimes of this nature. I remember in the war in Iraq, Black-water was notorious for war crimes, and the whole reason they still have Assange locked up, is Manning leaked some video of troops killing civilians. . .

. . . so? We know that troops massacre civilians in war time, I am not going to deny this.

And I have read article, from both the allied side, and the Russian side, about how unreliable and savage the Chechen Mercenaries are. . .

But what I would really like? From all those folks that parrot the "war crimes," narrative, about the leadership of Russia, going full genocidal on "women and children?"

Yeah, I'd like some real evidence of intentional genocide there.
We will see when the war crimes trials begin.
The OP's article doesn't detail where the $40b is going. According to NBC News (if you believe them):

Only $6 billion in "intelligence, equipment and training for its forces"

The $8.7b for the Pentagon and $3.9b for U.S. troops makes some sense, but...Didn't we already cover the cost of ammo we sent in the first $13.9 billion? Shouldn't the $3.9 billion for the troops come out of the regular operating budget of $700 billion they have this year?

I call bull-shit on the magnitude of other items: $8.8 billion to the Kyiv government? $5 billion for food to other countries around the world? $1 billion to the 100,000 Ukrainian refugees in USA ($10,000 each)?

I'm glad he stopped it. At a minimum, we need to know that the money is going where it is supposed to go, and not ending up in the back pockets of the communists they are fighting against. Haste Makes Waste.
"I don't know what's in it, and i don't understand it. Therefore, it's bullshit"
He is on the US tax payers side.

You are the one who worships at the feet of some foreign leader.

This is not for putin or against putin it is about what is best the the us and there is no justification for bastards like you to demand we send money to other nations
He's another one of Putin's Trump Party asseaters. Along with the Rethugs, 57 of who in the House voted against the aid.

Bought & paid for by Putin & his Russian Mafia.

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) hit the brakes Thursday on bipartisan hopes that the Senate could quickly pass nearly $40 billion in Ukraine aid before leaving town for the week. Paul objected to a deal offered by Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) that would have set up votes on Thursday afternoon on the funding and on an amendment from Paul, who wanted to include language in the bill to expand an Afghanistan inspector general role to include oversight of the Ukraine funds.

Thoughts on this GOPer being on Putin's side?
Ukraine the country is that hired Hunter Biden for his “expertise” on advising energy companies. It only makes common sense to be damn sure where all the money is going or you can bet some Democrat or Hunter will end up with a bunch of that money in his pocket. The only thing Democrats are great at is corruption. They sure can’t run a country.

To be fair, Republicans aren’t much better.

As usual the filthy ass Democrats are tying to steal from the Treasury.

Now that some have had time to read it, per a breakdown of the bill, we now know that

$54 million goes to the CDC.
$67 million is given to the DOJ for salaries and expenses.
$110 million is marked for embassy security in other countries.
$4 billion is delegated to Joe Biden for “foreign military assistance” with essentially no stipulations whatsoever, meaning he can spend any or all however he wants! This has never been done before in American history, for damn good reasons!

These assholes are arrogantly, brazenly corrupt and lawless!
He's another one of Putin's Trump Party asseaters. Along with the Rethugs, 57 of who in the House voted against the aid.

Bought & paid for by Putin & his Russian Mafia.
Every dollar spent to aid Ukraine, is a dollar we don't have to spend on our military to stand up against Russia.

This war was supposed to be a 2-3 day "treated like liberators" according to Putin. A cakewalk, a walk in the park, easy as pie, a piece of cake, easy peasy.
As Zelensky said, give him the weapons and he'll do the fighting.
This is like WWII lend lease against the original evil empire.
$4 billion is delegated to Joe Biden for “foreign military assistance” with essentially no stipulations whatsoever, meaning he can spend any or all however he wants! This has never been done before in American history, for damn good reasons!
Never been done before?

Eventually, the Manhattan Project employed more than 130,000 people and cost nearly US$ 2 billion

$2,000,000,000 in 1945 is equivalent in purchasing power to about $32,000,000,000 today,

Even the VP didn't know what the money was being spent on.
As usual the filthy ass Democrats are tying to steal from the Treasury.

Now that some have had time to read it, per a breakdown of the bill, we now know that

$54 million goes to the CDC.
$67 million is given to the DOJ for salaries and expenses.
$110 million is marked for embassy security in other countries.
$4 billion is delegated to Joe Biden for “foreign military assistance” with essentially no stipulations whatsoever, meaning he can spend any or all however he wants! This has never been done before in American history, for damn good reasons!

These assholes are arrogantly, brazenly corrupt and lawless!
Every single expenditure you listed is a neccesity.

You're just pissed because it was Dems who included them in the bill.

Just another reason to break out the Kleenex.
He's another one in Putin's corner.
Because he is a MAGA Pootin Lover. Just look at what trump did during his years in the WH.
We will see when the war crimes trials begin.
Says the MAGA Pootin Lover
"Minor Russian assets support Rand Paul being a major Russian asset. Film at 11."
MAGA and the Kremlin rejoice over Paul's ignorance.
"I don't know what's in it, and i don't understand it. Therefore, it's bullshit"
Bought & paid for by Putin & his Russian Mafia.

He is doing the right thing byu the American tax payers he is not a fascist like you
Imagine if Rand Paul was in congress during WWII and the top secret Manhattan project asked for $2 billion ($32 billion in todays dollars) and didn't even say what the money was being spent on. (classified)

Rand Paul would have held up funding the A-Bomb.

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