Rand Paul Blocks $40 Billion Aid Package to Ukraine - Mitch and Schumer both ANGRY

Every single expenditure you listed is a neccesity.

You're just pissed because it was Dems who included them in the bill.

Just another reason to break out the Kleenex.

You are confused Moon Bat.

More money to the goddamn CDC after they fucked up the pandemic, got everything wrong and lied to the American people? Really?

More money to give to the goddamn assholes in the DOJ who spent all their time going after the Patriots that took Selfies in Pelosi's office while ignoring all the insurrection and destruction by BLM? Why should those shitheads in the DOJ get higher salaries while the rest of America is suffering from Biden's inflation? Is that a payoff for the DOJ assholes being the jackbooted thugs for the filthy Democrat Party?

Millions for a goddamn foreign aid slush fund with no accountability? How do we know that money isn't going to those countries like China or Russia that made Biden's family rich?

As far as foreign embassy security where in the hell was VP Biden when our embassy was over run in Benghazi? He didn't give a shit then so what scam is he pulling with the money now?
Imagine if Rand Paul was in congress during WWII and the top secret Manhattan project asked for $2 billion ($32 billion in todays dollars) and didn't even say what the money was being spent on. (classified)

Rand Paul would have held up funding the A-Bomb.
Ukraine the country is that hired Hunter Biden for his “expertise” on advising energy companies. It only makes common sense to be damn sure where all the money is going or you can bet some Democrat or Hunter will end up with a bunch of that money in his pocket. The only thing Democrats are great at is corruption. They sure can’t run a country.

To be fair, Republicans aren’t much better.

And Rand Paul was already informed a separate amendment vote on the addition could happen and would pass. Instead he chose to wait until the last second and refuse that option, with the goal of delaying the bill and feeding some numbnuts theatrics to his Kentucky base.

So you can stop thinking the IG was the reason he did what he did.
Millions for a goddamn foreign aid slush fund with no accountability? How do we know that money isn't going to those countries like China or Russia that made Biden's family rich?
Congress still has to authorize the actual expenditures. Learn how government works.
You are confused Moon Bat.

More money to the goddamn CDC after they fucked up the pandemic, got everything wrong and lied to the American people? Really?

More money to give to the goddamn assholes in the DOJ who spent all their time going after the Patriots that took Selfies in Pelosi's office while ignoring all the insurrection and destruction by BLM? Why should those shitheads in the DOJ get higher salaries while the rest of America is suffering from Biden's inflation? Is that a payoff for the DOJ assholes being the jackbooted thugs for the filthy Democrat Party?

Millions for a goddamn foreign aid slush fund with no accountability? How do we know that money isn't going to those countries like China or Russia that made Biden's family rich?

As far as foreign embassy security where in the hell was VP Biden when our embassy was over run in Benghazi? He didn't give a shit then so what scam is he pulling with the money now?
Keep posting shit like the above proving once again that you're a first class gullible moron.

The kind of people who Trump just loves.
Keep posting shit like the above proving once again that you're a first class gullible moron.

The kind of people who Trump just loves.

At a time of massive inflation and being over $30 trillion in debt and Americans having less family income why in the hell are we increasing government spending rather than reducing it?
At a time of massive inflation and being over $30 trillion in debt and Americans having less family income why in the hell are we increasing government spending rather than reducing it?
it's called Corruption


Congresspersons are like

kind of like cockroaches... They are not always seen, always more hidden "in the walls" than in your kitchen...

and Once you get them... sigh.. hard to be rid of.. although there ARE ways to get rid of them

literal cockroaches, that is
Imagine if Rand Paul was in congress during WWII and the top secret Manhattan project asked for $2 billion ($32 billion in todays dollars) and didn't even say what the money was being spent on. (classified)

Rand Paul would have held up funding the A-Bomb.
Massive failure for you. Your imagined scenario is a false equivelancy. We are not at war with Russia, Ukraine is.
How about a $40 billion aid package for Americans? They conjure up money for Ukraine and other countries fast as fuck, but not a dime of relief for U.S. citizens struggling right now...

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