Rand Paul Blocks $40 Billion Aid Package to Ukraine - Mitch and Schumer both ANGRY

So are you a fucking liar or just a goddamned idiot?

Well, that is definitely some more up to date info. . thanks.

I guess we don't need to pass this bill. . . looks like the EU has got this covered, thanks!

Be sure to contact Sen. Paul's office and let him know to keep up the good fight, we don't want to distort the American economy anymore, on any stupid European conflicts, especially since, as you so astutely pointed out, they got this covered!

He's an old fart in cognitive dissonance. He can't accept when the props and theatrics fall away at the back of the theater, and it all is starting to be visible.

At that point? Is when all worshipers of the state/party, start sounding insane, when they have to deny basic reality to maintain the illusion.


In this regard, he is no different than those girls who tell us they are boys, or boys who tell us they are girls.

We trigger coups & color revolutions, fund extremist right wing terror groups, and this chuckle head tells himself we are "good guys." Same type of psychosis.
If only he were part of a tiny minority of Americans.

It’s as if he stopped learning anything after the fourth grade in the government school. The indoctrination has worked perfectly on him. Bill Casey must be so proud.
LIAR. Rand is on the taxpayers side not Putins.

Rand wants an IG's oversight, I agree.
That's probably because he knows it's all boomerang bucks or at least most of it is. Asking for oversight of the money stops the cookie job pigs like Mitch and shuma from sticking their fat, greasy little fingers in the taxpayer's money for their own enrichment.

Hitler is dead.

Putin isn’t Hitler dipshit. He’s been in power 20 fucking years, yet you think he now suddenly wants to conquer the world.

Think for once.
"Putin isn't Hitler".

No, but he'll do till another one comes around.
We have more than a clue we have the facts on our side. Ukraine has been unjustly invaded by a foreign power seeking to seize their territory by a common adversary. That's all the justification necessary for aiding them.

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) hit the brakes Thursday on bipartisan hopes that the Senate could quickly pass nearly $40 billion in Ukraine aid before leaving town for the week. Paul objected to a deal offered by Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) that would have set up votes on Thursday afternoon on the funding and on an amendment from Paul, who wanted to include language in the bill to expand an Afghanistan inspector general role to include oversight of the Ukraine funds.

Thoughts on this GOPer being on Putin's side?
He is on the US tax payers side.

You are the one who worships at the feet of some foreign leader.

This is not for putin or against putin it is about what is best the the us and there is no justification for bastards like you to demand we send money to other nations
If you call saying something stupid is giving me a cookie, I have to warn you that I am a diabetic and I cannot deal with cookies.

Make it like a steak, nice and rare!

I must sincerely apologize for being so careless and woefully inept at communication that I managed to frighten you
with the abundant and well-earned cookies I offered you in this thread.

Rest assured that I will stick to giving you a Thumbs Up from now on with the hopes that in your studious efforts to share your stunning brilliance,
you don't manage to figure out a way to endanger yourself or others in attempts to build another bomb out of that.

Trump was right to shame them about failing to do so in the past but we're beyond that problem now.

Doesn't change the fact that there are a whole bunch of countries right on Russia's doorstep who have an immediate vested interest in aiding Ukraine, so they really shouldn't need us again as well, I mean, how many countries does it really take just to fund one tiny war?
There's no warmongering here other than Putin's

I dunno about that. America is sending Javelins, Poland sending Migs. Lots of countries sending all kinds of aid, military gear and weapons-- -- but no one is sending in diplomats.

Sure sounds like warmongering to me on ALL sides.

I must sincerely apologize for being so careless and woefully inept at communication that I managed to frighten you
with the abundant and well-earned cookies I offered you in this thread.

Rest assured that I will stick to giving you a Thumbs Up from now on with the hopes that in your studious efforts to share your stunning brilliance,
you don't manage to figure out a way to endanger yourself or others in attempts to build another bomb out of that.

You really are a fucking piece of work. You are blatantly stupid, don't know about it, and don't care! Why don't you just leave me the fuck alone when I correct your idiocy?
You really are a fucking piece of work. You are blatantly stupid, don't know about it, and don't care! Why don't you just leave me the fuck alone when I correct your idiocy?

I am simply compelled to express my heartfelt appreciation for your desperate desire to ensure I fully understand the depth
of the astounding and intricately necessary clarification you so graciously offer ... And will continue to do so.

Let's look at your chart to what we WOULD be donating if Biden had his way and if not for Rand Paul stopping the mad congress run amok:

View attachment 643971
C'mon. Be fair to Big Ben Texas. He DID post some updated articles. . . and PROVE how ignorant I was. . . :auiqs.jpg:

I think he said. . .
a goddamned idiot


So we need to make sure to include things like. . .

"Netherlands has a total of 18 Pzh 2000 howitzers"

I mean. . . 18 artillery pieces, that's GOT to be worth several more hundreds of thousands of dollars, (millions?) of dollars, don't forget to add that to the EU totals. :rolleyes:
The end result of isolationism is that one day you find yourself surrounded by enemies with no allies to help bail you out.
Especially if all your investments are in the arms industry. . . and that is necessary to your retirement portfolio. . .


Budgeting for food, utilities and other luxury expenses would be tight indeed.
Paul... and Paul-ites... are famous for capitalizing on saving taxpayer money at the expense of strategic national interests. Foolhardy myopic isolationist thinking.

They have no insight or any long term thinking...

They are praising a guy who supported the War in Afghanistan, how much did that cost?

Well of course he is Pro Russian anti Ukraine:
Ron Paul supported the 2014 Crimean status referendum, and has objected to sanctions during the Russo-Ukrainian War and foreign aid to Ukraine.

America has a real problem with Brainwashed ProRussia guys...

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) hit the brakes Thursday on bipartisan hopes that the Senate could quickly pass nearly $40 billion in Ukraine aid before leaving town for the week. Paul objected to a deal offered by Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) that would have set up votes on Thursday afternoon on the funding and on an amendment from Paul, who wanted to include language in the bill to expand an Afghanistan inspector general role to include oversight of the Ukraine funds.

Thoughts on this GOPer being on Putin's side?
Why not use the money to buy Twitter? Really control the information…
I mean. . . 18 artillery pieces, that's GOT to be worth several more hundreds of thousands of dollars, (millions?) of dollars, don't forget to add that to the EU totals.

I'm afraid that a few more million dollars worth of gear would hardly even make a blip on the scale of the 44.77 billion dollars Biden and McConnell are trying to spend!

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