Rand Paul Blocks $40 Billion Aid Package to Ukraine - Mitch and Schumer both ANGRY

And the mother instantly is given a green card and permanent legal resident status after giving birth along with welfare benefits.

The 14th Amendment was never intended to make the children of illegals a citizen. That was a Supreme Court ruling.

And now thanks to that we are being flooded by the jackass named Biden. Legal third world immigration brings in many who have no care for our Constitutional system, the massive influx of illegals is to finish the job of destroying America from within.
The 14th Amendment was never intended to make the children of illegals a citizen. That was a Supreme Court ruling.

And now thanks to that we are being flooded by the jackass named Biden. Legal third world immigration brings in many who have no care for our Constitutional system, the massive influx of illegals is to finish the job of destroying America from within.
"Legal" immigration from all nations brings in mostly good people. "Illegal immigration" brings in people with no respect for our borders, laws, or nation as a whole.

Trump almost had it right. We need to secure and close our borders so nobody enters illegally and close the US to new almost all immigration for a period of at least 10 years so we can remove the illegals and allow the legal immigrants can have time to start actually assimilating in the US.

Immigration needs to be done to benefit the US, not one party hoping to gain total permanent control over the nation.

His idea for "Merit based immigration only" was sound and solid. The only exceptions of course should include American who marry overseas.
This is the major underlying issue. For example, how could North and South Korea unite to become simply Korea again? Diplomacy maybe? :eusa_think: After all, isn't diplomacy the reason free countries elect representatives? Which to his credit Trump actually engaged in. :dunno:
Can't happen until N. Korea decides not to force communism on the south.
Indeed ever since the Jewish immigrants to the USA, the Rosenbergs, provided the USSR with directions on how to make nukes, there was a "cold war." But intervening in Putin's effort to reunite Ukraine, like Lincoln's effort to reunite the South, is more than giving the Taliban weapons like Reagan did in the 80's. Historically "Ukraine" as a geopolitical entity is very chaotic. Usually some other country controlled it. The most stable period was when they were part of the USSR. :dunno: When the threat of the illegal NATO agency acquiring them, of course Putin had to take action or be embarrassed and humiliated.
The history of Russia is a history of conquest.

They took Ukraine by conquest originally and they are doing so again.
The history of Russia is a history of conquest.

They took Ukraine by conquest originally and they are doing so again.

The history of everything on Earth is always about conquest. Several countries took over the Ukraine region over the centuries who were not of Russian extraction. The USSR made the most sense since most tribes there were of Russian extraction. :dunno:

The term "communism" is really a buzzword. Nobody really can agree as to what it means. North Korea though is run by an unelected dictator, just as Ukraine is run by an unelected dictator. :eusa_think: Not to mention the USA. :heehee:
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We have a definite interest both strategic and economic in preventing Putin from starting a much wider war in Europe which he'd certainly have done had we allowed him to take Ukraine.
And our government is doing all it can to make it a wider war. Think.
The EU nations have all been pouring money and weapons into Ukraine as well.

A lot of those deals are going to create or at least support a hell of a lot of jobs in the US because they will be buying modern US made weapons systems and aircraft to replace the aging Soviet Era equipment they are sending to Ukraine.
Oh brother. The reasoning of a warmonger on full display. Yet he doesn’t know how foolish his thinking is.
All Rand Paul wants is someone appointed to keep track of where the aid goes. Why would anyone object to that?

From the link in the OP:

... Paul, who wanted to include language in the bill to expand an Afghanistan inspector general role to include oversight of the Ukraine funds.
Paul blocked the votes because he wants his language inserted into the text of the bill instead of having to take his chance with an amendment vote, which could be blocked.
Sadly for some, that's a big problem.
Oh brother. The reasoning of a warmonger on full display. Yet he doesn’t know how foolish his thinking is.
My response was entirely appropriate.

Then I would imagine Europe has an even much bigger interest. Where is THEIR money?

There's no warmongering here other than Putin's, he's the one who decided to invade.

The other former Soviet Bloc countries are giving them their old outdated weapons and aircraft along with parts etc and will upgrade them to be compatible with the rest of NATO. That keeps those production lines running here in the US without our tax dollars having to constantly keep them supplied with money.

That way in the event of a shooting war where we start losing large volumes of tanks, planes, artillery etc we don't have to wait six months or a year for them to tool up and build jigs for the production lines.

A win/win for everyone involved.
And our government is doing all it can to make it a wider war. Think.
Horse hockey, this is the one thing Biden has gotten right since taking office and he had to be dragged kicking and screaming the whole way.

Letting Putin take Ukraine guarantees he doesn't stop there. Sooner or later that spills over into a NATO country and when Article 5 is invoked it's our boys and girls lives on the line.

Conquest is all the Russians know.
Horse hockey, this is the one thing Biden has gotten right since taking office and he had to be dragged kicking and screaming the whole way.

Letting Putin take Ukraine guarantees he doesn't stop there. Sooner or later that spills over into a NATO country and when Article 5 is invoked it's our boys and girls lives on the line.

Conquest is all the Russians know.

Dumb. This kind of ignorance leads to world wars. Putin made clear no NATO and autonomy for Donbas to stop the Ukrainians killing ethnic Russians.

Hitler isn’t around every corner.

Get informed before posting.
Dumb. This kind of ignorance leads to world wars. Putin made clear no NATO and autonomy for Donbas to stop the Ukrainians killing ethnic Russians.

Hitler isn’t around every corner.

Get informed before posting.
That would be like Mexico putting it's foot down and demanding the US give up the SW under threat of invasion.

Ukraine is a Sovereign nation Putin has no rightful claim on.

He started the war in Donbas in 2014 as an excuse to invade and just like now, he failed to get control of it.

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