Rand Paul leads GOP 2016 primary poll


Defend Liberty
Aug 27, 2008
Sen. Rand Paul has surged in a poll released Thursday of possible 2016 Republican candidates for president, while Sen. Marco Rubio has dropped to sixth place overall.

According to the survey by Democratic firm Public Policy Polling, the Kentucky GOP Senator leads the field with 16 percent of respondents preferring him as the candidate, followed by Jeb Bush, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, and Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) each at 13 percent, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) at 12 percent and Rubio (R-Fla.) at 10 percent.

Rand Paul leads GOP 2016 primary poll - Hadas Gold - POLITICO.com

Here's the link to Public Policy Polling.


I still don't see me supporting Rand in 2016.
(Ayn) Rand Paul. Hope he runs. He's the perfect Republican. Hope they finally use "Let him die" as a slogan.

What Hispanics see when they look at Republicans:

I'm a huge fan of Rand Paul! Minus most of his domestic views... and a good bit of his international ones... and his odd-ball haircut... let's just say minus Rand Paul
Hey, what about that Cruz dude?

He came in third in this poll, but I don't seriously expect him to run.

But here's the thing -- that guy would get the conservative Christians to the polls like it was the second coming.

But then again I don't believe presidents are elected, but selected. He definitely isn't the type of person the banking cartel or the military industrial complex want in power. Ditto for Paul.
Sen. Rand Paul has surged in a poll released Thursday of possible 2016 Republican candidates for president, while Sen. Marco Rubio has dropped to sixth place overall.

According to the survey by Democratic firm Public Policy Polling, the Kentucky GOP Senator leads the field with 16 percent of respondents preferring him as the candidate, followed by Jeb Bush, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, and Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) each at 13 percent, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) at 12 percent and Rubio (R-Fla.) at 10 percent.

Rand Paul leads GOP 2016 primary poll - Hadas Gold - POLITICO.com

Here's the link to Public Policy Polling.


I still don't see me supporting Rand in 2016.

Yeah. Me neither. He just keeps getting cozier with the religious right and distancing himself from libertarian ideals. I suppose his supporters would tell us he's just playing politics, stowing his more radical views for expediency, but I'm not going to trust anyone on a wink and nudge. Either he gets in on the real deal or he doesn't get my vote.
Sen. Rand Paul has surged in a poll released Thursday of possible 2016 Republican candidates for president, while Sen. Marco Rubio has dropped to sixth place overall.

According to the survey by Democratic firm Public Policy Polling, the Kentucky GOP Senator leads the field with 16 percent of respondents preferring him as the candidate, followed by Jeb Bush, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, and Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) each at 13 percent, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) at 12 percent and Rubio (R-Fla.) at 10 percent.

Rand Paul leads GOP 2016 primary poll - Hadas Gold - POLITICO.com

Here's the link to Public Policy Polling.


I still don't see me supporting Rand in 2016.

Yeah. Me neither. He just keeps getting cozier with the religious right and distancing himself from libertarian ideals. I suppose his supporters would tell us he's just playing politics, stowing his more radical views for expediency, but I'm not going to trust anyone on a wink and nudge. Either he gets in on the real deal or he doesn't get my vote.

Well I'd like to think that Rand is smart enough to realize all the attacks he's sustaining lately from Jennifer Rubin, Peter King, and now Chris Christie mean that his attempt to cozy up to the establishment by "moderating" his views, at least I hope that's what he's doing, has been a complete and utter failure. He gained no support for voting for sanctions against Iran or stating that he wants to keep Guantanamo Bay open, but he did lose some. If he can admit that he made a mistake then maybe I could support him, but so far no.
Rand Paul would do to Hillary what he did to her in the Benghazi hearings.

Don't be so sure. The lazy and ignorant now outnumber the smart and productive. The lazy and ignorant will want mama Hillary to take care of them.

Sure they will, unless Hillary gets slimed by Huma. How the Weiner wagon got to be hauling Hillary's ass is one of the political things that happen but they don't seem to make a lot of sense.

However, that does not mean that Rand Paul wouldn't give Hillary a much deserved spanking in a debate. Paul is more of a modern man not given to acts of chivalry just to be nice to the little lady. He pretty well humiliated her in the Benghazi hearings and would do so again all over the debate stage.

To refresh your memory, see how fast Rand Paul wipes that smile off Hillary's face.

rand paul hillary benghazi - Bing Videos
Rand Paul would do to Hillary what he did to her in the Benghazi hearings.

Don't be so sure. The lazy and ignorant now outnumber the smart and productive. The lazy and ignorant will want mama Hillary to take care of them.

Sure they will, unless Hillary gets slimed by Huma. How the Weiner wagon got to be hauling Hillary's ass is one of the political things that happen but they don't seem to make a lot of sense.

However, that does not mean that Rand Paul wouldn't give Hillary a much deserved spanking in a debate. Paul is more of a modern man not given to acts of chivalry just to be nice to the little lady. He pretty well humiliated her in the Benghazi hearings and would do so again all over the debate stage.

To refresh your memory, see how fast Rand Paul wipes that smile off Hillary's face.

rand paul hillary benghazi - Bing Videos

I see why I'm confused. You are talking about debates. On that I agree. I think Hillary beats him in the election. The average American voter is dumber than a bag of hammers.
The republican senate primary in Wyoming may be a harbinger of things to come. Rand and the liberty wing of the party are supporting Michael Enzi while Dick Cheney and the neocons are supporting Liz Cheney.

It's worth keeping an eye on.
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