Harvard CAPS-Harris poll: Trump has 40 point lead over Desantis

Inflation and high gas prices are affecting economies globally.

Do Republicans have a solution ?

The solution was what you voted against in 2020. But it's going to take far more than a Trump or a Desantis to pull us out of this mess. We're pretty much screwed at this point.
The solution was what you voted against in 2020. But it's going to take far more than a Trump or a Desantis to pull us out of this mess. We're pretty much screwed at this point.

Name a solution

What would Trump have done?
This is a pretty shocking poll. I see two possibilities to explain the poll results:

1. First, the tinfoil hat conspiracy theory possibility: A large percentage of those people polled were really liberals trying to skunk the results. They want Trump to run, thinking Biden\Whomever would actually beat him. This is usually called "Operation Chaos", where an organized group of people attempt to manipulate a poll in order to make people believe a certain thing.

2. The second and most logical possibility is this: The majority of people polled actually want Trump to run, and believe that he would beat Desantis.

"A 2024 Republican presidential primary poll shows former President Donald J. Trump holding a colossal 40-point lead over the rest of the potential field if he decides to run.

The Harvard CAPS-Harris poll, obtained by the Hill, reveals that Trump drew 56 percent of respondents’ support, while 16 percent chose Gov. Ron Desantis (R-FL), making him the second leading candidate. Former Vice President Mike Pence garnered seven percent of the response if Trump were to run.

Trump has repeatedly teased and hinted at a 2024 bid since December 2020, including at CPAC earlier this year and a Georgia rally in March. He more recently told the New Yorker he is “very close to making a decision.”

Poll: Trump Towers over 2024 Field, Has 40-Point Lead over Closest Competitor
Sure he does. They both suck tho.
If Trump had continued his policies, none of what you're seeing now would have occurred.

Still waiting for a solution to global inflation and gas prices

You don’t seem to have a answer

What would Trump have done?
Still waiting for a solution to global inflation and gas prices

You don’t seem to have a answer

What would Trump have done?

You know as much as I do about Trump's polices compared to Biden's. I'm not going to sit here for 20 minutes repeating them for you.
You know as much as I do about Trump's polices compared to Biden's. I'm not going to sit here for 20 minutes repeating them for you.
Notice you still can’t name anything specific
Notice you still can’t name anything specific

It's not "can't", it's "won't."

This has already been gone over in hundreds of threads, and thousands of responses on this board.

You didn't get it then and you won't get it now, so I won't waste my time trying to explain it to you one more time.
It's not "can't", it's "won't."

This has already been gone over in hundreds of threads, and thousands of responses on this board.

You didn't get it then and you won't get it now, so I won't waste my time trying to explain it to you one more time.

You FAIL once again

With global inflation and gas prices
How would Trump have kept it from affecting the US?
You FAIL once again

With global inflation and gas prices
How would Trump have kept it from affecting the US?

Energy dominance, for one thing. And "global inflation" has nothing to do with it. At 8.58% our inflation is higher than Switzerland's 2.94%, South Korea's 5.40%, the energy-independent Saudi Arabia's 2.24%, Norway's 5.74%, Japan's 2.50%, Israel's 4.15%, Indonesia's 3.55%, France's 5.20%, and China's 2.10% inflation rates.

Inflation Rate by country - Current & Historical

Economies are not a "global" thing. A country's economy is dependent on that country's economic policies, ours of which have been a disaster since 2000.

Now do I have to keep repeating this shit to you?
Why do you insist on lying?

Is it a lie that we now have an 8.58% inflation rate, high CPI rates, a possible recession, your retirement accounts being drained away, the price of oil rising to $130 per barrel as it did, $5 per gallon or more gasoline prices, dependence on Venezuela and the Saudis for oil, shortages, supply line disruptions, millions of illegals swarming the border, an epidemic of crime and drugs, more COVID deaths than there were under Trump, a dishonorable withdrawal from Afghanistan, a still-increasing trade imbalance with China, Iran getting closer to having nukes, North Korea waving their dicks in your face, and a war in Ukraine that could go nuclear?

Please feel free to show that any of those things don't exist, and how they didn't exist until Biden was elected.

I'll wait patiently for your explanation.
Trump has never won the popular vote
The way they're setting things up, he'll never have to.

The poll results are a little surprising, but then you realize that Trump is more than just the pied piper who let this madness all out of the box. He's a much better authoritarian hyper-nationalist strongman-like figure than De Santis, and that's a top priority for them. Image does matter.

They'd be fine with De Santis, but Trump is the demigod, the 20's / 30's / 40's Europe man at the top.
The way they're setting things up, he'll never have to.

The poll results are a little surprising, but then you realize that Trump is more than just the pied piper who let this madness all out of the box. He's a much better authoritarian hyper-nationalist strongman-like figure than De Santis, and that's a top priority for them. Image does matter.

They'd be fine with De Santis, but Trump is the demigod, the 20's / 30's / 40's Europe man at the top.
Trump has a loyal following

But he also has rabid opposition. 84 million voted against him last time and Trump has done nothing to convince them otherwise.
Trump has a loyal following

But he also has a rabid opposition. 84 million voted against him last time and Trump has done nothing to convince them otherwise.
Yeah, I wonder how De Santis would do in the General compared to Trump.

De Santis is essentially Don Jr. without the cocaine :laugh:
Yeah, I wonder how De Santis would do in the General compared to Trump.

De Santis is essentially Don Jr. without the cocaine :laugh:

I think DeSantis’ strongest asset is low voter turnout
Voters will turn out from both sides in large numbers if Trump is the candidate. Republicans hate high voter turnout

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