Rand Paul: "Mistake" to Jab at Obama's Love of America as Guiliani Did


Diamond Member
May 19, 2012
Rand Paul Mistake to Jab at Obama s Love of America as Guiliani Did - Hit Run Reason.com

So Paul told a Kentucky news station, as Mediaite reports, that:

“I think it’s a mistake to question people’s motives. It’s one thing to disagree on policy.”

Paul said he’s not interested in questioning whether Obama’s a “good American or a bad American,” because while he may blame the president’s foreign policy for making the U.S. less safe, he’s not going to question whether Obama’s “well-intentioned.”

Another candidate comes out against Guliani's comments. :clap:
I like Rand Paul. Teapers are rejecting him because he doesn't hate black people...now they will abandon him because he recognizes idiotic vitriol.

Good for Paul...there is hope for the GOP as more politicians reject teaper lunacy.
Rand Paul Mistake to Jab at Obama s Love of America as Guiliani Did - Hit Run Reason.com

So Paul told a Kentucky news station, as Mediaite reports, that:

“I think it’s a mistake to question people’s motives. It’s one thing to disagree on policy.”

Paul said he’s not interested in questioning whether Obama’s a “good American or a bad American,” because while he may blame the president’s foreign policy for making the U.S. less safe, he’s not going to question whether Obama’s “well-intentioned.”

Another candidate comes out against Guliani's comments. :clap:

This might be the only republican with a chance to win.
There now does that make some of you happy?

Giuliana isn't even in Politics anymore and like usual with the snakes on the left, Republicans gets the blame put on them.... and the dumb outrage over him is more stupid than what he actually said
There now does that make some of you happy?

Giuliana isn't even in Politics anymore and like usual with the snakes on the left, Republicans gets the blame put on them.... and the dumb outrage over him is more stupid than what he actually said
He is a pundit...and still a possible Presidential candidate (at least he was until he tripled down on stupid).
The people in the Democrat party are a bunch of two faced Hypocrites

they can dish Bush while he was in office, protesting and marches carrying all kinds of nifty signs comparing him to Hilter, Obama can strut around and accuse him of being unpatriotic. But let someone say something about Obama what actually millions of the people thinks

they come out with all their Faux outrage they can muster up

shallow, petty and just downright dirty. Now I need to shower after going through all the garbage on Rudy from you left/dems/commies
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The people in the Democrat party are a bunch of two faced Hypocrites

they can dish Bush while he was in office, protesting and marches carrying all kinds of nifty signs comparing him to Hilter, Obama can strut around and accuse him of being unpatriotic. But let someone say something about Obama what actually millions of the people thinks

they come out with all their Faux outrage they can muster up

shallow, petty and just downright dirty. Now I need to shower after going through all the garbage on Rudy from you left/dems/commies
Low class is low class whether liberal or conservative. Rudy is low class.
There now does that make some of you happy?

Giuliana isn't even in Politics anymore and like usual with the snakes on the left, Republicans gets the blame put on them.... and the dumb outrage over him is more stupid than what he actually said
It is just the shape of US politics, and the blame game. Better off judging by what they do, rather than what they say.
Rand Paul Mistake to Jab at Obama s Love of America as Guiliani Did - Hit Run Reason.com

So Paul told a Kentucky news station, as Mediaite reports, that:

“I think it’s a mistake to question people’s motives. It’s one thing to disagree on policy.”

Paul said he’s not interested in questioning whether Obama’s a “good American or a bad American,” because while he may blame the president’s foreign policy for making the U.S. less safe, he’s not going to question whether Obama’s “well-intentioned.”

Another candidate comes out against Guliani's comments. :clap:

This might be the only republican with a chance to win.
If that's the case then republicans obviously won't win.
The people in the Democrat party are a bunch of two faced Hypocrites

they can dish Bush while he was in office, protesting and marches carrying all kinds of nifty signs comparing him to Hilter, Obama can strut around and accuse him of being unpatriotic. But let someone say something about Obama what actually millions of the people thinks

they come out with all their Faux outrage they can muster up

shallow, petty and just downright dirty. Now I need to shower after going through all the garbage on Rudy from you left/dems/commies

When Emperor Obama was a lowly IL senator, he called President Bush, "unpatriotic" and liberals, cheered. Now they are outraged because Rudy said the truth about Obammy. The hypocrisy. I'm glad Giuliani spoke the truth about the traitor, doofus-in-chief, Barack Hussein Obama, JR.

Shorter version.

In 2008 then Senator Obama called President Bush “unpatriotic” for adding trillions to the national debt. Bush added about four trillion to the debt in eight years after the 9-11 attacks and mortgage crisis. Barack Obama then added the same amount of debt in less than three years.
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This kind of crap is one of the reasons the people kicked out the Democrat party from control of congress

You would think the left/dems would have learned a lesson from it. but as we see they are back to their same old standard of dirty politics. with the WashingtonCompost and Nyslimes leading them around by the ring in their noses
Rand Paul has to know that Americans agree with Guliani and is only trying to keep the liberal press at bay.
There now does that make some of you happy?

Giuliana isn't even in Politics anymore and like usual with the snakes on the left, Republicans gets the blame put on them.... and the dumb outrage over him is more stupid than what he actually said

Rudy Guliani only has himself to blame for the awkward situation he put his fellow Republicans in. I don't think he anticipated the backlash his comments would receive, but when he made those remarks he put all the potential GOP candidates in the media's cross hairs.

Seems to me that Rudy's mistake - aside from the political ramifications - was to use a narrow definition of "love".

Obama, like many lefties, loves America for what it would be if he could "change", "fundamentally transform" and "re-make" it.

Those are his own words, repeated so many times. I take the man at his word.

Is that a "love"? Sure. It's not Rudy's definition, and that's his own mistake for not being more clear.

Rand Paul has to know that Americans agree with Guliani and is only trying to keep the liberal press at bay.

I bet a majority of Republicans voters would say that they disagree with Obama on policy, but believe he loves his country. These potential GOP candidates are going after Guliani because they want to win in 2016.
Rudy is a big boy and he speaks for no one but HIMSELF

But the game they play is demanding all Republicans come out and condemn him

same ole same old bullshit
Rand Paul has to know that Americans agree with Guliani and is only trying to keep the liberal press at bay.

I bet a majority of Republicans voters would say that they disagree with Obama on policy, but believe he loves his country. These potential GOP candidates are going after Guliani because they want to win in 2016.

You can't make that prediction without using a crystal ball. If they thought he loved us so much they wouldn't have stuck him and his nasty party into MINORITY status.

Now I've said from the first day he was elected with his swearing in ugliness. the man hates us and our country.

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