Rand Paul - Plagiarism Part Deux.


Dec 5, 2011
Sausalito, CA
The Rachel Maddow Show on msnbc.

On her Monday Evening show, Rachel Maddow reported that Kentucky Senator (and Presidential Hopeful) Rand Paul had lifted most of a stump speech for Virginia Republican Gubernatorial Candidate Ken ("The Cooch") Cuccinelli from the Wikipedia review of the movie "Gattaca" in which eugenics was the driving force behind a perfect society.

Well, not happy with being caught out on that flub, Rand Paul has also lifted from Wikipedia the review of the movie "Stand By Me" in which a teacher in East L.A. after seeing the potential of his High Schoool Students to learn math went on to teach College Level Calculus.

Ms. Maddow's production staff did attempt to contact Paul, but the phone calls were never returned.

Senator Paul has been caught out twice plagiarising an information source, lifting whole parts of a Political Stump Speech from Wikipedia.

So far, Paul's Office has remained mute on this.

As I recall when Joe Biden plagiarized a stump speech during his failed Presidential Run in the 1980's, he was forced to withdraw. Biden had to wait over 20-Years to run for President again.

The Republicans are once again demonstrating their double standard regarding questionable behavior on the part of a possible Presidential Candidate.

Senator Paul will have to answer for his blatant plagiarism.

The question is when.

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