Rand Paul Plagiarized Wikipedia in Speech

Leftards are brainless tools. You can not plagiarize wikipedia as you can not plagiarize encyclopedia - it is an open source without copyright protection

How about if you show us where you got that definition of plagiarism. Show us where that "copyright protection" thing is used.
Leftards are brainless tools. You can not plagiarize wikipedia as you can not plagiarize encyclopedia - it is an open source without copyright protection

How about if you show us where you got that definition of plagiarism. Show us where that "copyright protection" thing is used.

How about you work once yourself ? I know, it is a novel concept for a leftard, but you are not a plantator and I am not your slave :lol:

Educate yourself on your own
Leftards are brainless tools. You can not plagiarize wikipedia as you can not plagiarize encyclopedia - it is an open source without copyright protection
This is just a portion of that most recent swipe from The Week:

[From Buzzfeed]Here’s how Stewart wrote his introduction to his article on “Rethinking mandatory sentencing”:
It’s the automatic imposition of a minimum number of years in prison for specific crimes — usually related to drugs. By design, mandatory sentencing laws take discretion away from prosecutors and judges so as to impose harsh sentences, regardless of circumstances.
Mandatory sentencing began in the 1970s as a response to a growing drug-and-crime epidemic, and over the decades has put hundreds of thousands of people behind bars for drug possession and sale, and other non-violent crimes. Since mandatory sentencing began, America’s prison population has quadrupled, to 2.4 million. America now jails a higher percentage of its citizens than any other country, including China and Iran, at the staggering cost of $80 billion a year.
Is that a good thing?
Most public officials — including liberals, conservatives, and libertarians — have decided that it’s not. At least 20 states, both red and blue, have reformed their mandatory sentencing laws in some way, and Congress is considering a bipartisan bill that would do the same for federal crimes

And here’s how Paul wrote it a week later with the text bolded that appears copied:
Mandatory-minimum sentences automatically impose a minimum number of years in prison for specific crimes — usually related to drugs. By design, mandatory-sentencing laws take discretion away from prosecutors and judges so as to impose harsh sentences, regardless of circumstances.
Since mandatory sentencing began in the 1970s in response to a growing drug-and-crime epidemic, America’s prison population has quadrupled, to 2.4 million. America now jails a higher percentage of its citizens than any other country, including China and Iran, at the staggering cost of $80 billion a year. Drug offenders in the United States spend more time under the criminal justice system’s formal control than drug offenders anywhere else in the world.
Most public officials — liberals, conservatives and libertarians — have decided that mandatory-minimum sentencing is unnecessary. At least 20 states, both red and blue, have reformed their mandatory-sentencing laws in some way, and Congress is considering a bipartisan bill that would do the same for federal crimes.

There's more here: Sections Of Rand Paul's Op-Ed On Drug Sentencing Plagiarized From Article Week Earlier

All that bolded portion was just cut and pasted and presented as his own words. If you're having trouble understanding this, here's a test for your bony little head.

Try imagining passing that work above off in high school for an essay assignment you had to do on the subject.

What grade do you think you'd get?
Leftards are brainless tools. You can not plagiarize wikipedia as you can not plagiarize encyclopedia - it is an open source without copyright protection

How about if you show us where you got that definition of plagiarism. Show us where that "copyright protection" thing is used.

How about you work once yourself ? I know, it is a novel concept for a leftard, but you are not a plantator and I am not your slave :lol:

Educate yourself on your own

I've looked at four online dictionarys and can not find a definition that mentions plagiarism referring to copyright material being neccessary to define the word.
New accusation this morning. I posted this elsewhere but since there's ore than one thread, putting here as well.

Rand Paul May Have Plagiarized In Drug Sentencing Op-Ed

Stewart wrote this in the introduction of his piece:

At least 20 states, both red and blue, have reformed their mandatory sentencing laws in some way, and Congress is considering a bipartisan bill that would do the same for federal crimes.

Paul's op-ed included the same sentence -- with the addition of a hyphen:

At least 20 states, both red and blue, have reformed their mandatory-sentencing laws in some way, and Congress is considering a bipartisan bill that would do the same for federal crimes.

Stewart wrote this about John Horner, a man who sold his own painkillers to a friend:

He will be 72 by the time he is released, and his three young children will have grown up without him. “Matt,” who turned out to have a long history of drug offenses, was more fortunate -- he received a reduced sentence of just 18 months after informing on Horner, and is now free.

And here's how Paul recounted Horner's story:

John will be 72 years old by the time he is released, and his three young children will have grown up without him. The informant, who had a long history of drug offenses, was more fortunate -- he received a reduced sentence of just 18 months, and is now free.
How about if you show us where you got that definition of plagiarism. Show us where that "copyright protection" thing is used.

How about you work once yourself ? I know, it is a novel concept for a leftard, but you are not a plantator and I am not your slave :lol:

Educate yourself on your own

I've looked at four online dictionarys and can not find a definition that mentions plagiarism referring to copyright material being neccessary to define the word.

I just checked my 1344 page New Cenntury Dictionary. It appears you do not know the meaning of plagiarism sir.
Leftards are brainless tools. You can not plagiarize wikipedia as you can not plagiarize encyclopedia - it is an open source without copyright protection
^ Calls someone clueless and doesn't understand what plagiarism is. ^

You clearly do not understand what is it as all your leftard brethren mouthpieces,too.

if only you had access to the internet.

Then you could actually look up the definition.

Face facts - your boy is a liar and a thief, and he encourages others to do the same. And, yes, of course I have links. I posted them yesterday.

"I never, ever cheated. I don't condone cheating. But I would sometimes spread misinformation. This is a great tactic. Misinformation can be very important." -Rand Paul, giving advice to college students.

Yes he actually said that. Didn't even steal the quote.

leftard tools still can not grasp an idea that an open source without an author can not be plagiarized? LOL
leftard tools still can not grasp an idea that an open source without an author can not be plagiarized? LOL

If he were Dem, you'd be screeching your head off, and rightly so.

You're backing a loser and he's laughing at you.
To a liberal, plagiarism means "anyone with an opposing view who either deliberately or accidentally says anything similar to something anyone else has ever said". A liberal, however (or anyone liberals put on a pedestal, such as MLK), can copy speeches, statements, or comments, word for word and are not guilty of plagiarism but are entitled to sharing in the credit for such speeches, statements, or comments.
leftard tools still can not grasp an idea that an open source without an author can not be plagiarized? LOL

What makes you believe that an open source can not be plagiarized? How can something written not have an author? Why are you the only person with this distorted definition of a word listed in every dictionary in print or online? Where did your idea come from? Is it something you heard on the radio or read in some blog? And anyhow, Paul is now being accused of plagiarizing published works that DO have copyrights and specific authors.
Even MORE instance are coming out. From Forbes now, the latest.

(What does this make ....like 7....8? instances where he cut & pastes pretty much wholesale...)

Section Of Rand Paul’s Book Plagiarized Forbes Article

A section of Rand Paul’s 2012 book Government Bullies appears to be plagiarized from a Forbes article from earlier in that year. BuzzFeed had previously reported that more than three pages plagiarized from The Heritage Foundation and Cato Institute were the only instances of copying in the book.

As was the case with cut-and-pasted sections from The Heritage Foundation and a Cato scholar, Paul included a link to the Forbes article in the book’s footnotes, but made no effort to indicate that not just the source, but the words themselves, had been taken from Forbes.
Section Of Rand Paul?s Book Plagiarized Forbes Article

Google search for Rand Paul:

I think he should resign from the Senate.
how do you know he didn't make that wiki entry, or that someone else heard him make that statement around the time of that wiki entry then made that wiki entry?
Give it up. He has admitted to swiping whole sections from Wiki.

Since then we learn he's stolen word for word an AP paragraph, a FOTF newsletter, and huge sections of the HF website.

This is exploding on him.

His challenge to a Duel latest is fireball material.

They're looking at his books too and those were ghost written.
By The Southern Avenger! :lol:
Got a link?

Three Pages Of Rand Paul’s Book Were Plagiarized From Think Tanks

An entire section of Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul’s 2013 book Government Bullies was copied wholesale from a 2003 case study by the Heritage Foundation, BuzzFeed has learned. The copied section, 1,318 words, is by far the most significant instance reported so far of Paul borrowing language from other published material.

The new cut-and-paste job follows reports by BuzzFeed, Politico, and MSNBC that Paul had plagiarized speeches either from Wikipedia or news reports. The book was published in August 2013 by Center Street, a division of Hachette Book Group.

Three Pages Of Rand Paul's Book Were Plagiarized From Think Tanks
Yeah, it's really getting out of hand now.

Can I plagiarize that? :eusa_pray:

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