Rand Paul Plagiarized Wikipedia in Speech


Google search for Rand Paul:

he's done nothing wrong. Thats why he's "updated" his website :D

Speech On Rand Paul's Website Quietly Updated To Include Footnotes
BuzzFeed also reported Saturday that an entire section of Paul’s 2013 book Government Bullies was copied entirely from a 2003 case study by the Heritage Foundation. The copied section, totaling 1,318 words, was the first example of Paul plagiarizing in a published work and by far the largest instance. The copied material in Paul’s book ran more than three pages.

BuzzFeed found that Paul had also plagiarized from a report by a Cato Institute scholar.

Speaking on ABC’s This Week Sunday, Paul blamed the plagiarism charges on him “being unfairly targeted by a bunch of hacks and haters.”

Screenshots of the now-updated speech have been included below.

"hacks" fall under the plagiarism umbrella. :rofl: Seriously, he would have been caught in a NY second had he attemted that at my alma mater.
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Probably because the entry in wiki is much older than the speech that Paul gave.

how do you know he didn't make that wiki entry, or that someone else heard him make that statement around the time of that wiki entry then made that wiki entry?
Give it up. He has admitted to swiping whole sections from Wiki.

Since then we learn he's stolen word for word an AP paragraph, a FOTF newsletter, and huge sections of the HF website.

This is exploding on him.

His challenge to a Duel latest is fireball material.

They're looking at his books too and those were ghost written.
how do you know he didn't make that wiki entry, or that someone else heard him make that statement around the time of that wiki entry then made that wiki entry?
Give it up. He has admitted to swiping whole sections from Wiki.

Since then we learn he's stolen word for word an AP paragraph, a FOTF newsletter, and huge sections of the HF website.

This is exploding on him.

His challenge to a Duel latest is fireball material.

They're looking at his books too and those were ghost written.

Got a link?
Give it up. He has admitted to swiping whole sections from Wiki.

Since then we learn he's stolen word for word an AP paragraph, a FOTF newsletter, and huge sections of the HF website.

This is exploding on him.

His challenge to a Duel latest is fireball material.

They're looking at his books too and those were ghost written.

Got a link?

Three Pages Of Rand Paul’s Book Were Plagiarized From Think Tanks

An entire section of Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul’s 2013 book Government Bullies was copied wholesale from a 2003 case study by the Heritage Foundation, BuzzFeed has learned. The copied section, 1,318 words, is by far the most significant instance reported so far of Paul borrowing language from other published material.

The new cut-and-paste job follows reports by BuzzFeed, Politico, and MSNBC that Paul had plagiarized speeches either from Wikipedia or news reports. The book was published in August 2013 by Center Street, a division of Hachette Book Group.

Three Pages Of Rand Paul's Book Were Plagiarized From Think Tanks
They're looking at his books too and those were ghost written.

Got a link?

Three Pages Of Rand Paul’s Book Were Plagiarized From Think Tanks

An entire section of Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul’s 2013 book Government Bullies was copied wholesale from a 2003 case study by the Heritage Foundation, BuzzFeed has learned. The copied section, 1,318 words, is by far the most significant instance reported so far of Paul borrowing language from other published material.

The new cut-and-paste job follows reports by BuzzFeed, Politico, and MSNBC that Paul had plagiarized speeches either from Wikipedia or news reports. The book was published in August 2013 by Center Street, a division of Hachette Book Group.

Three Pages Of Rand Paul's Book Were Plagiarized From Think Tanks
Yeah, it's really getting out of hand now.

He is lazy but how embarrassing? A lot of these Republicans have no respect for other people's work, they lie to their constituents acting as if they have all these big ideas then nothing ever happens while they're in office.

They're incompetent as well as lazy.
Leftards are brainless tools. You can not plagiarize wikipedia as you can not plagiarize encyclopedia - it is an open source without copyright protection
I think you've got the wrong definition of plagiarize here.

You PLAGIARIZE the UNIQUE work and ideas of INDIVIDUALS. You don't plagiarize when you quote the Newtonian Laws of Motion or any other "COMMON KNOWLEDGE" topics..

Kinda sketchy since the olde Wiki is written FOR FREE by a MASS of anonymous people.. And no one page is neccessarily attributed to one individual or even really ATTRIBUTED --- is it?

I guess everything I learned as a teen reading the encyclopedia is plagiarism.. Who knew?

Silly leftist distractions.. Poor Rachael has to kill a lot of time lately to AVOID the elephants taking over the room.

My hat off to you for being patiend with leftard stupidity :rolleyes:
Leftards are brainless tools. You can not plagiarize wikipedia as you can not plagiarize encyclopedia - it is an open source without copyright protection
^ Calls someone clueless and doesn't understand what plagiarism is. ^

You clearly do not understand what is it as all your leftard brethren mouthpieces,too.

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