Rand Paul Plagiarized Wikipedia in Speech

I am asking you for the last time do you really believe that all of those listed above in your post really are more dangerous,than AQ? as you have stated?

al Qaeda can only destroy the physical - buildings, infrastructure, people. That's much less destructive than destroying the idea of the United States Of America, which the Pauls' and Cruz' want to do.
Rand Paul is smart enough to debate Hilliary.. with no earpiece or prompter.

thats all that matters here. Perhaps a warm up against Joe biden would show ya whats important here.

but u party animals ---- party on.. forget this country is bleeding jobs, money and credibility. BOTH YOUR FUCKING PARTIES NEED TO BE DESTROYED. Im up for that change.
Please list any bills put forth by Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, or anyone else, that would open up the two-party system to more parties, and make it easier for independents to get on ballots.
I am asking you for the last time do you really believe that all of those listed above in your post really are more dangerous,than AQ? as you have stated?

al Qaeda can only destroy the physical - buildings, infrastructure, people. That's much less destructive than destroying the idea of the United States Of America, which the Pauls' and Cruz' want to do.

Yeah Right.. A group of people wearing American Rev. patriot outfits and espousing the principles of the Constitution are "destroying the idea of the USA"..

In YOUR MIND -- you have a DIFFERENT idea of the USA than what it actually SAYS in the Owners Handbook..

And comments like yours comparing a Protest Party to AL Queda ---- well my sometimes entertainment bud, THAT'S closer to treason..

BOTH PARTIES NEED TO BE DESTROYED to save this country. There are only FIVE people running this country.. The Prez and the top 4 PARTY leaders in Congress.. This needs to change to ACCOMODATE politicians with PRINCIPLES...
I am asking you for the last time do you really believe that all of those listed above in your post really are more dangerous,than AQ? as you have stated?

al Qaeda can only destroy the physical - buildings, infrastructure, people. That's much less destructive than destroying the idea of the United States Of America, which the Pauls' and Cruz' want to do.

Yeah Right.. A group of people wearing American Rev. patriot outfits and espousing the principles of the Constitution are "destroying the idea of the USA"..

That's all they can do at the moment. But if they ever come to power, it's goodbye America.

In YOUR MIND -- you have a DIFFERENT idea of the USA than what it actually SAYS in the Owners Handbook..

And comments like yours comparing a Protest Party to AL Queda ---- well my sometimes entertainment bud, THAT'S closer to treason..

al Qaeda was once just a "protest party" in Saudi Arabia.

BOTH PARTIES NEED TO BE DESTROYED to save this country. There are only FIVE people running this country.. The Prez and the top 4 PARTY leaders in Congress.. This needs to change to ACCOMODATE politicians with PRINCIPLES...

Find any of those bills yet, from Paul or Cruz?
The story;

Rand Paul wants to challenge 'hacks' like Maddow to a gunfight over plagiarism charge | The Raw Story

During a interview on Sunday, ABC host George Stephanopoulos asked Paul to explain charges that several of his speeches had used the exact language found in Wikipedia.

“I will admit, sometimes we haven’t footnoted things properly,” Paul agreed. “In fact, I’ve given thousands of speeches and I don’t think I’ve ever footnoted any of those speeches… I’ve written scientific papers. I know how to footnote things. But we’ve never footnoted speeches. And if that’s the standard I’m going to be held to, yes, we will change and we will footnote things.”

“But the difference is, I take it as an insult and I will not lie down and say people can call me dishonest, misleading or misrepresenting,” he added. “And like I say, if, you know, if dueling were legal in Kentucky, if they keep it up, you know, it would be a duel challenge. But I can’t do that, because I can’t hold office in Kentucky then.”

However, the potential Republican presidential candidate still seemed confused about what exactly he needed to do to prevent charges of plagiarism in the future.

“So when I wrote scientific papers, I sometimes had statements with eight footnotes for one sentence. Is that what you want me to do for my speeches? If it’s required, I’ll do it,” Paul complained. “But I think I’m being unfairly targeted by a bunch of hacks and haters. And I’m just not going to put up with people casting aspersions on my character.”

Poor, poor Rand.

Poor Rand.

/pat-pat-, pat-pat-pat, pat-pat
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Nothing but failed attempts to deflect by the right with no conservative having the courage to address the actual issue: that Paul and the TPM are completely devoid of actual, viable solutions to remedy this country’s problems, their only ‘agenda’ is obstructionism.
Rand Paul is smart enough to debate Hilliary.. with no earpiece or prompter.

thats all that matters here. Perhaps a warm up against Joe biden would show ya whats important here.

but u party animals ---- party on.. forget this country is bleeding jobs, money and credibility. BOTH YOUR FUCKING PARTIES NEED TO BE DESTROYED. Im up for that change.
Please list any bills put forth by Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, or anyone else, that would open up the two-party system to more parties, and make it easier for independents to get on ballots.

Be nice if there WAS... I agree. But the only way to GET THAT ACCESS is to have COMPETENT politicians with STRONG principles realize that their party LEADERSHIP has waaaay too much power. Politicians need REFUGE from party power in order to ACT on their principles..

It's NOT the money honey -- It's the threat of your Minority/Majority leader that you fear..
The story;

Rand Paul wants to challenge 'hacks' like Maddow to a gunfight over plagiarism charge | The Raw Story

During a interview on Sunday, ABC host George Stephanopoulos asked Paul to explain charges that several of his speeches had used the exact language found in Wikipedia.

“I will admit, sometimes we haven’t footnoted things properly,” Paul agreed. “In fact, I’ve given thousands of speeches and I don’t think I’ve ever footnoted any of those speeches… I’ve written scientific papers. I know how to footnote things. But we’ve never footnoted speeches. And if that’s the standard I’m going to be held to, yes, we will change and we will footnote things.”

“But the difference is, I take it as an insult and I will not lie down and say people can call me dishonest, misleading or misrepresenting,” he added. “And like I say, if, you know, if dueling were legal in Kentucky, if they keep it up, you know, it would be a duel challenge. But I can’t do that, because I can’t hold office in Kentucky then.”

However, the potential Republican presidential candidate still seemed confused about what exactly he needed to do to prevent charges of plagiarism in the future.

“So when I wrote scientific papers, I sometimes had statements with eight footnotes for one sentence. Is that what you want me to do for my speeches? If it’s required, I’ll do it,” Paul complained. “But I think I’m being unfairly targeted by a bunch of hacks and haters. And I’m just not going to put up with people casting aspersions on my character.”

Poor, poor Rand.

Poor Rand.

/pat-pat-, pat-pat-pat, pat-pat
He's got "Poor Sarah" disease.
Rand Paul is smart enough to debate Hilliary.. with no earpiece or prompter.

thats all that matters here. Perhaps a warm up against Joe biden would show ya whats important here.

but u party animals ---- party on.. forget this country is bleeding jobs, money and credibility. BOTH YOUR FUCKING PARTIES NEED TO BE DESTROYED. Im up for that change.
Please list any bills put forth by Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, or anyone else, that would open up the two-party system to more parties, and make it easier for independents to get on ballots.

Be nice if there WAS... I agree. But the only way to GET THAT ACCESS is to have COMPETENT politicians with STRONG principles realize that their party LEADERSHIP has waaaay too much power. Politicians need REFUGE from party power in order to ACT on their principles..

It's NOT the money honey -- It's the threat of your Minority/Majority leader that you fear..
Bullshit. Paul and Cruz are U.S. Senators. They can introduce whatever bill they wish. It won't come to the floor for a vote, likely, but that doesn't keep them from introducing, then going on TV to promote, any bill they want.

I give Debbie Wasserman Schultz shit on an almost daily basis on Twitter for not introducing a voting reform bill. She could do it if she wanted to. Doesn't mean that Boehner will let it come to the floor for a vote.
The story;

Rand Paul wants to challenge 'hacks' like Maddow to a gunfight over plagiarism charge | The Raw Story

During a interview on Sunday, ABC host George Stephanopoulos asked Paul to explain charges that several of his speeches had used the exact language found in Wikipedia.

“I will admit, sometimes we haven’t footnoted things properly,” Paul agreed. “In fact, I’ve given thousands of speeches and I don’t think I’ve ever footnoted any of those speeches… I’ve written scientific papers. I know how to footnote things. But we’ve never footnoted speeches. And if that’s the standard I’m going to be held to, yes, we will change and we will footnote things.”

“But the difference is, I take it as an insult and I will not lie down and say people can call me dishonest, misleading or misrepresenting,” he added. “And like I say, if, you know, if dueling were legal in Kentucky, if they keep it up, you know, it would be a duel challenge. But I can’t do that, because I can’t hold office in Kentucky then.”

However, the potential Republican presidential candidate still seemed confused about what exactly he needed to do to prevent charges of plagiarism in the future.

“So when I wrote scientific papers, I sometimes had statements with eight footnotes for one sentence. Is that what you want me to do for my speeches? If it’s required, I’ll do it,” Paul complained. “But I think I’m being unfairly targeted by a bunch of hacks and haters. And I’m just not going to put up with people casting aspersions on my character.”

Poor, poor Rand.

Poor Rand.

/pat-pat-, pat-pat-pat, pat-pat

Rand is being judged because he is a US Senator with Presidential ambitions. Far worse than the plagiarism is the way he has handled this minor crisis and mistake. By refusing to take responsibility or admit that he did something wrong, he has exscerbated the situation to show his clear inability to handle even the smallest crisis. His ego rules his judgements.
“And like I say, if, you know, if dueling were legal in Kentucky, if they keep it up, you know, it would be a duel challenge.

He can’t be serious – what a perfect idiot.

However, the potential Republican presidential candidate still seemed confused about what exactly he needed to do to prevent charges of plagiarism in the future.

Paul is in a perpetual state of confusion.

“So when I wrote scientific papers, I sometimes had statements with eight footnotes for one sentence. Is that what you want me to do for my speeches? If it’s required, I’ll do it,” Paul complained. “But I think I’m being unfairly targeted by a bunch of hacks and haters. And I’m just not going to put up with people casting aspersions on my character.”

So much for the conservative doctrine of ‘personal responsibility.’
As usual, the hypocrites on the right have a conveniently short memory. Or, put another way, if Rand Paul spelled his name, Joe Biden, they'd be calling for his head.

But, for the right, this is considered part of his qualifications to hold national office.
“And like I say, if, you know, if dueling were legal in Kentucky, if they keep it up, you know, it would be a duel challenge.

He can’t be serious – what a perfect idiot.

However, the potential Republican presidential candidate still seemed confused about what exactly he needed to do to prevent charges of plagiarism in the future.

Paul is in a perpetual state of confusion.

“So when I wrote scientific papers, I sometimes had statements with eight footnotes for one sentence. Is that what you want me to do for my speeches? If it’s required, I’ll do it,” Paul complained. “But I think I’m being unfairly targeted by a bunch of hacks and haters. And I’m just not going to put up with people casting aspersions on my character.”

So much for the conservative doctrine of ‘personal responsibility.’

To continue the rw spelling lesson, "personal responsibility" for rw's is spelled "free health care at the emergency room" and "dead beat dads should be elected to the US Congress".

But, maybe we're being too hard on little Rand Paul. Its really asking too much of him to be honest about things like his professional credentials. Fact is, he's just another lying teepotty and the worse his lies, the more the rw's will love and defend him.
Please list any bills put forth by Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, or anyone else, that would open up the two-party system to more parties, and make it easier for independents to get on ballots.

Be nice if there WAS... I agree. But the only way to GET THAT ACCESS is to have COMPETENT politicians with STRONG principles realize that their party LEADERSHIP has waaaay too much power. Politicians need REFUGE from party power in order to ACT on their principles..

It's NOT the money honey -- It's the threat of your Minority/Majority leader that you fear..
Bullshit. Paul and Cruz are U.S. Senators. They can introduce whatever bill they wish. It won't come to the floor for a vote, likely, but that doesn't keep them from introducing, then going on TV to promote, any bill they want.

I give Debbie Wasserman Schultz shit on an almost daily basis on Twitter for not introducing a voting reform bill. She could do it if she wanted to. Doesn't mean that Boehner will let it come to the floor for a vote.

Well ther ya go. Proved my point. Just 4 Party hacks RUN congress. Boner pelosi reid and mcconell. As for a bill, Rands daddy was one of the only congresscritters to ever spend any time on that.
“And like I say, if, you know, if dueling were legal in Kentucky, if they keep it up, you know, it would be a duel challenge.

He can’t be serious – what a perfect idiot.

Paul is in a perpetual state of confusion.

“So when I wrote scientific papers, I sometimes had statements with eight footnotes for one sentence. Is that what you want me to do for my speeches? If it’s required, I’ll do it,” Paul complained. “But I think I’m being unfairly targeted by a bunch of hacks and haters. And I’m just not going to put up with people casting aspersions on my character.”

So much for the conservative doctrine of ‘personal responsibility.’

To continue the rw spelling lesson, "personal responsibility" for rw's is spelled "free health care at the emergency room" and "dead beat dads should be elected to the US Congress".

But, maybe we're being too hard on little Rand Paul. Its really asking too much of him to be honest about things like his professional credentials. Fact is, he's just another lying teepotty and the worse his lies, the more the rw's will love and defend him.

Paul has only himself to blame, it’s his fault alone that he’s out of his league and unprepared to function in National politics.

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