Rand Paul Plagiarized Wikipedia in Speech

So, Rand is an unaccredited eye doctor, and an unaccrediting plagiarist.

Who is shocked?

What's worse is that he doesn't seem to understand what he did wrong. He seems stupid.

There’s a great deal that Paul doesn’t understand, most of it has to do with the law and responsible governance.

Considering who his father is, of course, this comes as no surprise.
Everyone wonders the same thing about Obama.

Quick question....................can you provide any proof that Obama lifted most of his speech from a movie review on Wikipedia?

I'm guessing you can't. However..................I can provide links for what Rand Paul did.

Even if Obama doesn't write his own speeches (most Presidents from recent times haven't, not even Jr. Bush), can you show me where he blatantly plagiarized something from the 'net?

Quick question. What does your quick question have to do with anything? You wondered why Paul couldn't write his own speech. Obama doesn't write any of his. He can't even speak unless there is a teleprompter in front of him. At least not without 10 umms per minute.

You're right..................no President has ever written their own speeches, yet they had a lot of control over what was said.

I'm just wondering why Rand Paul had his speeches written by such idiots who couldn't be bothered to make the point themselves rather than plagiarizing Wikipedia, and I'm also wondering why he decided to follow their crap by saying it publicly?
Actually, I think it's more that Rand Paul (who was on Ms. Maddow to announce his running for office) who has been outed.

Go ahead and check it out.....................Rand Paul was on Ms. Maddow's show announcing his run before he became a candidate and subsequent elected person.

I'm still wondering why he refuses to appear on her show now, because, apparently, she made him into the position that he currently serves.

I hope Rand Paul, as well as Ted Cruz (and McConnell, Boehner and Cantor) lose their next elections by a landslide.

All those I've listed are more dangerous (and terroristic) than Al-Queda ever thought about being.
Actually, I think it's more that Rand Paul (who was on Ms. Maddow to announce his running for office) who has been outed.

Go ahead and check it out.....................Rand Paul was on Ms. Maddow's show announcing his run before he became a candidate and subsequent elected person.

I'm still wondering why he refuses to appear on her show now, because, apparently, she made him into the position that he currently serves.

I hope Rand Paul, as well as Ted Cruz (and McConnell, Boehner and Cantor) lose their next elections by a landslide.

All those I've listed are more dangerous (and terroristic) than Al-Queda ever thought about being.

I'm going to capture you on this saying that you think these people you have just listed as more dangerous than Al Qaeda.

Do you stand by this statement because I intend to use your post from here to eternity in the future.
Actually, I think it's more that Rand Paul (who was on Ms. Maddow to announce his running for office) who has been outed.

Go ahead and check it out.....................Rand Paul was on Ms. Maddow's show announcing his run before he became a candidate and subsequent elected person.

I'm still wondering why he refuses to appear on her show now, because, apparently, she made him into the position that he currently serves.

I hope Rand Paul, as well as Ted Cruz (and McConnell, Boehner and Cantor) lose their next elections by a landslide.

All those I've listed are more dangerous (and terroristic) than Al-Queda ever thought about being.

I see you are still on the board.

I am not kidding. I am going to use your quote over and over on many places.

I am asking you for the last time do you really believe that all of those listed above in your post really are more dangerous,than AQ? as you have stated?
Actually, I think it's more that Rand Paul (who was on Ms. Maddow to announce his running for office) who has been outed.

Go ahead and check it out.....................Rand Paul was on Ms. Maddow's show announcing his run before he became a candidate and subsequent elected person.

I'm still wondering why he refuses to appear on her show now, because, apparently, she made him into the position that he currently serves.

I hope Rand Paul, as well as Ted Cruz (and McConnell, Boehner and Cantor) lose their next elections by a landslide.

All those I've listed are more dangerous (and terroristic) than Al-Queda ever thought about being.

I see you are still on the board.

I am not kidding. I am going to use your quote over and over on many places.

I am asking you for the last time do you really believe that all of those listed above in your post really are more dangerous,than AQ? as you have stated?

Yes..................I DO believe that they are more dangerous than Al Queda. Wanna know why? Because Osama Bin Laden's main direction was to bankrupt the U.S. economy, as well as scare people.

Sorry, but the Tea Baggers (meaning Cruz) have scared the American populace, and have also done more damage to the economy (by shutting down the government) than OBL could have ever thought about doing with just a couple of airplanes.

Sorry, but zealots on one side who were scared by a single event, who also happen to have a steering element on the government are much scarier than those who are not a part of it, yet have been able to have a significant effect because they scare those on the far right.

I'm still wondering why Boehner and McConnell can't compromise, but when I see their bigotry, it all becomes clear.

They hate the fact that there is a black man in the White House.
Actually, I think it's more that Rand Paul (who was on Ms. Maddow to announce his running for office) who has been outed.

Go ahead and check it out.....................Rand Paul was on Ms. Maddow's show announcing his run before he became a candidate and subsequent elected person.

I'm still wondering why he refuses to appear on her show now, because, apparently, she made him into the position that he currently serves.

I hope Rand Paul, as well as Ted Cruz (and McConnell, Boehner and Cantor) lose their next elections by a landslide.

All those I've listed are more dangerous (and terroristic) than Al-Queda ever thought about being.

I see you are still on the board.

I am not kidding. I am going to use your quote over and over on many places.

I am asking you for the last time do you really believe that all of those listed above in your post really are more dangerous,than AQ? as you have stated?


Cruz just caused the loss of over 100K jobs and some 24 billion dollars to the economy.

The only difference between Cruz and Al Qaeda, is that Cruz hasn't caused the loss of life as a direct result of his actions, yet.

Texas Senator Ted Cruz is in the midst of his third trip to Iowa this year, but his first since leading the charge to “defund ObamaCare” that led to the 16-day federal government shutdown. At a party fundraiser tonight in Des Moines, Cruz told a crowd of 600 Republicans “the fight is worth it.”

“I’m convinced we’re facing a new paradigm in politics. It is a paradigm that is the rise of the grassroots,” Cruz said. “I’ve got to tell you, it has official Washington absolutely terrified.”Ted Cruz says.

Ted Cruz says ?official Washington absolutely terrified? of GOP?s grassroots (AUDIO)

He's a terrorist.

Political change through the use of terroristic tactics.

You're right..................no President has ever written their own speeches, yet they had a lot of control over what was said.

I'm just wondering why Rand Paul had his speeches written by such idiots who couldn't be bothered to make the point themselves rather than plagiarizing Wikipedia, and I'm also wondering why he decided to follow their crap by saying it publicly?

Because we live in a world of idiots who can't think for themselves. That includes here. All anyone does is copy and paste other people's stuff. Other than myself I can't think of anyone here who doesn't do it.
You're right..................no President has ever written their own speeches, yet they had a lot of control over what was said.

I'm just wondering why Rand Paul had his speeches written by such idiots who couldn't be bothered to make the point themselves rather than plagiarizing Wikipedia, and I'm also wondering why he decided to follow their crap by saying it publicly?

Because we live in a world of idiots who can't think for themselves. That includes here. All anyone does is copy and paste other people's stuff. Other than myself I can't think of anyone here who doesn't do it.

Quick question.......................if Cruz is one of those copy and paste idiots who can't think for themselves, why is it that you teabaggers and Republicans thought it was a good idea to elect him to the Senate?

I thought that when someone was elected to Congress or the Senate, you elected them because not only could they speak for your particular group (the one's who are supposed to be the part of the nation that elected them), but because they could also do so in a reasoned manner who could disagree publicly and do so by speaking their own terms?

Sorry......................but writing speeches based on Wikipedia doesn't cut it. As a matter of fact, plagiarizing your speech from Wiki is even worse than just reading it from a teleprompter (as many have said Obama does).

At least the speeches Obama read off the teleprompter were more original than what Paul read when he plagiarized Wikipedia.
Everyone wonders the same thing about Obama.

Quick question....................can you provide any proof that Obama lifted most of his speech from a movie review on Wikipedia?

I'm guessing you can't. However..................I can provide links for what Rand Paul did.

Even if Obama doesn't write his own speeches (most Presidents from recent times haven't, not even Jr. Bush), can you show me where he blatantly plagiarized something from the 'net?

Quick question. What does your quick question have to do with anything? You wondered why Paul couldn't write his own speech. Obama doesn't write any of his. He can't even speak unless there is a teleprompter in front of him. At least not without 10 umms per minute.

Whether politicians write their own speeches or not isn’t the issue, the issue is Paul’s plagiarism, his failure to freely acknowledge what he clearly did, and how the blind partisan right comes to the defense of a plagiarist.

Paul is indicative of the failed policies of the TPM and far right, of the pseudo-libertarianism he represents, and the fact that Paul and his ilk are not qualified to hold public office, particularly that of the presidency.
You're right..................no President has ever written their own speeches, yet they had a lot of control over what was said.

I'm just wondering why Rand Paul had his speeches written by such idiots who couldn't be bothered to make the point themselves rather than plagiarizing Wikipedia, and I'm also wondering why he decided to follow their crap by saying it publicly?

Because we live in a world of idiots who can't think for themselves. That includes here. All anyone does is copy and paste other people's stuff. Other than myself I can't think of anyone here who doesn't do it.

Quick question.......................if Cruz is one of those copy and paste idiots who can't think for themselves, why is it that you teabaggers and Republicans thought it was a good idea to elect him to the Senate?

I thought that when someone was elected to Congress or the Senate, you elected them because not only could they speak for your particular group (the one's who are supposed to be the part of the nation that elected them), but because they could also do so in a reasoned manner who could disagree publicly and do so by speaking their own terms?

Sorry......................but writing speeches based on Wikipedia doesn't cut it. As a matter of fact, plagiarizing your speech from Wiki is even worse than just reading it from a teleprompter (as many have said Obama does).

At least the speeches Obama read off the teleprompter were more original than what Paul read when he plagiarized Wikipedia.
Original maybe, but not his own.
And the real agenda comes out. See there you go losing all credibility and calling me a rightwinger which I will take as a rep request. So much for trying to have a conversation.
Rand Paul is smart enough to debate Hilliary.. with no earpiece or prompter.

thats all that matters here. Perhaps a warm up against Joe biden would show ya whats important here.

but u party animals ---- party on.. forget this country is bleeding jobs, money and credibility. BOTH YOUR FUCKING PARTIES NEED TO BE DESTROYED. Im up for that change.
Yeah sure...................the GOP ran on "jobs, jobs, jobs" yet the spent a lot of their time (like 47so far) trying to get rid of Obamacare (or as it is currently known as the ACA), yet they have yet to get rid of Obmacare (after over 41 times) and they have done nothing to help out with jobs.

I thought the whole GOP thing was for jobs, not for getting rid of the ACA.

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