Rand Paul Plagiarized Wikipedia in Speech

Rand Paul at last responds to plagiarism charge: Maddow's a hater!


Rachel had a hysterical segment on this. She read what was in Wiki and then showed him speaking. He actually took the entire text from there for his speech. His smart father must be so proud. :redface:
What was most amusing in Senator Cut & Paste's response is his display of...not really knowing what plagiarism is.

Five bucks said it was probably some underpaid intern that wrote that speech for him...
You cannot STEAL STUFF that has by definition of the process --- NO ORIGINAL CONTENT.

Wikipedia:Copyrights - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The text of Wikipedia is copyrighted (automatically, under the Berne Convention) by Wikipedia editors and contributors and is formally licensed to the public under one or several liberal licenses.

Go argue with me at THIS POST.. http://www.usmessageboard.com/8068041-post70.html

The very PROCESS of writing a Wiki article PROHIBITS any form of "original content".. BY DEFINITION --- nothing can appear that is NOT commonly accepted as "general consensus knowledge" or is NOT previously authored and ALSO widely accepted.. So the "copyright" really protects the work as a WHOLE from being snarfed and posted in CHina with the appropriate political edits..

If you have a problem with that --- reply to the previous post in the link above.
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Pretty hard to get a plagiarism conviction on "stealing" material that BY DEFINITION can contain NO ORIGINAL CONTENT and is deemed to be CONSENSUS common knowledge.

Plagiarism "conviction" ?
No one's talking about charging anyone with any crimes.

We're just talking about how Rand Paul plagiarized wikipedia. He basically copied it almost word for word and put it in his speech without sourcing it, in violation of the license agreement and by definition, plagiarism.
It is good to see that these critical issues and events of our time are getting their due attention. We would surely be in trouble if they somehow managed to fly under the radar.
A top adviser to Sen. Rand Paul said Thursday night that the Kentucky Republican would be “more cautious in presenting and attributing sources” in the future, after POLITICO confronted the senator’s office with fresh examples of Paul speeches that borrowed language from news reports without citing the original text.

POLITICO contacted Paul’s staff Thursday evening with multiple instances in which the popular conservative used language – either word-for-word or nearly verbatim – that had first appeared elsewhere.

Rand Paul pledges caution amid more borrowed language - Alexander Burns - POLITICO.com
I'm wondering why Rand Paul couldn't write his own speech, why did he have to lift most of it from a wiki entry about a fictional movie rather than address what is really going on.

Hyperbole is when a person takes their argument to it's furthest possible point, even if that point is far beyond anything that could ever be considered reality.

Everyone wonders the same thing about Obama.

Quick question....................can you provide any proof that Obama lifted most of his speech from a movie review on Wikipedia?

I'm guessing you can't. However..................I can provide links for what Rand Paul did.

Even if Obama doesn't write his own speeches (most Presidents from recent times haven't, not even Jr. Bush), can you show me where he blatantly plagiarized something from the 'net?

Quick question. What does your quick question have to do with anything? You wondered why Paul couldn't write his own speech. Obama doesn't write any of his. He can't even speak unless there is a teleprompter in front of him. At least not without 10 umms per minute.
A top adviser to Sen. Rand Paul said Thursday night that the Kentucky Republican would be “more cautious in presenting and attributing sources” in the future, after POLITICO confronted the senator’s office with fresh examples of Paul speeches that borrowed language from news reports without citing the original text.

POLITICO contacted Paul’s staff Thursday evening with multiple instances in which the popular conservative used language – either word-for-word or nearly verbatim – that had first appeared elsewhere.

Rand Paul pledges caution amid more borrowed language - Alexander Burns - POLITICO.com
Wow, so in addition to TWO wiki movie Cut & Pastes, he ripped off from the AP and Focus on the Family too?


And then he *still* doesn't get it? Man oh man.
A top adviser to Sen. Rand Paul said Thursday night that the Kentucky Republican would be “more cautious in presenting and attributing sources” in the future, after POLITICO confronted the senator’s office with fresh examples of Paul speeches that borrowed language from news reports without citing the original text.

POLITICO contacted Paul’s staff Thursday evening with multiple instances in which the popular conservative used language – either word-for-word or nearly verbatim – that had first appeared elsewhere.

Rand Paul pledges caution amid more borrowed language - Alexander Burns - POLITICO.com

Paul is clearly out of his league, and has no business holding Federal office.

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