Rand Paul puts tax code in woodchipper, uses chain saw and fire to destroy it...

I would kill the tax code by banning tax expenditures. That's what those 17,000 pages are. Ron Paul should be honest and say that. If you don't kill tax expenditures, the flat tax and Fair Tax tax code would still be 17,000 pages long.

Kill tax expenditures. Then you don't need a flat tax or a Fair Tax. You would be able to fill your taxes out on one page, and people earning identical incomes would be paying identical income taxes.

That's great. Is everything that puts money in ones bank account considered income?
I would kill the tax code by banning tax expenditures. That's what those 17,000 pages are. Ron Paul should be honest and say that. If you don't kill tax expenditures, the flat tax and Fair Tax tax code would still be 17,000 pages long.

Kill tax expenditures. Then you don't need a flat tax or a Fair Tax. You would be able to fill your taxes out on one page, and people earning identical incomes would be paying identical income taxes.

That's great. Is everything that puts money in ones bank account considered income?
The biggest individual tax expenditure is the tax exemption for employer-sponsored health insurance. That benefit does not put money in your bank account, and yet it is income, and it is not taxed.
$1.2 trillion. That's what is in those 17,000 pages Rand Paul destroyed. That's how much money the government gives away in tax expenditures EVERY YEAR.

That $1.2 trillion is paid for by EVERYONE in the form of higher tax rates and federal borrowing, and we have a system where people earning IDENTICAL INCOMES are paying RADICALLY DIFFERENT INCOME TAXES.
The Fair Tax and Flat Tax are red herrings. Why does no one ask, "What's in those 17,000 pages?"

You know what's in there? Your mortgage interest deduction. Your child tax credit. Your tax reward for buying the right kind of refrigerator. Tell me you won't scream like a welfare queen if Rand Paul tries to burn THOSE.

17,000 pages of government behavioral modification programs. Be a good citizen and buy this refrigerator and this solar panel and this house. Mate and make new citizens.

You are all lab mice. Pavlov's dogs. Co-dependents.

In return, you get higher tax rates and $16 trillion of debt. Good boy! Good girl! pat-pat-pat-pat

Oh, but those NEGROES! They are sooooooo dependent on government gifts! Let's blame THEM for the debt and high taxes!
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Hard to imagine how anyone could have an issue with this.

The plan that Paul described in a Wall Street Journal column Thursday would tax everyone - businesses and and individuals - at a flat 14.5% rate. Households wouldn't pay tax on income below $50,000, Paul wrote. And the payroll tax, which employers and workers both pay to fund Social Security, would go away altogether, along with most tax breaks and deductions.

The benefits go mostly to wealthy people.

Which anyone with a basic concept of mathematics could understand why

It reduces revenue by almost 3 trillion.

No, it actually doesn't.
Hard to imagine how anyone could have an issue with this.

The plan that Paul described in a Wall Street Journal column Thursday would tax everyone - businesses and and individuals - at a flat 14.5% rate. Households wouldn't pay tax on income below $50,000, Paul wrote. And the payroll tax, which employers and workers both pay to fund Social Security, would go away altogether, along with most tax breaks and deductions.

The benefits go mostly to wealthy people.

Which anyone with a basic concept of mathematics could understand why

It reduces revenue by almost 3 trillion.

No, it actually doesn't.

Please. Find another playmate. You bore me. Always have. You aren't even enjoyable to fuck with.
How is a tax that is more regressive more fair?

Under the current system the poor and middle class get raped by government taxes and fees. Especially in some liberal states like Oregon holy shit if you earn only $8k a year they slam you with a 9% income tax. New York, good God almighty they tax and fee and toll virtually everything possible.

Those assholes in NY tax mortgages, which are debts for crying out loud. Take out a mortgage to buy a home BAM and its not some $50 fee the last one I paid was over $1,800 and that was 12 years ago. Worse if you refinance to get a lower interest rate BAM you pay the full mortgage tax again.

So now we are talking about replacing all local and state taxes with a fair tax? That is a much different argument than replacing the Federal income tax with a fair tax because state and local taxes are far more regressive than the federal income tax.

Well politicians and government federal, state, and local have become corrupted beyond belief. Short of re-writing state and federal constitutions to root out this corruption one way to attack the problem would be to take away their tool for corruption, taxation loopholes and favors.

Here's a good example of local corruption. It used to be that in my school district a certain minimum percentage of registered voters had to vote to approve in increase in the school tax levy and the levy was on the same ballot as other measures and elections. Historically this kept costs in check, the school district didn't ask for ridiculous increases.

Then they (government) corrupted this process by doing away with the minimum rule. Then they further gamed the process by holding a special oddball school tax levy increase votes that were not part of the normal elections and measures. Why? Because they could count on lower voter turn out to game the system. Then they started asking for pie in the sky high school tax levy increases, lying about what they planned to do with the money, and slipping these past voters. They no sooner got one huge increase passed and they came right back asking for another, even though the district lost 500 students since the previous levy.

Honestly there is so much corruption in government anymore that I want to just back away from politics. Politicians are bankrupting us with their borrowing, spending, and idiotic policies, nothing changes no matter which party is in power. I think we are going to go the way of Rome and other historic country/empire melt downs that have occurred throughout history. Maybe its just human nature.
Hard to imagine how anyone could have an issue with this.

The plan that Paul described in a Wall Street Journal column Thursday would tax everyone - businesses and and individuals - at a flat 14.5% rate. Households wouldn't pay tax on income below $50,000, Paul wrote. And the payroll tax, which employers and workers both pay to fund Social Security, would go away altogether, along with most tax breaks and deductions.

The benefits go mostly to wealthy people.

Which anyone with a basic concept of mathematics could understand why

It reduces revenue by almost 3 trillion.

No, it actually doesn't.

Please. Find another playmate. You bore me. Always have. You aren't even enjoyable to fuck with.

That's because I know exactly what I'm talking about
Taxes are a necessary evil.

That said, our tax code is a bloated monstrosity. The IRS seems to have too little in the way of oversight or responsibility. We have a huge industry based just around the complexity of taxes.

Rand Paul may not have a good answer to the issues of taxes, but I would like to see some sort of changes implemented. A sudden change to some sort of 'simple' or 'fair' tax system would likely be too dangerous; just think of the many people who would lose jobs if individuals and businesses didn't need to hire someone to do their taxes! A slower transition, though, to a system less filled with so many exemptions, deferments, credits, etc. sounds like a good idea.

It almost surely won't happen, of course. The system is too entrenched and too many would fight for whichever breaks benefit them.
Hard to imagine how anyone could have an issue with this.

The plan that Paul described in a Wall Street Journal column Thursday would tax everyone - businesses and and individuals - at a flat 14.5% rate. Households wouldn't pay tax on income below $50,000, Paul wrote. And the payroll tax, which employers and workers both pay to fund Social Security, would go away altogether, along with most tax breaks and deductions.

The benefits go mostly to wealthy people.

Which anyone with a basic concept of mathematics could understand why

It reduces revenue by almost 3 trillion.

No, it actually doesn't.

Please. Find another playmate. You bore me. Always have. You aren't even enjoyable to fuck with.

That's because I know exactly what I'm talking about

No. It's because you are convinced that you do....and you aren't interesting. You support an income tax system that has never been proven to work....ever. It's bullshit....but it sure sounds fair!
That's never going to happen because it won't let the corrupt asshole politicians play favorites and cut special deals with their pals for kick backs and favors.
Plus the federal government would have to "displace" about 200,000 IRS workers....Which would IMO be a good thing.

Hard to imagine how anyone could have an issue with this.

The plan that Paul described in a Wall Street Journal column Thursday would tax everyone - businesses and and individuals - at a flat 14.5% rate. Households wouldn't pay tax on income below $50,000, Paul wrote. And the payroll tax, which employers and workers both pay to fund Social Security, would go away altogether, along with most tax breaks and deductions.

the left loves to give money to corrupt politicians...I don't get it.....but they love it...
The Fair Tax and Flat Tax are red herrings. Why does no one ask, "What's in those 17,000 pages?"

You know what's in there? Your mortgage interest deduction. Your child tax credit. Your tax reward for buying the right kind of refrigerator. Tell me you won't scream like a welfare queen if Rand Paul tries to burn THOSE.

17,000 pages of government behavioral modification programs. Be a good citizen and buy this refrigerator and this solar panel and this house. Mate and make new citizens.

You are all lab mice. Pavlov's dogs. Co-dependents.

In return, you get higher tax rates and $16 trillion of debt. Good boy! Good girl! pat-pat-pat-pat

Oh, but those NEGROES! They are sooooooo dependent on government gifts! Let's blame THEM for the debt and high taxes!

Yeah.....and he also pointed out no tax on income under 50,000 dollars.......which covers that....
"Rand Paul puts tax code in woodchipper, uses chain saw and fire to destroy it..."

Demonstrating the fact that Paul is naïve, sophomoric, and incapable of understanding what constitutes sound, responsible governance – rendering him unqualified to be president.
"Rand Paul puts tax code in woodchipper, uses chain saw and fire to destroy it..."

Demonstrating the fact that Paul is naïve, sophomoric, and incapable of understanding what constitutes sound, responsible governance – rendering him unqualified to be president.

That you morons support giving any politician one penny more than we absolutely have to give them shows you aren't naive....You are stupid.......you have to cut them off, they will spend and spend and waste and waste no matter how much tax money you give them. Give them only what they need, and not one penny more...then you won't have to worry about corporate greed....they won't have anything to sell....
Gee! A fair tax. It sounds so.......so......FAIR!! It's so obvious. So SIMPLE!

Perfect solution for simpletons.

I can understand how everyone being treated equal disturbs you. You would rather keep a system that has proven time and time again to favor the rich who support big Government that they can buy with money.
Gee! A fair tax. It sounds so.......so......FAIR!! It's so obvious. So SIMPLE!

Perfect solution for simpletons.

I can understand how everyone being treated equal disturbs you. You would rather keep a system that has proven time and time again to favor the rich who support big Government that they can buy with money.

It is just amazing to me that those who bitch about the rich, and corrupt politicians, and the poor getting screwed......want to keep giving money to the same politicians who apparently are the ones doing the very things they are bitching about.....and the thing to keep in mind...in almost all Flat tax plans you have a beginning point where no tax is paid at all......usually between 40-50,000 dollars, meaning...they would pay no federal tax......

the libs aren't mad about how much the rich pay....they hate how much they keep.....
Gee! A fair tax. It sounds so.......so......FAIR!! It's so obvious. So SIMPLE!

Perfect solution for simpletons.
yes. You libs like things complicated....Aned expensive....For everyone else...
Look, there is no denying the fact that you lefties look upon taxation as a means of punishment.

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