Rand Paul thanks Tom Cotton for replacing him as The Most Hated Person in the Senate!


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Calling it the “passing of the baton,” Senator Rand Paul on Monday thanked Senator Tom Cotton for replacing him as the most hated person in the United States Senate.​
Paul expressed surprise and no small amount of admiration at Cotton’s feat, telling reporters that being ousted from the most-detested perch was “something that, quite frankly, I didn’t see coming.”​
“When I started attacking Dr. Fauci, I pretty much thought I had the title sewn up,” Paul said. “What I didn’t count on was that someone like Tom was going to come out of nowhere, saying slavery was necessary.”​
According to Senate insiders, Cotton beat out a daunting field of competitors for Senator Paul’s crown, including Mitch McConnell, Susan Collins, and Ted Cruz.​
While he praised Cotton’s audacity in snatching the most-loathed mantle, Paul warned that keeping the title for the long haul is another challenge altogether.​
“Becoming despised is easy—staying despised is what separates the men from the boys,” Paul said. “Having said that, I firmly believe that Tom Cotton has what it takes.”​


WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Calling it the “passing of the baton,” Senator Rand Paul on Monday thanked Senator Tom Cotton for replacing him as the most hated person in the United States Senate.​
Paul expressed surprise and no small amount of admiration at Cotton’s feat, telling reporters that being ousted from the most-detested perch was “something that, quite frankly, I didn’t see coming.”​
“When I started attacking Dr. Fauci, I pretty much thought I had the title sewn up,” Paul said. “What I didn’t count on was that someone like Tom was going to come out of nowhere, saying slavery was necessary.”​
According to Senate insiders, Cotton beat out a daunting field of competitors for Senator Paul’s crown, including Mitch McConnell, Susan Collins, and Ted Cruz.​
While he praised Cotton’s audacity in snatching the most-loathed mantle, Paul warned that keeping the title for the long haul is another challenge altogether.​
“Becoming despised is easy—staying despised is what separates the men from the boys,” Paul said. “Having said that, I firmly believe that Tom Cotton has what it takes.”​

I actually started a non-sarcastic thread on this topic in current events. But I was wrong to give an avenue for spin to allow Cotton's statement to seem less racist than it was. He's tried weaseling out.
Everyone I know loves Tom Cotton....they want him to run for president in 24.....
Everyone I know loves Tom Cotton....they want him to run for president in 24.....

The only way that could be true is if you only know a bunch of racists.
The racists are marching and rioting asshole....

And Tom Cotton is pandering to the racists.
Tom is speaking truth to power.....you are the bigot...
What Tom is doing is equivalent to supplying the match for a cross burning.
Everyone I know loves Tom Cotton....they want him to run for president in 24.....

The only way that could be true is if you only know a bunch of racists.
The racists are marching and rioting asshole....

And Tom Cotton is pandering to the racists.
Tom is speaking truth to power.....you are the bigot...
What Tom is doing is equivalent to supplying the match for a cross burning.

Trump supporters have been supplied all the matches they need for cross burnings by Donald Trump.

Thanks for exposing the ignored Rambo quote:

"Everyone I know loves Tom Cotton"

That right there was FUNNY! :clap:
Everyone I know loves Tom Cotton....they want him to run for president in 24.....
Run for President. God I hope so. I hope he gets the nomination next time around. It will further cement the fact that Republicans have a race problem and ensure that the Dems stay in power
Your AVI is too good to not be seen clearly.
Everyone I know loves Tom Cotton....they want him to run for president in 24.....
Run for President. God I hope so. I hope he gets the nomination next time around. It will further cement the fact that Republicans have a race problem and ensure that the Dems stay in power

Republicans have gotten away with saying and doing worse; look who's in the Oval Office now! Who'd of thunk that? I'm still in shock! Right now, I still wouldn't be surprised if we reelected him! If not for the Pandemic, the election might not be up for grabs! They're the type that would rather see us crippled so they can be negative nellies pointing fingers! They feel as if the country's been taken from them! If anyone's satisfied in being turned into a 3rd world nation in less than 4 years, we might end up doomed with future leadership like Cotton who rationally tries to justify slavery! :102:

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Calling it the “passing of the baton,” Senator Rand Paul on Monday thanked Senator Tom Cotton for replacing him as the most hated person in the United States Senate.​
Paul expressed surprise and no small amount of admiration at Cotton’s feat, telling reporters that being ousted from the most-detested perch was “something that, quite frankly, I didn’t see coming.”​
“When I started attacking Dr. Fauci, I pretty much thought I had the title sewn up,” Paul said. “What I didn’t count on was that someone like Tom was going to come out of nowhere, saying slavery was necessary.”​
According to Senate insiders, Cotton beat out a daunting field of competitors for Senator Paul’s crown, including Mitch McConnell, Susan Collins, and Ted Cruz.​
While he praised Cotton’s audacity in snatching the most-loathed mantle, Paul warned that keeping the title for the long haul is another challenge altogether.​
“Becoming despised is easy—staying despised is what separates the men from the boys,” Paul said. “Having said that, I firmly believe that Tom Cotton has what it takes.”​

I actually started a non-sarcastic thread on this topic in current events. But I was wrong to give an avenue for spin to allow Cotton's statement to seem less racist than it was. He's tried weaseling out.
The weasel sounds like a good animal symbol for the Republicans in the Age of Trump. The elephant has too much dignity to be associated with today's party.

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Calling it the “passing of the baton,” Senator Rand Paul on Monday thanked Senator Tom Cotton for replacing him as the most hated person in the United States Senate.​
Paul expressed surprise and no small amount of admiration at Cotton’s feat, telling reporters that being ousted from the most-detested perch was “something that, quite frankly, I didn’t see coming.”​
“When I started attacking Dr. Fauci, I pretty much thought I had the title sewn up,” Paul said. “What I didn’t count on was that someone like Tom was going to come out of nowhere, saying slavery was necessary.”​
According to Senate insiders, Cotton beat out a daunting field of competitors for Senator Paul’s crown, including Mitch McConnell, Susan Collins, and Ted Cruz.​
While he praised Cotton’s audacity in snatching the most-loathed mantle, Paul warned that keeping the title for the long haul is another challenge altogether.​
“Becoming despised is easy—staying despised is what separates the men from the boys,” Paul said. “Having said that, I firmly believe that Tom Cotton has what it takes.”​

My view is... if everyone on the left, hates you... then you have done something right in life.

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Calling it the “passing of the baton,” Senator Rand Paul on Monday thanked Senator Tom Cotton for replacing him as the most hated person in the United States Senate.​
Paul expressed surprise and no small amount of admiration at Cotton’s feat, telling reporters that being ousted from the most-detested perch was “something that, quite frankly, I didn’t see coming.”​
“When I started attacking Dr. Fauci, I pretty much thought I had the title sewn up,” Paul said. “What I didn’t count on was that someone like Tom was going to come out of nowhere, saying slavery was necessary.”​
According to Senate insiders, Cotton beat out a daunting field of competitors for Senator Paul’s crown, including Mitch McConnell, Susan Collins, and Ted Cruz.​
While he praised Cotton’s audacity in snatching the most-loathed mantle, Paul warned that keeping the title for the long haul is another challenge altogether.​
“Becoming despised is easy—staying despised is what separates the men from the boys,” Paul said. “Having said that, I firmly believe that Tom Cotton has what it takes.”​

My view is... if everyone on the left, hates you... then you have done something right in life.

Those mentioned in the satirical piece (Cruz, Rand, Collins and Cotton) are hated by pretty much everyone - Left AND Right. ;)

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Calling it the “passing of the baton,” Senator Rand Paul on Monday thanked Senator Tom Cotton for replacing him as the most hated person in the United States Senate.​
Paul expressed surprise and no small amount of admiration at Cotton’s feat, telling reporters that being ousted from the most-detested perch was “something that, quite frankly, I didn’t see coming.”​
“When I started attacking Dr. Fauci, I pretty much thought I had the title sewn up,” Paul said. “What I didn’t count on was that someone like Tom was going to come out of nowhere, saying slavery was necessary.”​
According to Senate insiders, Cotton beat out a daunting field of competitors for Senator Paul’s crown, including Mitch McConnell, Susan Collins, and Ted Cruz.​
While he praised Cotton’s audacity in snatching the most-loathed mantle, Paul warned that keeping the title for the long haul is another challenge altogether.​
“Becoming despised is easy—staying despised is what separates the men from the boys,” Paul said. “Having said that, I firmly believe that Tom Cotton has what it takes.”​

I actually started a non-sarcastic thread on this topic in current events. But I was wrong to give an avenue for spin to allow Cotton's statement to seem less racist than it was. He's tried weaseling out.
The weasel sounds like a good animal symbol for the Republicans in the Age of Trump. The elephant has too much dignity to be associated with today's party.

Time for a new logo? These both work! :D


Everyone I know loves Tom Cotton....they want him to run for president in 24.....

The only way that could be true is if you only know a bunch of racists.
The racists are marching and rioting asshole....

Whatever you say ... Pee Wee :)

so you don't think saying all white people are racist and breaking stuff and burning businesses is racists in itself?.....what kind of world does your pea brain live in?....

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Calling it the “passing of the baton,” Senator Rand Paul on Monday thanked Senator Tom Cotton for replacing him as the most hated person in the United States Senate.​
Paul expressed surprise and no small amount of admiration at Cotton’s feat, telling reporters that being ousted from the most-detested perch was “something that, quite frankly, I didn’t see coming.”​
“When I started attacking Dr. Fauci, I pretty much thought I had the title sewn up,” Paul said. “What I didn’t count on was that someone like Tom was going to come out of nowhere, saying slavery was necessary.”​
According to Senate insiders, Cotton beat out a daunting field of competitors for Senator Paul’s crown, including Mitch McConnell, Susan Collins, and Ted Cruz.​
While he praised Cotton’s audacity in snatching the most-loathed mantle, Paul warned that keeping the title for the long haul is another challenge altogether.​
“Becoming despised is easy—staying despised is what separates the men from the boys,” Paul said. “Having said that, I firmly believe that Tom Cotton has what it takes.”​

My view is... if everyone on the left, hates you... then you have done something right in life.

Those mentioned in the satirical piece (Cruz, Rand, Collins and Cotton) are hated by pretty much everyone - Left AND Right. ;)

No they are not. Rand and Cotton have huge support. Cotton was dead on right with what he said.

Truth makes people who are stupid, angry. Because it exposes their limitless ignorance.

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Calling it the “passing of the baton,” Senator Rand Paul on Monday thanked Senator Tom Cotton for replacing him as the most hated person in the United States Senate.​
Paul expressed surprise and no small amount of admiration at Cotton’s feat, telling reporters that being ousted from the most-detested perch was “something that, quite frankly, I didn’t see coming.”​
“When I started attacking Dr. Fauci, I pretty much thought I had the title sewn up,” Paul said. “What I didn’t count on was that someone like Tom was going to come out of nowhere, saying slavery was necessary.”​
According to Senate insiders, Cotton beat out a daunting field of competitors for Senator Paul’s crown, including Mitch McConnell, Susan Collins, and Ted Cruz.​
While he praised Cotton’s audacity in snatching the most-loathed mantle, Paul warned that keeping the title for the long haul is another challenge altogether.​
“Becoming despised is easy—staying despised is what separates the men from the boys,” Paul said. “Having said that, I firmly believe that Tom Cotton has what it takes.”​

My view is... if everyone on the left, hates you... then you have done something right in life.

Those mentioned in the satirical piece (Cruz, Rand, Collins and Cotton) are hated by pretty much everyone - Left AND Right. ;)

No they are not. Rand and Cotton have huge support. Cotton was dead on right with what he said.

Truth makes people who are stupid, angry. Because it exposes their limitless ignorance.

Uh Huh :auiqs.jpg:

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